The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0180, care about Qianqiu

When he returned to the apartment, Gu Yu Qianqiu was startled by the chaotic sound of knocking and moving. The sound was terrifyingly loud. The vibration from the ground made him feel that someone was demolishing the house.

Entering the room, more than a dozen people in overalls were actually dismantling the house, and the ground was covered with nails, wooden strips and electric tools.The booming sound rang, and the wall between the two apartments was immediately broken through.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Qianqiu's distressed eyes were wide open: "This is the apartment I rented, so please stop!"

But the staff didn't care. Some people carried the garbage out, and some people kept hammering on the wall.When he was about to call the police, his brother Nie Kong came over.

Nie Kong wore a pair of leisurely beach pants and walked over with a pair of slippers.He looked a little unhappy, and when he saw Qianqiu, he asked aggressively: "Where have you been fooling around? It took so long to come back?"

"Brother, I joined the club today, and there are activities to participate, so I came back a bit late." Qian Qiu whispered.

"Then if you come back late, at least you should tell me. Look at it, it's past eight o'clock. Hmph, I thought you had been taken by the bad guy." Nie Kong wanted to mention Qian Qiu, behind her. Take a few shots.

Qian Qiu spit out her tongue: "Sorry brother, I will pay attention next time!" Although she was scolded, there was a hint of sweetness in her heart.In addition to her parents, there are people who care about her so much.

"I won't be allowed to come back so late without my consent in the future." As early as seeing Qianqiu MM for the first time, Nie Kong had already regarded her as his own private property.So apart from yourself, others can't even touch it.

"Good." Qianqiu's black bangs turned his eyes and immediately turned to the subject: "Brother, you see someone is demolishing our apartment, why didn't you stop them?"

The building they currently live in is about 100 square meters, divided into five single-person apartments, and a small parking lot.Now inside the apartment, the walls connecting the five apartments have been punched through.The apartment was originally small, but now it looks so big.

"Qianqiu, haven't you seen us renovating? I have already spent money to buy the entire apartment, so now this house belongs to us. Furniture stores and shopping malls, they will soon deliver new furniture "Nie Kong said indifferently.

" much does it cost. Brother, can you tell me? I'll go to my parents and ask if I have any money." Qianqiu said anxiously.

Nie Kong smiled and said, "Don’t be nervous, Xiao Qianqiu, don’t worry if I have a lot of money. Well, although this house has been expanded, it still has simple writing. When you have time, my brother will take you to buy a more luxurious one. ."

In the future, I will have a lot of MMs to live together, so what does such a narrow room look like?

"Then if the decoration hasn't been done at night, where will we sleep with brother?" Qian Qiu said sweatingly.

"It's okay, big brother will take you to open the room." Hearing Nie Kong's words, Qian Qiu's face turned red again.She found that her face hadn't blushed so many times since she was a child.

"Yes...Is that right? Brother is going to take me to open the room." Qian Qiu whispered.My brother is too bad, why do I like to tease my sister so much.Don't you know that Qianqiu will take your words seriously.

"Sir, give me a hand." The worker removed the tatami in the apartment and carried it out.I saw that the staff who had previously moved through the wall to form rubbish had walked out the gate and threw the rubbish on a truck at the door.

After half an hour, apart from the warming table and Qian Dong's clothes, the whole house has been completely moved.

"Let's go, let's have dinner first. When we come back, it will be decorated."

Nie Kong took Qianqiu MM to the western restaurant for dinner. After half an hour, he came back to see that the rooms had been distributed in a regular manner.All the furniture has been renewed, and two warm beds are placed on the right side.

TV, refrigerator, washing machine everything.The small bathroom has also become very spacious. The bathtub of a few meters is located in the bathroom and occupies most of the position.

The workers in the furniture store put the brand new leather sofas and beds, heaters, LCD TVs, and wardrobes.Air-conditioning is installed, curtains are hung on the windows, everything is set, it is already ten o'clock in the evening.

"It feels really good. Qianqiu smiled happily, and suddenly remembered a serious question: "My brother is so beautifully decorated, how much did you spend?"

"Well, it's really a lot of money. I calculate it, it's about my salary for two years overdrawn." That's right, today Nie Kong extorted two years of salary from the old principal to use it.

Anyway, Ishiya Demon High School has not existed for long. Even if Oga didn't destroy it, Nie Kong planned to destroy it.

"Hey, has my brother got a job after going out today? What kind of job is it?" Qianqiu was a little surprised, even if he got a job, it would be too great, he could actually overdraft his salary for so long.

"Secret!" Nie Kong lightly flicked Qianqiu's small forehead, laughed and walked into the bathroom.

"Woo...My brother is too bad, how can you be good for Qianqiu in the future?" Qianqiu's hands tightly tugged at the corners of the skirt, feeling like he couldn't stop.

After the two took a shower, they lay on their big beds and watched TV.Qianqiu's bed is pale pink, while Nie Kong is blue and white.Under the soft mattress, Qianqiu squinted comfortably while watching TV.

"This kind of feeling is so warm. Brother Nie Kong is like a real brother."

It's just that before Qianqiu's feeling came over, the remote control in Nie Kong's hand was switched to an adult channel.The humming voices of the men and women inside, the exciting and shocking scene, directly blushed Qianqiu MM's face.

"No, my brother can't be that bad."

The next morning, Qianqiu was a student, so he got up early to prepare breakfast.Brother Nie Kong was still asleep in bed, she got up early, brushed her teeth and washed her face.I fried two eggs and I'm not satisfied that it's inappropriate.Even Nie Kong didn't have time to make the lunch that Brother Nie Kong had to go out to work. I hope my brother will not blame my sister.

After making breakfast, Qian Qiu asked Nie Kong to get up as always.It's just that today's Nie Kong has already put on pajamas, so he has not been exposed to Qianqiu like yesterday.This made Qian Qiu breathe in his heart, while feeling a little disappointed.

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