The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01825, the Great Asia Alliance

In the spring of 2062, a mysterious man landed in Quanzhou of the Big Han Alliance, destroying the research center of the Kunlun Fangyuan Branch in the city center, causing 800 deaths and countless casualties.In order to find out the identity and origin of the mysterious man, the Big Han Alliance asked the army to take him to the Kunlun Fangyuan headquarters in Nanjing for research.Scientists have discovered that his body structure is too perfect, driving countless magic scientists in the research room crazy.

In the same year, a major event in the Taipei City of the Han Alliance took place.Japan's most famous Yotsuba's parents, Jurchen Yee, went to Taipei to participate in a youth magician exchange meeting hosted by the Asian branch of the International Magic Association and was kidnapped by an unknown person.In the eyes of everyone, it is obviously not an inexplicable disappearance, but a violent kidnapping.Because the fiance Nanakusa Hiroichi, who visited Taiwan with Maya, was seriously injured after fighting with the kidnappers.He not only suffered a laceration and fracture in his right hand and foot, but also lost his right eye.

A few days later, members of the Yotsuba family discovered Yotsuba Maya in the Nanjing City of the Big Han Alliance. They finally believed that the kidnappers were the Han government with a military alliance with Japan, and understood that their ambition was to steal the excellent magic genes of their Yotsuba family.

The head of Yotsuba's clan was very angry about the Dahan's human experiment on Maiya, and mobilized more than half of Yotsuba's power for revenge, and finally died due to excessive use of magic, which led to mental reflux.

The revenge action initiated by Yotsuba Motozo caused 30 deaths in the Yotsuba family, including the head of the house, which is equivalent to half of the total combat power of the Yotsuba family, but they regained Yotsuba's eldest daughter, Maiya.

The relatively large man included soldiers, researchers, government officials, cabinets, magicians and other dead about 4,000 people. The man’s magic research and military capabilities were completely destroyed by this blow, and it was unified by Daya a year later.

In this secret fight between Yotsuba and the big man, there were a total of 30 dead on the side of the Yotsuba family, which was equivalent to losing the head and half of the fighting power.

Under such severe damage, the Great Han collapsed from within a year later, and the Great Asia Alliance unified the Chinese mainland that was split into Great Han and Great Asia.The end of the North-South antagonism in East Asia prompted the end of successive world wars in the northern hemisphere.People who know the truth about the disintegration of the Dahan are afraid of calling the Yotsuba family in Japan the "inviolable taboo"!

The battle ended. After more than a year, Nie Kong's body was forcibly moved to Xuezang, the most secret research base of the Great Asia Alliance military.

Thirty years later, the time has come to 2092!

"Report to General Meng He, Lu Ganghu will come to report." The guy in the shape of a cow in red and yellow armor saluted in front of a research scientist in white.He is Lu Ganghu, the ace magician of the Special Task Force of the Daya United Army.Only from the muscles in the exposed arms, you can see how strong he should be.

"Use your strongest magic to see if you can tear off his skin and flesh. We will use it for research." Although the researcher in front of Lu Ganghu is not in uniform, it seems that Meng Ke's position is very high and full of majesty. Give them orders.

"Yes." Lu Ganghu looked at the handsome man lying sleeping, and although he was dissatisfied that he had recruited himself for this trivial matter, he did not dare to disobey the military order.For him, not to mention tearing the lower skin, just take out Nie Kong's heart.

Lu Ganghu took a pose, his muscles agitated.His hands were shaped like tiger claws, and he suddenly grabbed the lying Nie Kong.

"Chichi!" Bright red blood dripped from the place where the two collided, Lu Ganghu widened his pale yellow pupils, and the onlookers showed ecstatic expressions.

However, when Lu Ganghu's claws left, they found that it was not Nie Kong that was bleeding, but Lu Ganghu's ten fingers.

"No...impossible!" Lu Ganghu murmured.His claws can be easily torn apart even if the steel plate is one centimeter thick. Is the body of the man in front of him harder than steel?

"Hey, forget it, it seems that we can only ask General Liu Yunde, the strongest magician in the Great Asia Alliance, to come back." Meng Ke said with a wry smile, and asked the surrounding scholars to sink Nie Kong into the nutrition tank.

"General Meng He, he...who is he?" Lu Ganghu asked in surprise.If he can regain consciousness, he is definitely a top strategic magician!

His expression was very excited, and the Great Asia Alliance added a strategist, and the Japan they planned would soon become the land of Great Asia.

"No, no one knows his identity. According to intelligence, he appeared mysteriously in Quanzhou twenty years ago and was once studied by the Kunlun Fangyuan. Because we defeated the Dahan Alliance, we only discovered his existence in the warehouse a few months ago. Now his existence is our top secret in Daya. Our base has been studying his body for almost a year, but unfortunately he can't get his genes. He can only help his body with treasures in his eyes. If he can study his genes , I believe that in ten years, the Great Asia Alliance can add a few strategic magicians!!" Meng He said, shaking his head.If it is not for confirming that he is alive, I really think he is a dead person.No need to eat, no nutrient solution for maintenance, his appearance hasn't changed a bit for more than 20 years, it seems that time has stopped his body.

"General Meng Ke, he...he seems to have moved." A surrounding researcher exclaimed.

"What, don't make a mistake." Meng Ke pushed away the crowd in front of him and stepped into the green glass nutrient trough. He didn't believe that a vegetative that had slept for 30 years could wake up.

In the eyes of everyone, Nie Kong's hands and limbs really made subtle movements.

Meng He's expression changed, he understood what that meant.Mo said that Nie Kong's origin is unknown, and his powerful body makes him very jealous.

The Great Asian Alliance is extremely aggressive in politics and military, and it can be said to be very ambitious.Therefore, the upper ranks of the military understood that if Nie Kong really woke up, it meant that he could not completely control Nie Kong, and that would break their abacus.No, their Great Asia Alliance didn’t want Nie Kong to live, and they didn’t want to have another powerful magician who could not be controlled. Even if he died, it would be better to live.

There was no time for Meng He to think about it. He gritted his teeth and directly issued the most dangerous alarm in the base, mobilizing the elite soldiers stationed there.

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