The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01830, Kuroba Ayako

"The gentleman in front, please wait." Nie Kong felt weird when he heard someone calling himself behind him.Except for the little Lolita just now, he should know no one.Nie Kong turned to look around and saw a man in formal clothes walking towards him.He is about thirty or forty years old, wearing a felt hat, and looking serious.Nie Kong glanced at him and realized that his magic power was not low, at least he was a tactical magician.

"Are you looking for me?" Nie Kong asked.

"I take the liberty to interrupt your Excellency. I am Hei Yu Gong, the person in charge of the sales CAD of Siye Technology. Can I waste your time a little." Hei Yu Gong bowed and apologized.The Black Feather Clan is the most influential Four Leaf Family of the Ten Division Clan today, and his Black Feather Tribe is the current Patriarch!

"Sorry, I happen to have something to be busy."

"Huh." Hei Yugong didn't expect that Nie Kong would reject himself so simply and without affection, because even the Tenth Division would sell his face, "Don't worry, maybe I can help you."

"Well, I plan to buy a house in Tokyo to settle down, otherwise I can only sleep in a hotel tonight." Nie Kong stopped watching Hei Yu Gong, who was unwilling to give up.

"That's it, why don't you come to my house for the time being tonight, and tomorrow I will have someone arrange those things for you." Hei Yu Gong smiled.

"It looks like I met you for the first time, why are you helping me like this?" Nie Kong hugged Xiong in both hands, looking at him and said.He also probably guessed the reason, it was the magic he tried just now that attracted the attention of Hei Yu Gong.

"You are joking, every tactical magician is a treasure of our country, and of course he will be respected by everyone." Hei Yu Gong said.There may be only one or two strategic level magicians in a country, and the number of tactical level magicians is not too much.And he remembered the list of tactical magicians of each family in Japan, Nie Kong obviously was not one of them.

"By the way, I almost forgot to ask your name."

"My name is Nie Kong."

"Nie Kong? Are you from the Great Asia Alliance?"

"That's right, is there any problem?" Nie Kong asked back.

"No, no, welcome to my house as a guest." Hei Yugong laughed. The Daya magician who knows modern magic is really interesting. I don't know he has a relationship with her.


Riding in a limousine by Kuroba, passing by Tokyo's first high school on the way.Soon Nie Kong and the others arrived at their destination. The large yard and lush woods, and the last tower that stood up, showed the rich financial resources of their Black Feather family.

He invited Nie Kong into the house, which was full of high-tech and modern style.

Back in the living room, several maids came out to serve tea immediately.At the same time, a pair of Loli Zhengtai ran out and happily gathered around Hei Yu Gong.Can understand their identity from their performance, it must be Hei Yu Gong's two children.

Sure enough, when Hei Yu Gong introduced them, Nie Kong understood their names, one was Hei Yu Ya Yezi, and the other was Hei Yu Wen Mi!!His elder brother Aami wears a short suit, even with a decorative belt, he looks like a young master of a big family.

On the other hand, Ya Yezi uses a dress with a lot of ribbons, piping and decorative buckles, with knee socks and short boots decorated with ribbons, and beautifully curled long hair is decorated with piping headbands.

"She looks like an old friend of mine." Nie Kong said when he looked at the eleven-year-old Black Feather Yayezi Lori.

"Actually, I feel the same way." Hei Yugong glanced at Nie Kong, who seemed to think that he was a little bit unreasonable.

"Dad, who is he." Ya Yezi whispered.

"His name is Nie Kong, the guests of our Hei Yu family, please call Uncle Nie Kong quickly." Hei Yu Gong Wen said.

"Good Uncle Nie Kong." The pseudo-mother Hei Yu Fumiya shouted first, and Ya Yezi, who was a step slower, pouted dissatisfiedly.

"Call me Big Brother Nie Kong." Nie Kong smiled and touched Ya Yezi's head.

"My children are cute."

Hei Yu Gong is happy to show off his children. For example, Ya Yezi won the piano competition, Wen Mi was praised by the equestrian teacher, etc. Nie Kong would occasionally deal with a few words.

When it was time for dinner, Nie Kong and Hei Yugong came to the venue that was too spacious for a personal dinner, with a luxurious table as expected.

During the period, Nie Kong consulted them about Japan-related information, mainly information about Japanese families.

"By the way, I actually have a problem and need your help. I just came to Japan from Daya, but I didn't bring any formalities or identity certificates. I hope you can help me get an identity certificate. I probably live in Tokyo. For a while." Nie Kong said.

"Yeah!! Although it's a bit troublesome, it's also very simple. I will help you handle it." Hei Yu Gong answered.

"Then I will thank you first."

"Well, before you don’t have a Japanese ID, the purchase of a house may be delayed for a few days. You can live in our Kuroba's house for the time being. And you have to go out to work after you buy a house. Maybe you come to help our Kuroba's family. Do things." Hei Yu Gong said.

"No, I actually have my own plan. I am going to be a magic teacher in the first college. Well, Ya Yezi, you may call me Teacher Nie Kong in the future." Nie Kong said.

"Oh, Brother Nie Kong wants to be a magic teacher, is it really okay?" Ya Yezi laughed mischievously.

"Haha, Ya Ye is right. Although you are very strong, not everyone can be the magic teacher in the school. With your identity from the Great Asia Alliance, hope is very slim." Gong shook his head and said.

Nie Kong frowned, originally thinking that as long as he understood magic knowledge, he would be able to do it.Anyway, he didn't want to help Japan teach several strategic magicians.

It's really not good, maybe it's good to be a student, by the way, learn the magic knowledge of this world.Although it doesn't have much effect on his strength, it is good to be able to learn more tricks.

"Why don't you come to be my home teacher, Brother Nie Kong, I won't mind." Hei Yu Wenya said quickly.

"Well, I will play with you for a few days."

Nie Kong laughed blankly, he didn't understand why Xiao Zhengtai had a good impression of him.

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