The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 01859, changing clothes late at night

Leaving Siye Technology, the time point was past five o'clock in the evening, and the blood-colored sunset dyed most of the sky.Nie Kong just returned to his yard and occasionally heard the girl humming happily.Although it is a little small, it seems to come from late at night.

Nie Kong was a little weird. His curiosity drove him to the bedroom late at night. His voice was much clearer than outside.There is only one person hiding in his bedroom. If it is a teenager, it must have been secretly sent.But late at night is a mature young woman, shouldn't he also be using something similar to cucumber, or using his own fingers, Nie Kong couldn't help but a scene that is not suitable for children popped up in his mind.

Maybe she was too careless. The door to her bedroom was not locked, and Nie Kong couldn't help but push open the half-covered door.Before showing up to stop her from destroying Cucumber, Nie Kong found that he guessed the beginning, but failed to guess the end.

In the middle of the night, the clothes were half untied, exposing large areas of snow-white skin, and the two snow-white hemispheres were half-covered in the black underwear, which looked particularly seductive and inviting.And the lower body only wore a pair of black silk pants, and the slender legs were undoubtedly revealed.The figure in the middle of the night was not as plump as Tsukushi, nor was he as tall as Esders.She is of that slim type, one point is too fat and one part is thinner.But her skin is undoubtedly white and tender, crystal clear like lychee meat.

"Who?" Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked vigilantly late at night.

"Ahem!! It's me, Nie Kong." Nie Kong stayed for a while after seeing the situation inside. Although it was her freedom to wear whatever clothes she wore late at night, Nie Kong had no right to complain.

"You... why don't you knock on the door!" The snow-white pretty face in the middle of the night became extremely ruddy, her moist eyes glared at Nie Kong fiercely, and at the same time hurriedly covered her exposed skin with her clothes.

The first time I exposed my skin in front of another man, I felt ashamed late at night.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were changing clothes. I pushed it and found that the door was unlocked." Looking at her standing in front of her closet, Nie Kong realized that she might be trying on the clothes she gave her a few days ago. Set cute clothes.

"Occasionally when I came back, I heard a noise in the yard, thinking something was wrong with you. Anyway, are you finally willing to wear those clothes?" Nie Kong said with a light smile.

Except for the conservative maid uniforms, some of the clothes Nie Kong prepared for her were very revealing.For example, the skirt she is holding now is so short that it can hide the bottoms and pants.

Change to the rest of the two-dimensional world, that suit is too ordinary.The current world is different from before. Girls' dresses have become very conservative. Their skirts can barely show skin above the knees, and their tops are long sleeves with no arms exposed.

It is said that around the year 2030, the earth's rapid freezing led to the Third World War.Clothing etiquette that does not reveal the skin is undoubtedly a sequelae of the severe cold era.

The cute uniform of the miniskirt is undoubtedly very bold and impactful.Nie Kong had given them late into the night before, and she would not wear them anyway.

"Who...who wears that kind of revealing clothes, I...I actually plan to throw it away!! Those clothes have long been out of fashion, and girls of the last century will wear them." It seems that Nie Kong said. In the middle of the night, his eyes were full of panic.

"Is it? I'm obviously happy to hear that I'm humming and trying on clothes." Nie Kong joked.

In the middle of the night, her face was bloodshot, and she threw the skirt to Nie Kong in an embarrassed manner: " give me out, I want to change my clothes."

Nie Kong caught the clothes and walked towards her quickly: "What's so shy, although you look pretty late at night, even if you wear too conservative clothes, it's okay. But if you change into this kind of clothes, it will make me feel that you have changed. Many years young, like a girl of sixteen or seventeen."

"Nonsense, could I be more than 20 years younger." Shen Xue stepped back, avoiding Nie Kong's hot gaze.

"Well, or I will help you wear it myself." Nie Kong looked at her smirkly, making her blush and heartbeat late at night, feeling like she had never done before.

Nie Kong stuffed all the clothes into her arms, obviously not giving her a chance to object.

It's okay to say to myself late at night, only this time.Then she pushed Nie Kong out of her bedroom. She planned to change into Nie Kong's suit.

"But... it's okay." When Nie Kong heard it late at night, Nie Kong seemed to be beaten with blood.He opened the door, and the first thing he saw was her graceful back.

It is a pair of slender and plump beautiful legs, and the skin exudes a bright white luster.She lowered her face, not daring to look at Nie Kong.

But Nie Kong was able to see her black hair half-covered, revealing her drunken red cheeks, full of charm.

It seemed that as long as he slightly raised his leg late at night, Nie Kong could see the scenery in his short skirt.And the upper body is wearing a blue sling cute, such as jade clavicle, small shoulders and deep breasts and grooves are fully presented.

Although seeing her beautiful body in underwear, Nie Kong changed to the cool clothes of a girl, and Nie Kong felt that the night before him was more attractive to him.Nie Kong only felt his breathing stagnated, and his whole body began to feel warm.

"It's so beautiful and cute. Now it looks like your daughter Shen Xue looks like a pair of sisters." Nie Kong admired.

Late at night, her hands were unaccustomed to pulling the corners of the short skirt, and she also saw herself in the mirror.I can't believe it, that young girl full of vitality is actually herself, and she feels that she has become much younger.Yes, she doesn't look like a young woman in her forties at all.

And since I was educated by nobles since I was young, I dare to wear such revealing clothes, I am so ashamed.

Because I was "dead" and lost everything I had before, but I gained unprecedented freedom. No matter what I did, no one would make irresponsible remarks.

Hmm, but so shameful.How should I put it, I feel as if I have become Nie Kong's wife!!Even the previous self did not have any experience of living alone with others.

She herself has lived in Yotsuba's home since she was a child, and she would take her guardian or Yotsuba's housekeeper when she traveled.

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