The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 0187, her name is Gremory?

"I'm rude, I'm a maid demon serving the eldest lady! My name is Grefeya Lukifergus!" She gently stretched out her hands like jade, trying to hug the baby in Nie Kong's arms.The little baby girl pouted her mouth, her little hand clutching the corner of Nie Kong's clothes tightly and ignoring Griffia's invitation.

"Devil?" Such a beautiful maid would be a devil, isn't it a mistake, Qianqiu thought stupidly.

Why is this name so familiar? It is clear that there is no such woman in the world of Dad.Nie Kong thought hard, but his memory was a bit vague due to too many girls in the second dimension.

Griffia retracted her hands with a bitter smile, and gently explained: "This is the sister of my Majesty the Demon King Serjax Lucifer, the eldest daughter of the Seventy-Two Pillar Demon King Gremory, Rias Gremory. In the future. He is the heir to our Gremory clan, who came to this world because of His Majesty Lucifer."

"You said her surname is Gremory, not Caesar Di Ampilana?" Familiar name, familiar sister paper.Nie Kong's Shuangxiu Cultivation Method worked quickly, desperately pushing his vague memory.Gradually, the blurred picture became clear.But they are soft sisters in the High School of the Devil, how can they appear in the world of Dad?Nie Kong is a little messy, so he won't be able to play with him.I haven't changed any plots. Why has the world of Dad become so weird?

In fact, because Nie Kong destroyed several two-dimensional planes, the waves that have emerged have already affected the rest of the planes.As for whether it is good or bad, Nie Kong is still unknown.

Lias's beauty, Lias's cuteness!Did she accidentally accept her as her own daughter?

"Yes, she is our Gremory's eldest lady! In the future, she will have the opportunity to become the top demon of His Majesty the Demon King. Coming to this strange world is the result of careful consideration by His Majesty Lucifer." Griffia was born in the demon family outside the preface. Lucifer, the famous door of his family, has served as a confidant of Lucifer to the old devil for generations, and everyone knows his strength.

Now the underworld has completed its reforms, but in order to find a place for the old demon king faction to settle, Serjeks moved his gaze to this territory in another time and space.After inadvertently getting acquainted with the devil in the world of daddy, Serjeks secretly smuggled Griffia and Rias here.

The old demon school supported by Griffia fell, and all the demons who inherited the blood of the demon king were overthrown by the reformists headed by Serjax.As a result, although there is no blood of the demon king, as long as the strength is outstanding, no matter which superior demon is able to become the supreme demon king.

Before Griffia had time to fall in love with Serjeks, Serjeks directly sent her here to explore the place where they belonged to the defeated old demons.Fortunately, the world here is not much different from your own, and it is even more suitable for the survival of demons than the previous world.After all, there are many powerful forces in the world of Devil's High School.For example, the Angels, the Nordic God Realm, Mount Sumeru in the East, various dragons...

The Demon King in this world now has the strength to compete with His Majesty the Demon King, but there is no problem if the old Demon Sect to which he belongs will surpass his strength.There is still a year left, and one year later his old demons can come here.During this time, I will bear the humiliation and serve your sister.

"Devil... Demon King? Could it be that such a cute little baby will destroy our human world in the future." Thinking of this, Qianqiu's consciousness was completely clear.

"Now His Majesty the Demon King is here to find humans suitable for cultivating her sister. As for the destruction of humans, I still look at Lias. But the children of the Demon Lord are not only Lias, but also Caesar Di Amperna in the devil world. Beluzebab 4th. During this time, please take care of you." Griffia leaned slightly, with a gentle smile on his face.

Although she didn't recognize Nie Kong's strength in her heart, she didn't care.Because she herself just took the time to submit to Serjeks' orders.As for what humans his sister found, it was irrelevant.

"Da huh!" Li Yasi's little head was affectionately attached to Nie Kong's arms, and the relationship with Nie Kong was too cordial.

"Brother, what should I do now?" Xiao Qianqiu was no longer a master after hearing such a burst of news.The only thing I can rely on is the steady brother in front of me.After all, the contents of the devil and the destruction of the world were too far away from her before.

"Can't you accept it?" Griffia asked.

"Although I can't accept it, I am willing to accept it in order to lead Little Lias on the way!" Handing such lovely Lias to Zhacheng, Nie Kong felt uncomfortable to death!Little Lias is mine, no one can take it away.As a man, I am very jealous of that scumbag!How can I give Liyasi to such a beautiful Dragon Emperor!

"Hehe..." Griffia suddenly chuckled, her cold pretty face melted like an iceberg.Beauty bubbling, no wonder Serjax would marry her as his wife.

"You are really interesting, but it's not enough to just say it! I just learned a very strange contract technique in the demon world, you can sign the contract now. After signing the contract, you can use the destruction of Rias Magic power."

The Demon Realm Contract that Griffia said was probably something similar to the Jomon pattern signed by demons and humans in the world of Dad.I took out a piece of paper from my arms with a Rubik's Cube on it.

"Contract? No, elder brother can never be her servant!" Qian Qiu exclaimed excitedly.

"That said, if I were to be a servant, I couldn't agree."

Griffia paused for a while, and then said with a serious look: "This is the human world. The devil who has not signed a contract can only exert one-tenth of the magic power. This contract is an equal contract and can circulate the power between you. Surgery. After signing the contract, it will only increase your intimacy and it will have no effect."

Nie Kong was a little surprised. He didn't feel that his power was reduced. Is it because he is a mutant vampire.

"I'll help Lias sign the contract first, and if you want, drop your blood on the magic circle." Griffia said, grabbing Lias' little hand and stabbing a drop of blood.

The red magic circle burst out with a faint black radiance, very strange.

"If it doesn't affect it, it doesn't matter if you sign the contract." Nie Kong's fingers spilled a drop of golden blood, and the terrifying energy radiated from the blood made Griffia discolored.

"It's such a terrifying magic power. It's already at the level of a demon king. How can human beings in a mere paltry have such great magic power?"

"Boom!" Golden blood dripped on the magic circle, directly bursting the magic circle.It was just that on the back of Nie Kong's hand, a few red magic patterns were drawn.

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