The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 01897, strategic magic-the abyss! !

Nie Kong and Wulunmin were separated by a distance of 5 meters according to the rules, and each prepared their own magic.Mio's body was full of imaginative light, showing how strong her magical power is.

She raised her head and stared at Nie Kong closely, holding a flat-panel exclusive specialized CAD in her hand.She was originally strong enough. After using specialized CAD, high-level magic is estimated to be able to be displayed within a second.And with advance preparation, magic with low complexity can basically be equivalent to instant.

"Start!" In Nanakusa Hiroichi's announcement, the magic of both parties was cast instantly.

Wulunming stretched out his hand to Nie Kong gracefully, and whispered, "Sand Dust Stream!!" She did not take any defense at all, she constructed the magic style based on the premise of teaching Nie Kong.

Sand and dust flew up from the dirt in the yard, and the wind rolled up the dust.The sand dust that appeared about two meters in front of Wulunmin gradually increased in weight and speed as it rushed forward, and finally turned into a turbid sand current and attacked Nie Kong.

The compound magic of acceleration and aggregation-sand dust flow, is a wide-area attack magic that uses the initially rolled sand dust as the core and increases the density during the movement.Regardless of solid, liquid, or gas, the field magic that sets up the force field reversal vector.

Generally speaking, the difficulty of using domain-wide magic is higher than that of magic used for specific targets.What Wulunjia is good at is surprisingly large-scale medium and long-range magic.

Seeing the dust storm coming, Mayumi's three daughters immediately covered their mouths with their sleeves.The smoke and dust could be noticed more than 20 meters away, how uncomfortable Nie Jun in the center of the sandstorm should be.

"Connect the square wall!" Nie Kong held his hand in front of him, and at the same time, it seemed that the square of the air wall surrounded Nie Kong in all directions.The rushing sand and dust river cannot break through its barriers.

The magic of the ten literary scholars, by honing their natural spatial cognition ability to a higher level, familiar with the use of various field defense magic, thus obtaining the alias of iron wall.

Even Spoda's ability of danger A "decomposed", and it couldn't break its defenses, not to mention the small dust in front of him.

"What a terrifying talent, not only the daughter's magic bullet hunter, but he actually learned the "Iron Wall" of the ten characters family... even the square wall?" Nanakusa Hiroichi was stunned, thinking he was dazzled.How well does he match the magical attributes of the Seven Herbs? If the advantages of the two are combined, the next generation is likely to have a terrifying system-wide talent!!

"Don't make those useless, hurry up and let me see the strategic magic of your Wulun family." Nie Kong waved his hand, and the surrounding "air barriers" pushed out five meters around him. , Like a moving sturdy dam to disperse the rushing sand and dust stream!

Wulunmin's pretty face was full of seriousness. She thought that one move had already decided the outcome, and by the way made Nie Kong ashamed, but she did not expect that Nie Kong could use the strongest defensive magic in ten words!!No wonder Nanakusa Hiroichi will agree to Mayumi's engagement with him. His magical talent is stronger than that of ten characters.No, could it be that he is the illegitimate child of a ten-literature family?And in this way, ordinary magic has no effect at all.If you don't want to lose to him, you must use the magic that you are good at-the abyss!!

It is a pity that "Abyss" can exert the strongest power in the sea, sinking water with a radius of tens of meters to thousands of meters into a spherical magic.Ships swallowed by the magical activation domain on the sea surface will slide or fall over from the steep water surface, and be buried in the seabed in the huge tsunami caused by the removal of the magic to restore the sea level.The "deep" with a radius of one kilometer can make a hemisphere with a depth of up to one kilometer. Even a submarine in the sea can easily get into it. This magic has a range of tens of kilometers.It can destroy one fleet at a time, so it is considered a strategic level magic.At this time, even though it was on the ground, Wulunmin could also be used.

"It's really arrogant. As a senior, I have to teach you a lesson." Wulunmin said, and the surging thoughts suddenly broke out from her weak body.

"Abyss!!" Within 20 meters of Nie Kong, he only felt that a magnitude seven or eight earthquake had occurred!The beautiful yard of Qicao's family has cracked a few large cracks in the driving range that had been consolidated several times.

Although there is no sea water, if the "deep" is launched on groundwater, many buildings can collapse at the same time.

"Are you here?" After Nie Kong avoided a dozen ground cracks, groundwater spurted out of it, forming a ring around Nie Kong.

The standing water wall is ten meters high and covers an area of ​​more than thirty square meters, like a simple spherical shape.Don't guess, the wall of water will definitely pounce on him in the next second.

Nie Kong looked at it, and suddenly laughed and laughed.What, it really is the abyss, it is exactly the same as the 30 alchemists in Chenghai 3C.If you add the magic enchantment of the great magician, it can form a "blood pool".

"That is the strategic magic of your Wulun family, and its power is a bit unsatisfactory."

Nie Kong tweeted lightly, floating strangely in the air at a height of 10 meters.The submerged water flowed through the soles of his feet and once again rolled into the cracks in the ground.

"Wh...what, is that flying magic?" Even if the magician uses gravity control magic, he can't cross a height of ten meters and avoid her magic.

"Since the abyss has also seen it, it is now my turn to take action." Nie Kong did not answer, but grabbed the CAD in his hand.

"Dry hail meteor!"

In the sky above Nie Kong, dozens of sharp hailstones suddenly floated. It turned out that Nie Kong used a bullet with enhanced penetration.

They are shaped like small flying swords, emitting crystal light in the sun.

"Domain interference!" Seeing Nie Kong used the ice sword made of magic dry hail meteors, she hurriedly arranged a confrontation magic around her.She reproduced events in a certain range centered on herself, so that the range was not affected by magic.It is not a defensive magic like that of a Shi Wenjia, but strengthening intelligence to make the magic invalid.

"Crush!" But Nie Kong's magic did not end, and a black line suddenly appeared on the edge of the snow sword in the sky.Slashing is a magic that causes the blade to repel the horizontal sides of the slashing direction, and cuts the objects that the blade touches like it is pushed left and right.The repulsive force field is less than one millimeter thin, but the intensity is enough to affect the light waves, so the tip of the sword is a black line from the front.

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