The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0190Lesson Ji Chuan

As soon as the bell rang after class, the male deer dragged the ancient city out of the classroom.The little Beilu behind him has not recovered his emotions, and his pale green eyes are still filled with tears.

"Hey, male deer, where are we going." The ancient city, which cannot resist male deer, has long been accustomed to silently accepting male deer's S behavior.

"Does this need to be said? Of course it is to find a father who is suitable for raising little Beiru. That is a more cruel guy than me, Toho Shinki in Ishiya Demon." Oga said without thinking.

"This is your business, don't pull me down." Although there is a male deer as a backer, the ancient city still has some panic.Seeing Shishi Demon's Toho Shinki, that would be terrifying.

"Idiot Gushi, don't say anything like it doesn't have you." The male deer tightened the collar of Gushi firmly, completely ignoring all his opinions.

The two walked up from the second floor to the fourth floor, but a bald-headed man suddenly rolled from the third floor on the stairway.

"Get out of me, don't prevent me from getting out of school!" The male deer and Gu Shimian jumped up weirdly, skipping rope-like avoiding the brawny man who was ramming them.

"Isn't that the second-year killing machine Abe? A few days ago, it was rumored that someone forced him to get out of school. I didn't expect it to be true." Furuichi said in surprise.

"That's right, it's too cruel." The male deer nodded and shouted.

"It's not your turn to say these words, don't you often brutally force others to kneel in front of you to admit their mistakes." Gu Shi despised in his heart.

The two skipped the second grade on the third floor and appeared directly in the third grade on the fourth floor.

"Kanzaki-kun in Toho Shinki, he should be a middle school student in Class 1 of Year 3, right." Oga brought Koichi to the door of Class 1 of Year 3, with a smile that he believed to be "kind" on his murderous face.

"Crack!" The door of the classroom was directly opened to the male deer violently.

"Hello, is Fantastic-kun here? This is Kanzaki-kun's classroom, isn't it?" Oga's voice became smaller and smaller, and his fierce eyes were full of consternation when he saw the scene inside.

"Male deer, what's the matter." The ancient city behind strangely pushed the male deer who was stunned in place, and followed his gaze into the classroom of Class 1 of the 3rd year.

It's so weird, it's so weird.Kanzaki Ichi, known as Toho Shinki, was in the class. At this time, the whole class sat obediently like elementary school students, very obedient.I must be dreaming, when did Ishiya Demon's Kanzaki become so kind?

"Male deer, Gushi! It's almost time for class now, why are you two running here?" Nie Kong on the stage turned around and scolded them.

"Is it a math teacher?" Oga and Gushi took a few steps back in shock. They really didn't expect to meet the teacher from the previous class here.

Nie Kong was originally going to attend the math class of Class 2 of Year 2, which is the class where Kwai is.It's just that Aoi has led the whole class of female students to pacify Kanto this morning, so there is no one in the class.

And the second-year so-called killing machine Abe taught Nie Kong again, angrily wanted to teach Nie Kong.Only under Nie Kong's hypnotism, Abe tragically got out of school again.

Since the second class was not available, Nie Kong had to go to the third floor and once again came to Class 1 of the third year.Seeing Nie Kong's Kanzaki gang, they were so scared and panicked that they took their place.

Even the rebellious elder brother Kanzaki did not lose the determination to resist.On the one hand, it was a matter of strength, on the other hand, Nie Kong squeezed their handle.

"I'm very sorry to disturb you in class, we will leave now." Gu Shijun hurriedly stood up and sincerely apologized for what they had done.The male deer looked disappointed, probably because he failed to push Beiru out.

"The two first-year little ghosts in front, get out of the way!" Just as the male deer and the ancient city were about to leave, a arrogant voice came from outside the classroom.Gushi hurriedly pulled the male deer to hide aside, making way for the people behind.

With the sound of messy footsteps, a guy with silver hair and a casual beach shirt broke into Class 1.A few younger brothers followed him.

"It's the eldest brother Jichuan from Toho Shinki, why is he here?" Gu Shi whispered in Oga's ear.

"Then don't leave, my instinct tells me that a fight is going to happen here." The male deer said excitedly.

"Oh, Kanzaki, you are getting more and more useless. Not only did you fail to drive the teacher out of Shiya Demon, but you also acted as his good student. I just laughed off my big teeth, haha..." Ji Chuan who came in saw the class Kanzaki, who was stunned for a moment, burst out laughing wildly.

Kanzaki's face immediately lowered his head in shame, without explaining much.Dignified bad students, so listen to the teacher.For Kanzaki, there is nothing more humiliating than this.

"Hmph, since you are so useless! Then he will be solved by me, Ji Chuan." Taking a frivolous step, Ji Chuan's eyes under his sunglasses flashed with disdain.Dealing with these teachers is really not challenging.

"Let's talk about the price, you will leave Shiya Demon for as much as you want." If he can solve the problem with money, Ji Chuan will not use other troublesome means.

As the rich second generation of the Jichuan chaebol, he has never been restrained in his growth.It is an IQ who believes that everything can be solved with money and has no doubt about it.

"Hehe... If I asked you all the property of the Jichuan chaebol, would you give it to me?" Nie Kong smiled.

" can tell me how many catties I have! Just because you want to get involved with our Jichuan chaebol? Don't say I bully you with too many people. If you want to beat me Jichuan, you can give it a try Okay. Otherwise, give me the point of understanding and roll out the Shiya Demon." Ji Chuan pointed to his belly, his face full of confidence.

"Pop!" As Ji Chuan wanted, Nie Kong's right fist bombarded his lower abdomen with fierce force.In an instant, Ji Chuan's triumphant smile was replaced by twisted pain.He only felt like he was hitting a train traveling at 300 per hour, and there was a piercing pain in his abdomen.

The high-strength ceramic plate blocking his lower abdomen smashed into powder, and Ji Chuan's body was shot backwards uncontrollably.The dozen or so people who stood in the doorway watching the good show were like bowling balls, all knocked down by Ji Chuan.

"Woo..." Little Beilu let out a painful cry, and the dazzling electric light directly turned them into coke.The screaming sound resounded through Shiyamo High School.

There was a lot of cold sweat on Kanzaki's forehead, and he was very glad that he did not provoke Nie Kong.

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