The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 01914I can't distinguish the front and back

"Nie Jun, what do you think of the clothes." The match didn't start, and Morley ran out.At this time, she was wearing a blue tights that perfectly fitted her body, with bright and conspicuous school badges.Unlike Nie Kong’s imagined swimsuit, it looks like a sealed diving suit!The tight competition suit showed her slender torso.Fortunately, I was wearing underwear, otherwise I might miss something.

Nie Kong looked a little disappointed. It stands to reason that surfing wears a swimsuit.The game-specific uniform now seems to be wrapping rice dumplings.

"It's very beautiful, it just feels that the clothes can't distinguish the front and back." Nie Kong commented.

Morley's happy face stiffened, and Nie Kong's words seemed to have suddenly petrified her, more effective than Medusa's eyes.

"Haha, what Nie Jun said so brilliantly, he actually summarized it in one sentence." Seeing Mori's face, Mayumi covered her belly and laughed.

In fact, the scale of Mori-Hungarian siege is not much different from Mayumi, but Mayumi's body is small and exquisite, and it is very suitable for the proportion of the Hungarian pair.Morley is slender, so he feels a little smaller.Of course, Nie Kong only used his eyes to measure, without personally controlling it.

Morley put his hand in front of him and glared at Nie Kong in annoyance: "Really, Nie Jun, where are you looking."

Nie Kong laughed lightly, "I apologize, what the eyes see may not be true, maybe Morley hides them on purpose."

"Even if...say that, I...I won't let you touch it." Morley made a face at Nie Kong, and ran out.Although he was used to Nie Kong's hands and feet in the past six months, Mori protected him quite well.Every time Nie Kong tasted her cherry lips and touched her with both hands, she would always run away shyly.

"We need to cheer for the game." Nie Kong reminded him, and Morley waved his hand indifferently.

Shen Xue looked at Nie Kong and the two women in harmony, her eyes full of envy.It's great to be able to go to school in the same class as Big Brother Nie Kong.


The large-scale waterway is completed and everything is ready.The four contestants stood side by side on a somewhat crowded waterway, each with a bracelet-shaped custom CAD on their wrist.Morley was in the center, his headband and straight short hair swaying in the wind, like a handsome knight.

The other players knelt on one or both feet to prepare for the sprint, only Morley stood straight.The loudspeaker issued an order, and with the sound of gunfire, the game began.

Morley's pedals glided on the water and instantly rushed to the first place.Only ten meters ahead, there was a sudden explosion on the surface of the water. Probably some students tried to make waves to stop Morley with waves.

To everyone's surprise, the huge waves had no effect on Morley.Morley leaped off like a sailboat riding on a surfboard.

It should not be used to control the pedal with movement magic, but to move the pedal and oneself as a single entity, or to use movement magic on two targets at the same time, the body and the pedal.

"Awesome, Molly used both hardening magic and movement magic at the same time." Mayumi praised her gently.

"Yes, first use hardening magic to treat yourself and the wave treadmill as a whole, and then use self-acceleration. No matter which type, you must clearly define the target of magic to be able to do it." Shenxue nodded.Combine yourself and the pedal as components, and use movement magic as a single entity.And it’s not a permanent type. Both hardened magic and moving magic set the duration to match the track changes.That magic alone is already very difficult, because it needs to be changed at any time.

"Nie Jun, it seems that the little girl you kidnapped back is very difficult." Mayumi looked at Shen Xue in surprise, and she noticed that Shen Xue exudes a strong light of thought.

"Shen Xue's magical power is very strong, don't underestimate her. If she was born two years earlier, the representative of the first high school student will not be your turn." Nie Kong nodded and said.

"is it."

Mayumi pouted, naturally full of unbelief.When she praised another girl in front of her, the young and energetic Mayumi naturally refused to accept it.

"No, I'm not the opponent of Big Brother Nie Kong, much worse than Big Brother Nie Kong." Shen Xue explained in a low voice.

"If you can win Nie Jun, that would be strange." Mayumi snorted.

"Keep watching the game, Morley should win." Nie Kong didn't continue the topic, and turned his eyes to the stadium.

After a short time of looking away, Morley's figure had gone to the blind corner of the stand and was invisible.Nie Kong and the others moved their eyes to the large screen.

Saw Morley uphill along the waterway upstream.

"Accelerate magic." Looking at her movements, it is a technique that reverses the external acceleration vector.At the same time, she seems to use magic to create anti-phase waves, reduce wave resistance, and cleverly combine exquisite magic one by one.In contrast to the high-speed and high-precision magic that shocks the audience by raising the beauty to the artistic realm, Mori is a magic that is contingent and colorful, like a rainbow of seven colors.

When Morley rushed to the top of the ramp, he jumped down the waterfall from a height of ten meters.It was just this level that made many players lose.Because you have to stand on a wave board to maintain your balance, jumping from a height of ten meters is not small.

The surface of the water aroused obvious waves when Morley landed, and the pedal used the pedal to send out the magic of the vibration system when it fell.The big wave that Morley generated with magic not only pushed her pedals, but also caused the players who landed behind to almost fall into the water.

Mori's magical power is very strong, and under the guidance of Nie Kong and his diligent practice, at least it is not comparable to the level of a first-year high school student.

After one lap of the race, Morley led the second place by 200 meters and successfully completed the promotion.

In the eyes of everyone, Morley was like an arrogant and proud swan, standing in front of the stage with heroic handsomeness, which attracted the screams of most boys and girls.Although her appearance is not as refined as Mayumi, her temperament adds a lot of points, and her popularity is not much lower than Mayumi.

Shen Xue looked at Nie Kong and looked forward to Nie Kong's appearance.At that time, I believe that Big Brother Nie Kong will definitely shock everyone.

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