The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 01916, Nie Kong vs Lei Shan Che

Among the events of the nine-school competition, the group ball grabbing points is the competition event with the largest number of matches on the day.

If you only talk about the number of games, the secret monument decoding is the most frequent one of the six events. Group ball grabbing and icicle offense and defense are also five games, but the secret monument decoding and icicle offense and defense are divided into two days.

Even though the game time for a round of scoring a group of balls is very short, according to the nature of the competition, magic must be used continuously with a frequency that can hardly breathe in the three-minute round. The burden of each game is definitely not small.

After all, the "group ball grabbing" is divided into four group games, so the five games of each group need to end in half a day.

Therefore, to win the championship, how to control the consumption of mana and physical strength is recognized as the most important factor.Of course, only the player like Nie Kong who continued to use magic from start to finish, can be said to be supernormal and foul.

The last game of the rookie men’s team was the one-high VS four-high winning finals. The four-high Lei Shantou had good strength and luck. He did not meet Nie Kong in the first four games and became Nie Kong’s last opponent. .

"The next important thing is the key to victory or defeat. Can Nie Kong continue his physical strength?" Yang Shi turned on the terminal computer and kept checking Yi Gao's score.

"Don't worry, I think there are not many people who can beat him. Although the Leishan family is a thunder element family, it is not as good as the ten divisions! The four-high trump card is much worse than ours." Chiba Xiu Second response.

"Yeah, he has the strength to beat my sister Mio. As long as he wins the first place, we will be able to temporarily lead the third high by 30 points at the first high. I hope that nothing goes wrong." Shook his head and said softly.

In the eyes of the two, the newcomer men’s team finals Nie Kong vs. Lei Shanche, which was followed by more than 100,000 people, announced the start!

Lei Shanche stood facing Nie Kong at the other end of the field, his eyes faintly flashing with confidence.

"You are a high-ranking rookie ace Nie Kong, I admit that you have a strong magical power, but Lei Shantou will completely defeat you." The game has not started, but Lei Shantou has issued a declaration of victory.Saying those words from such a strong man's mouth is indeed shocking.

"I hope your performance can be as good as your mouth, otherwise I will find it very boring." Nie Kong sorted out his clothes a bit, and didn't even look at him.

Lei Shantou's face was slightly angry, probably because the lightning magic had a great influence on his personality, so he was easily irritable.

"Very well, I will let you know how powerful our Leishan family is."

The eyes that looked down slightly contained mysterious light, and the gesture of holding CAD was like a solemn prayer.At the moment when the air ball came, Lei Shan Toru released the brewing magic.He only uses magic, without a racket in his hand.As if he would complement his imagination with his body movements, the short pistol CAD held with both hands quickly pointed at the ball.

Lei Shanche deserves to be the trump card in the group ball competition. It seems that he is good at moving system magic.The ball captured by the movement magic will change direction in the air before it falls on its own field, drawing an unnatural arc and rushing to Nie Kong's field instantly.And at the moment of crossing the net, it rebounds at twice the speed.Because of the sudden acceleration, many people can't keep up with the speed of the ball.

Nie Kong lightly jumped to the right, and the racket hung in the air and rotated.Nie Kong cleverly caught the incoming ball and counterattacked it with moving magic. The air ball became four times faster and hit Lei Shanche's blind spot, making the audience shout wonderful!

Lei Shanche's face was solemn, and his body flashed in front of the ball like lightning.Good at lightning magic, really fast.

"Take me a trick from Thunder Mountain's Thunder Element to release magic." The air ball was strangely still in front of Leishan Toru, and the audience in the field could see that the ball was wrapped in lightning.

The magic-wrapped sphere glowed with incandescent light, as if it had become a thunderball.Although the game rules cannot use magic to attack directly, but the magic attached to the ball does not count.For example, in the previous few matches, Nie Kong often added vibration magic to defeat the enemy.For a while, because the air around the thunder and lightning became dry, it seemed to be able to detect the violent energy contained in that ball.

In an instant, the thunderball broke through the air barrier, forming a thunderbolt and shooting towards Nie Kong.At the same time, the second ball was shot from the launcher.Lei Shan Che continued to strike with magic, without giving Nie Kong a chance to breathe.

"Oh, is the Thunder Magic of the Leishan family?" Nie Kong smiled lightly, and the racket in his right hand went directly to the Thunder racket.

Lei Shan was surprised that Nie Kong could catch the ball's orbit with his eyes, but when he saw Nie Kong dared to catch the ball directly with his racket, his eyes were gloating, and Nie Kong could not help but appear to be scorched black in his mind.

"It's useless, even if you block my first ball, the second ball will be caught and scored." Lei Shanche said mockingly, and the second lightning ball he controlled had already hit Nie Kong.

He watched Nie Kong's game several times, and felt that Nie Kong only had two types of magic, the movement type and the vibration type.

In a high base camp, Mori and Mayumi watched Nie Kong's game nervously.Looking at their expressions, I found that Nie Kong had more to do with the results.

"Lei Shanche does have the ability, if it is I am definitely not an opponent, Nie Jun is estimated to be serious." Morley said.

In Morley's view, Nie Kong had already had a good chance of winning.As long as you use the move of last year's teleportation, you will basically not lose by grabbing points.

"Who knows him? Except when I taught us how to cook, I never seemed to see him serious. He made cooking seem to be more important than magic." Mayumi groaned.

"Leave him alone, he has problems with his values." Morley couldn't help but worry.The magic is not as good as Nie Kong's. The key is that Morley's cooking talent is poor, and he has his fingers cut many times.

"Yeah, who makes us inferior to him? We are not qualified to say him." Mayumi Wan'er smiled, sweetness in her eyes.In any case, during the time Nie Kong taught her cooking, she felt so happy and unforgettable.

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