The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0192, the suffocation of the male deer

Misaki closed the door of her room forcefully, unable to put the crystal jade back against it.The heart, which has always been flat and seldom fluctuating, was throbbing hard at this time.Shy and anger, complex and difficult emotions filled her mind.

Are you angry? Naturally a bit.But she was molesting a little girl, can she bear to blame such a young baby.

"Huh... Misaki can only be considered bad luck for you. It is a sin to go and take care of him after losing such a big face in front of him." After a long time, Misaki, who had recovered his mood, wore home clothes and walked out of the room.

"Hello, I am Nie Kong, Oka's math teacher. I am very sorry for what happened just now. Lias, who lost her mother since she was a child, seems hungry and mistakenly regards you as a nurturing mother." Pure white Tshit, youth Overflowing jeans.The energetic Misaki is really suitable for neutral clothes.

"Is her name Lias, what a poor child, she lost her mother at such a young age." Listening to Nie Kong's apologetic words, Misaki's heart was still a little bit peculiar to motherhood.

"Teacher, you have worked hard. Please take a seat. I am Misaki Oga's sister. The teacher can call me Misaki." Misaki handed over a cup of hot tea: "Teacher, please have tea."

"Thank you."

"Hehe, the teacher came from a long way for Tatsumi's matter, and I want to say to trouble you. Please wait a moment, I will call Tatsumi down." Misaki did not dare to look at Nie Kong, turned and walked up the stairs.

Just listen to the faint quarrel on the third floor, the voices of Misaki and the male deer, and the sweet voice of the demon maid Shiludi.

After waiting for a while, the argument continued.

"It's just that I'm sorry for the teacher. Oga went out this morning, probably to go to a friend's ancient city to play." Misaki repeatedly apologized.

Nie Kong's hearing is so keen, he completely judged that the male deer must be on the third floor and would not want to hear his verbose. It is estimated that Misaki is no more than his brother, so he had to make up a white lie.

"It's okay, Misaki! Let's talk about Oka classmate, that is, about your brother at school." Nie Kong's voice is a little louder, even the Oka upstairs can hear clearly.

"It's not a problem, please tell me directly, did Oka behave badly at school?" Misaki hugged the cushion on the sofa and asked with interest.

Sure enough, Nie Kong noticed a slight noise at the top of the stairs, and a sneaky figure peeked at the living room downstairs.

Nie Kong coughed: "I just became a new teacher just a few days ago, and I still don't understand many things. But I still find that Oka is very fond of fighting. I want to come over and find out who influenced him to become like this."

Misaki's cheeky face blushed uncommonly. "That teacher, Ishiyama High School had many bad students. If Tatsuno has no strength to protect herself, she will be bullied very miserably."

The male deer leaning on the stairs listening sideways sneered in his heart, "Do you still want to destroy my image as my sister? You don't know my sister is more violent than me."

"Although Oka likes to fight, but I think he also wants to protect himself and his friend Gushi classmates, it is not useless. But his grades are too bad, very simple math test questions have 0 points."

"My stupid brother caused you trouble, I'm sorry." Misaki smiled bitterly, she understood her brother's virtues very well.

"Educating students should be our bounden duty. I will try my best to help him improve his grades." Nie Kong smiled.

Who would listen to your teaching? I have no interest in learning anything, Oka thought boredly.

"Thank you so much, teacher!"

"Student male deer can have such a gentle and beautiful sister caring about him, I am really envious." Nie Kong said slightly praised.

"I...I'm not as good as you said, teacher, you laughed." For the first time, a boy said she was gentle, as if Misaki ate honey in her heart.

Haha... Sister is gentle?Teacher, are you crazy?The male deer said weakly in his heart.

"If the male deer provokes something in the future, teacher, you can always find me."

"This is not so good. If you let your boyfriend know about it, it will be troublesome." Although the original work did not explain Misaki's situation, Nie Kong still asked tentatively.

"Ah, I don't have a boyfriend yet." Misaki said embarrassedly.

"In this case, do you have time next Saturday? I want to ask you to go out and talk about other questions about classmate Oka." Nie Kong said pretendingly.

"On weekends, I... I mostly have time." Misaki blushed without knowing what he thought of.Sister, don’t you have feelings for the teacher?The male deer couldn't bear it anymore, and the arrow jumped down the stairs.

"Sister, it's okay to solve my business by yourself, don't worry about it!"

"Tatsun, how can you be so rude, he is your teacher!" Misaki became a little angry, and said that she did not want to see Teacher Nie Kong.Now I say you rush out when you are away, what do you mean, bastard brother.

Under the gaze of his sister, the male deer bit the bullet and said: "Hello teacher, I didn't know you came just now when I fell asleep, I'm very sorry!"

"Haha, I've finished talking about what should be said. Don't care about Oka-san, I should go too."

"Teacher, I'll send it to you." The male deer hurriedly stopped her: "Sister, I'll send the teacher to you. There are still a few questions in study that I haven't had time to ask for. I just happened to ask on the way."

"Well, it's okay, be polite to the teacher." Misaki hesitated for a while, nodded and agreed.

After going out the door, the male deer suffocated and closed the door suddenly.

"I warn you, stay away from my old sister."

"Hey, I am your teacher anyway, speak politely." Nie Kong said with a grin.

"Tell you, I am not annoying. If you dare to come to my house again, I will make you die ugly." The male deer squeezed his fist, as long as he heard half of Nie Kong's mouth popping out. Will punch each other.

"Okay! Then I will tell your sister now that her brother threatened his teacher." Nie Kong smiled and turned his head and wanted to ring the doorbell at the door.

"Dare you! Don't, don't..." The male deer was just playing awe-inspiring for a while, but he didn't expect Nie Kong to be so mean.

"If you are not obedient at school, I will come to chat with your sister every day. Presumably, Misaki has not made a boyfriend in order to take care of your ineffective brother for many years and feels very lonely."

"Hey, hello, is there a teacher who threatens students like this?" The male deer was downcast.

"Remember my words!" Nie Kong patted the male deer on the shoulder and left here.

I don’t have any problem with the old lady’s words, but I firmly oppose the teacher’s words!!

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