The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0196, the general meeting of the angry emperor

Harmony’s debut is always fast, and several hours have passed in an instant.The young mothers took their babies back, and even Nie Kong waved goodbye to Xiao Kui.

"Go home, Kota." Watching Nie Kong's figure disappear, Xiao Kui took Guangtai back home with his younger brother.Before leaving, she was a little upset, and actually forgot to ask Nie Kong's name.

Xiao Aoi lives in the shrine on Fifth Street and has lived with the host grandfather since childhood.Because of the influence of his father since childhood, he is very strong in swordsmanship.As for the parents, I left my siblings and went out to play around the world.So apart from going to school, Xiaokui also helps take care of his one-year-old brother Kota.

Walking back to the stairs of the shrine, the members of Liewu Diru had already lined up in two rows waiting for her return.The shrine is her home and the headquarters of Emperor Rage.

"Welcome back, sister Kwai."

"Did this dress go to the park again?" Ning Ning greeted Xiao Kui into the house and said helplessly.

"There is no way, after all, I can't show others the way that Kanto's strongest female leader, Lieang Diru, is taking care of the child." Xiaokui explained while restoring her original dress.

"It's really Sister Kwai, I'm very cautious about it." Xiao Qianqiu looked a little admired.

"Have you changed your clothes? It's almost time for the general meeting." The girls waiting outside the door reminded Xiao Kui.

"It's done, now we can start our general meeting of Liewu Diru." Xiaokui put on a white cloak with the four brilliant red characters of Liewu Diru. There is no such thing as a shy look in the park with her cold expression. .

Xiaokui, who assumed the responsibility of Emperor Rage, restored the powerful queen of Ishiyamo High School.

Leading all the members to the spacious hall, the girls lined up in two rows and sat on the wooden floor. As for Xiaokui, Ningning and Qianqiu were sitting on top.No matter how you look at it, there is a bit of momentum in the world of slippery ghosts holding Hyakki Nights.

"Kanto has now completed Pingding, and I should return to Ishiyamo High School tomorrow. During the time we left, has anything major happened to the school?" Xiaokui, who was sitting above everyone, asked.

Leaving for ten days, without their suppression, who knows what will happen.Shiya Demon is not an ordinary school, there are violent elements in every student's genes.

"A lot of important things have happened. First of all, the first-year new male Lu Tatsu. The second-year Sanada brothers, Shimokawa, and the third-year Jichuan were so strong that they knocked them all down with one blow." Ningning opened the notebook and said. Tao.

Although it had disappeared for more than ten days, the information of Emperor Lierong did not fall.Under the leadership of Xiaokui, Lienu Diru developed into an organization that no one can underestimate.

"Don't say it, no matter who it is. As long as the guy who threatens the Shishi Demon Girl, I will give sanctions. Our Rage Emperor Ru exists for this." The wooden sword in Xiaokui's hand swung out, and saw The gate at the entrance was neatly cut in half.

Sword pressure alone is so powerful, it can be seen that Xiaokui's strength is very strong, compared to Kanzaki, Jichuan is stronger.

"Still as good as always, Sister Kwai." The girls around exclaimed, their eyes full of excitement and admiration.With such a powerful eldest sister protecting them, they feel very happy.

"Sister Kwai, don't be impulsive, the things that have happened during this time are not over yet. The male Luchen is just one of them, and the most surprising thing is the strange thing that happened later. Sister Kwai, do you know that we Shiya Demon actually came to a math teacher? "Sister Ningning said in surprise.

"Oh, I know a little about that. What's the matter, the teacher drove out the Shiya Demon for the bad guy?" Xiao Kui had heard about it before he set off.Shiya Ma has always been the teacher's cemetery, so she didn't care much.

"If Sister Kwai thinks this way, you are very wrong. That teacher is still teaching at Shishi Mo, and the gangsters in the school didn't push him out at all." Although Ning Ning did not believe it, it was true. That's it.

"I also heard that Kanzaki, a third-grade student, is not good enough in front of him, and even Ji Chuan is a little restrained when he sees him. Even the male deer just mentioned has nothing to do with him. His name is— Nie Kong!"

Click!Qian Qiu was so shocked that the tea cup in his hand smashed on the ground and broke into several pieces.My beloved brother, is it going to fight with my beloved sister Kwai?

"If it's a teacher, there shouldn't be anything threatening the students." Qianqiu stammered in defense.

"Huh, knowing people, knowing the face and not knowing the heart, who knows how bad his heart is. If there is nothing wrong, how dare to enter the Shishi Demon's teaching?" Xiaokui hummed.

"Then Sister Kui will personally drive that teacher out of Shishi Demon tomorrow!" Ning Ning asked.

To be honest, Ningning felt guilty in her heart because she was going to drive away the teachers from the school.

"Teacher Nie Kong's words are definitely not as bad as you think, I promise Qianqiu Tanimura." Xiao Qianqiu said anxiously.

"Teacher Nie Kong's words, I feel a little relieved." Hanazawa Yuka laughed.

"Hey, Qianqiu and Yujia why do you maintain that teacher so much?" Ning Ning asked strangely.

"Hey hey, you will be surprised if you say it, that teacher Nie Kong is Qianqiu's brother. You said you want to drive him out, can Qianqiu be in no hurry?" Youjia teased.

Qian Qiu has a brother who loves his sister so much, Yuka is very envious.

"So that's the case. If it's Qianqiu's brother, then we'll be relieved. Qianqiu, your brother loves you too much, he will enter our Shishi Demon Teaching for you, no wonder you suddenly asked me how It makes the breasts grow bigger. That's how it is." Ningning teased Qianqiu jokingly.

"Ah...Sister Ningning, you clearly promised me not to go out. You are too much." Qian Qiu covered her blushing cheeks and said in a panic.

"Hehe, Qianqiu is shy, Qianqiu sauce turned out to be controlled by his brother." Asuka Ryoko, who was covering his mouth with a mask, also giggled.

The girls around looked at Qianqiu with ambiguous eyes, and Qianqiu's face turned red into a lantern. Qianqiu wanted to defend, but he couldn't beat so many mouths.

"Haha... Qianqiu sauce is also so cute, I also want to see where he is sacred and able to stand in our Shishi Demon." Xiaokui also became curious in her heart.

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