The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 02026Asuka is missing

After playing around with Aixia and the others, Nie Kong unexpectedly found that the black rabbit was turning around at the door as if waiting for them.

"Master Nie Kong, does the bird sauce stay with you?" When he saw Nie Kong, the black rabbit rushed up to hold Nie Kong's hand and asked anxiously.

"No, I first came out from the Fire Dragon Festival Headquarters to meet Jack Pumpkin from our community, and she ran away. Didn't she meet with you?" Nie Kong said in surprise.In Nie Kong's view, Feijiao should have gone back early.

"Well, there are really three problem children. I thought she was just going to play, but she would have disappeared innocently for several hours. She almost searched the entire town and couldn't find it. People have been worried for a long time." Hei The rabbit couldn't help but said angrily.

"Haha, who made you an unnamed community? Maybe she broke away from you and became a member of other communities." Aixia used her usual ability to poison she and said coldly.

"Please don't...Don't be kidding, people...people naturally believe that Asuka sauce will not leave us! No, I'm going to look for her." Heitu insisted for a while, and immediately couldn't wait to leave and hope to search for the target again. .Just because there was no news after searching half of the town, Black Rabbit's persistence was indeed shaken.

"Black Rabbit, don't worry too much, I don't think she is that kind of person." Leticia said comfortingly.

"Well, if Master Leticia and Master Nie Kong have news about her, they hope to help me to noname and tell them to Ren." Black Rabbit said, preparing to look from the sky by jumping.

"Leticia, if you go back first, I will accompany the black rabbit to find someone. After all, her disappearance has something to do with me," Nie Kong said.

"Hey, thank you Lord Nie Kong." The black rabbit was a little happy, instinctively believing in Nie Kong's ability, the two jumped onto the eaves of each other and disappeared.

"I'm afraid Master Nie Kong went to help specifically to contact the black rabbit. We knew he liked the black rabbit." Aixia said with a frown.

"Hehe, Aixia can actually follow Master Nie Kong." Leticia looked at Aixia and couldn't help laughing.

"Don't bother him, lest he say that I sabotaged him to buy the black rabbit. Hmph, isn't it just the natural blood is better." The noble black rabbit in the box court has the blood that many demon kings and gods envy.Even in the gift games in the box court, most of them have the right to judge, which represents justice and nobility.

"There is no way, who made the family's ancestor sacrificed his life to save Emperor Shitian and became his dependent. But many years ago, it seemed that he was almost annihilated. As far as I know, the number of moon rabbits is very rare." Bai Xueji said, shaking her head.

"That's the case, no wonder the gods and Buddhas are proud of getting the moon rabbit. Whatever a noble background, they still become other people's toys." Jack said softly, as if comforting Aixia.

If there is gain, there will be loss. Emperor Shitian bestowed them a noble status, which also attracted the coveting of gods and demons, perhaps the root cause of the extinction.

"Huh, then it's better to let Master Nie Kong buy her into our community, so that Aixia can also occasionally bully Yuetu." Aixia regained her spirit, and instead enthusiastically supported Nie Kong's behavior.

Leticia gave a wry smile, the black rabbit needs to stay in the noname to help in order to be effective.Master Nie Kong's community is strong enough, and the black rabbit will really be treated as a doll when he arrives.


"Master Nie Kong, where did you separate from her?" Hei Tujiao asked, jumping high above the eaves.Looking for clues from the beginning, the black rabbit believes that eventually the bird will be found.

"It's more than a hundred meters before leaving the audience room. She came here specifically for Jack's pumpkin lantern. Didn't she tell you?" Nie Kong asked in surprise.

"She didn't say anything, only that she ran away after walking around alone." Black Rabbit said annoyedly.

"That's it, it seems that the time to disappear was parting with us, and then playing alone in the town for that time. However, the play generally does not exceed a few hours, and something must have happened." Nie Kong thought.As Nie Kong, who had been in the world of Conan, the things before him were very simple and clear.

"Then what should I do now." The black rabbit stared at Nie Kong with poor big eyes. The rabbit's expression was very cute, which made Nie Kong feel the urge to touch her rabbit.

"It's okay, go and ask the people in the street shops, you should be able to find any clues." Nie Kong said, pointing to the road where Flying Bird went back.

"People will ask now." From the confident Nie Kong, the black rabbit couldn't help feeling dependent.

The appearance of black rabbits in the lively market immediately attracted the attention of many populations.Moon Rabbit came to the seventh floor of the box court. They were so lucky to see it.No matter what the black rabbit asked, those people were willing to answer her.

About ten minutes later, the black rabbit came to Nie Kong with a tired expression, but his eyes were a little happy.

"Master Nie Kong, you are right. The bird appeared on the street about three hours ago, as if it was going in the direction of the exhibition hall, and she was holding an elf with a pointed hat." Black Rabbit said excitedly.

"Next to the exhibition hall." Nie Kong nodded and said.

The black rabbit gave a strong hum, and set off again to the exhibition hall.

The exhibition site is a corridor dug into the boundary wall, resembling a cave, so the depths are quite dim, and light from outside cannot come in.

However, it should have been designed to bring out the brilliance of the exhibits. There are many candlesticks and lanterns that emit warm fire, as well as the beautiful stained glass that is amazing under the light of the light source, making them more attractive than others. The work gleams more brilliantly and brilliantly.

But now it is dark, and the weird tones mixed with deep resentment and strong perseverance echo in the most central hollow of the exhibition hall.

Nie Kong remembered that the object displayed in the middle hall was a giant made of red steel. The whole body was gorgeous and scary.

With the red and gold Dongli decorations, the visually estimated height is probably about 30 feet.The armor depicts abstract paintings that should be based on sunlight, which is very overwhelming.

Coupled with the huge hands and feet that should be twice the size of a human, looking at the head and body of equal width, people can't help but wonder how they moved into this narrow entrance.

According to the delicate decoration on the red armor, you can feel the producer's extraordinary passion for the work.

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