The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 02032, the trail of the devil

After taking a bath, several women came out wearing Japanese bathing suits.When the waitress saw Nie Kong finally appear from the black rabbit and the others, her mouth was so wide that she could stuff an egg, it clearly marked the female bathroom.

"By the way, Asuka, do you know who launched the terrorist attack in public." Bai Yasha occupied the center of the guest room, opened the fan, and made a very serious voice.

"No, the enemy's target seems to be the child." Asuka pointed at the little elf sitting on her shoulder.She seemed to be afraid of the relationship, her expression looked a little timid.

"Hey, that kid seems to be an elf belonging to the sixth layer of community "Rattenfanger"." Bai Yasha said in surprise after seeing the elf.

"Rattenfanger?" Sixteen nights they asked in unison.

"That's right." Then the parchment that appeared in the game venue during the day again appeared, and the same article appeared.Seeing the community name written on it, Asuka and the others opened their eyes in surprise.

"It is the participating community for the Fire Dragon Birth Festival. It comes from a six-figure outer door and is also a strong opponent of the Kasuga Department." Hearing Bai Yasha's serious advice, Yao nodded.

On the other hand, Ikuya glared at the contract document and smiled nervously.

"Is that so, the community of rat-catching clowns? So the enemy of tomorrow, in simple terms, is probably Hamel's piper clown?"

Asuka looked at Sixteen Nights in surprise, "Are you talking about Hamel's piper?" Recalling the attack this afternoon, she felt something inexplicably.

"Wait, be more careful, kid." Bai Yasha also asked.

Seeing the two people so surprised, Shiliuye couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Bai Yacha lowered his tone and uttered the specific background of the question: "The name of the community of the demon king is the fantasy magic book group. It was led by a summoner with wizards and once summoned from a total of more than two hundred magic books. The community of demons. And it can summon multiple demons from a magic book. In particular, the part that should be paid special attention to is that every different world background in the magic book is also included. Everything in the magic book is based on The form of the game board has clearly established rules and compulsory power, and it is an extremely powerful devil.

Hearing Shirayasha’s explanation, Ikuyasha’s eyes flashed sharply, and Bai Yasha continued to explain: "However, the demon king should have passed away after losing in the gift game with a certain community. But boy, you just said The Rattenfanger community is "Hamel's Piper." I am not clear about fairy tales, just in case, I hope you can explain something."

And the black rabbit showed a very nervous expression, it should be alert in case of the devil's appearance.

Sixteen night nodded, and slowly began to say what he knew: "Rattenfanger is a language spoken by a country called Germany, meaning a rat catcher. The rat catcher is actually in the Grimm fairy tale magic book The metaphor of Hamel’s piper. In the original Grimm’s fairy tales, there are several story creation stages that reference historical evidence. Hamel’s piper is one of them, and Hamel is the story. The town on the stage."

The inscription used as a prototype by the piper of Hamel in Grimm’s fairy tale is as follows: In 1284, John and Paul Memorial Day June 26th, a child born in Hamel was seduced by pipers in various colors. Finally, he disappeared at the execution ground near the hills.

The inscription is narrating a real event that happened in Hamel, and is displayed with a piece of stained glass.

It is also one of the fairy tales of Grimm, the prototype of the story created under the name "The Piper of Hamel".

"Well, why use the rat catcher as a metaphor?" Black Rabbit continued to ask.

"Because the clown in Grimm's fairy tales is considered to be a clown who can manipulate mice." Ikuya smoothly answered Shiroyasha's question, but the bird beside him took a quiet breath.

He said... the clown who can manipulate mice?

The previous attack flashed through Asuka's mind.When I think about it carefully, when I was attacked, there was indeed a flute that resembled dissonance.

"Yeah. Rattenfanger and Hamel's piper. As a result, the possibility that the remnants of the Demon King will sneak into the Fire Dragon Birth Ceremony will increase." Bai Yasha nodded.

"YES. Since the participants cannot bring the authority of the organizer into the festival, then maybe they have other quite possible means." Black Rabbit nodded and said.

"What do you mean by that?" Ikuya frowned.

"After I heard that the Demon King will appear, I arranged a minimum countermeasure. That is to use my host authority to add some conditions to the festival participation rules. You can refer to the details."

After Shiroyasha waved his finger, a luminous parchment appeared, which recorded various matters of the birth ceremony.

Things to do when participating in the Fire Dragon Birth Festival:

1. It is forbidden for general participants to hold the gifted game of community competition in the stage area and free zone.

2. Participants with the authority of the organizer are prohibited from entering the festival area without the permission of the festival organizer.

3. Participants are prohibited from using the authority of the organizer in the festival area.

4. Persons other than the participants are prohibited from invading the stage area and free area within the festival area.

Oath: Respect the above content and hold a gift game based on the name of glory and flag and the authority of the organizer.

ThousandEyes printed

Salamandra printed.

After I read the parchment that appeared on hand, Izayoi nodded gently.

"Other than Fire Dragon Festival participants can't enter the game, and participants can't use the organizer's authority? Indeed, according to this rule, even if the demon king attacks, the organizer's authority cannot be used.

"Well, the part that can be controlled should be controlled." The demon king who lost the hosting right is actually no different from the general community.As long as he disagrees with the gifted game, the devil is helpless.

Ikuyo nodded in agreement, but felt a little unhappy, because he was looking forward to the arrival of the Demon King.

Asuka had an uneasy shadow hovering in her heart, and she thought of a terrible result.Rattenfanger may be the devil's subordinate, the pointed-hat elf who slept sweetly on her lap, she also came from the Rattenfanger community.

The black rabbit looked at the elf with some suspicion, but Asuka didn't think she was evil.Although Asuka wanted to tell everyone, she couldn't explain anything in the end.

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