The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 02034, Aixia vs. Kasugabe

Black Rabbit is in charge of the game flow on the stage, and the final is about to begin.

The black rabbit wore a cute short skirt and turned around in the center of the stage. Although the fluttering skirt showed some snow-white legs, many men did not covet the infinite scenery at the bottom of the skirt.

She opened her arms facing the meeting place to welcome the arrival of the contestants.

"Now let's invite contestants! NoName's Kasugabe, and MIC's Aisha Ignifates!"

"Yao, do you really need anyone's assistance? I think it would be better to act after considering the situation." Ren asked worriedly at the girl in front of him.

"no problem."

Kasugabe refused the assistance of others, and handed the kitten he was carrying to Ren, and walked from the passage to the way to the stage.

Suddenly, a fast-moving fireball flashed in front of the dazzling eyes.


The shocked Kasugabe Yao couldn't help but fell backward, fart and struck the ground.She looked up and saw a pretty handsome figure sitting on the fireball.The two cyan ponytails glowed brightly in the light of the setting sun.

Aixia shook her double ponytail and the gorgeous black and white Gothic Lolita lace dress on her body, teasing Yao with a cute but haughty voice: "Hehe, Jack, can you see it? The NoName guy fell ugly Sit on the ground! Okay, let's laugh at her up and down before the start of the game, and then knock her out!"


Part of the audience laughed. It seems that in addition to rival Aixia, there are others who are dissatisfied with the glorious final stage of the "unknown" community.

However, Kasugabe Yao stood up disapprovingly, and instead looked at the circular shadow in the center of the fireball intently."That fireball, is it the protagonist of the game."

"What are you talking about, don't compare our work with some fireball, it is the famous ghost of our "Willo'wisp"! Jack pumpkin lantern!"

Jack shook off the flames around him and appeared in front of everyone.That appearance was not just Yao, even everyone in the audience was speechless for a while.

Lanterns with fierce flames, light black cloth garments without entities, and huge pumpkin heads about ten times the size of a human head.

"It's just a mere nameless, but the introduction is in front of our sixth-layer community. It is really arrogant! Today is the stage for me to show off my skills. If I have the opportunity to be my opponent, you should cry and thank me!" Love Xia said.

If the Black Rabbit didn't need to be a referee, he would have been angry enough to explode long ago.Although she didn't seem to show it, she had already begun to exude an aura of anger that only familiar people could detect, and her hair color seemed to change.

"Quick... quickly get back to the right place, Aisha Ignifates! And please refrain from the provocative behavior before the start!"

"Okay." Aixia grumbled, and did not dare to defy the black rabbit who is the referee.

Aixia returned to the stage with a despising attitude and tone, while Yao lightly patted the dust off and followed onto the stage.Next, Aixia first looked around the circular stage, looked at the Kasuga's dazzling Opie, and then looked down at herself, gradually revealing a sharp light in her eyes.

Yao also noticed Aixia's gaze, and he reached out and placed a bewildered hand on Opato, which immediately became a lot bigger.

"Asshole, are showing off to me, I...I want to cut you into a washboard."

Aixia didn't expect that the other party clearly looked like a child, so why is Opie older than herself!In terms of body shape, Master Niekong said he was better than her, why did he feel that he had lost to her?

Unhappy, Aixia was very upset in her heart, seemed to be completely stimulated, and it seemed that the effect was superb.

Although Yao looks gentle and cute, he actually has a very unconvincing side: "I won't lose to you."

"You two are quarreling separately, now I have Master Bai Yasha explain the rules of the game.

In an instant, all the noise disappeared. In order to listen to the organizer's speech, there was silence in the field.Shirayasha, who came to the front of the balcony, looked around the quiet meeting place and nodded slowly.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation. After all, as you can see, my body is like a child and I am not good at speaking loudly. Regarding the stage of the game, I hope everyone will look at the invitation letter in hand. Is it written on it? Number? Does anyone have the same number on the invitation letter as the number three, three, four, and five of ThousandEyes, who is from outside the door of my host? If you are present, please hold up the invitation letter and state the name of the community."

There was a commotion in the audience.

At the same time, in the auditorium directly in front of the balcony, a tree spirit boy held up the invitation letter and shouted: "! Community Underwood holds the invitation letter No. 3, 4, 5!

There was a burst of cheers in the venue.Bai Yasha smiled slightly, and disappeared from the balcony suddenly like a mist, and came to the boy in the next moment: "Congratulations, friends of Underwood, I will send someone to send you souvenirs later. Now it is convenient for me to take a look at you. The flag?"

The teenager nodded vigorously.He handed out a wooden bracelet on which was depicted a town surrounded by the roots of huge trees, which should be a symbol of his community.After observing the banner for a while, Bai Yasha returned the ring to the boy with a smile, and returned to the high platform the next moment.

"The final stage has just been finalized, which is Underwood's maze."

Bai Yasha stretched his hands forward and slapped his hands, so that the whole world began to change at the same time.The ground under their feet was swallowed by nothingness, and you could see many streamlined worlds spinning at the other end of the darkness. One of them was the stage that Nie Kong once broke.

Soon the world turned into a part of the material underfoot.No, not just the ground, the stage is almost surrounded by tree roots.It was a large hole surrounded by huge tree roots.

That's right, the stage is a super tree unique to the base of the Underwood community.

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