The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 02066, Eating black rabbit grass has been eliminated?

Although the demon king's attack caused a lot of damage in "Underwood", all members of the dragon horned eagle showed a positive mental state.Because they know that as long as the endgame is cleaned up, then there will be a lively harvest festival!As long as the festival is successful, their dragon horned eagle will have a chance to become the class dominator in the southern district!!

The others were called to help by the silly black rabbit overflowing with compassion, and Leticia stayed to serve Nie Kong.

"Master Nie Kong, we...what are we doing?" Leticia followed Nie Kong to the lowest level of the dim Underwood underground city, the vault on display.

"Some guy asks me to get something, don't tell the black rabbit." Nie Kong said with a smirk, turning Leticia mysteriously.

"Hid you hide from the black rabbit? What the hell is it?" Leticia asked curiously.

"I should be able to see it soon." Nie Kong opened the door of a room, revealing the scene inside.

"What, what." Leticia stretched out half of her body and looked towards the door, only to see a plant that was probably five meters in length.

There are branch tentacles, flower tentacles, sap tentacles... The chaotic plants with all kinds of tentacles are like a big octopus.And it seemed to perceive the arrival of the aggressor, and the tentacles of the four branches snapped towards the maid Leticia.

"Hey!" Leticia didn't respond for a while, the tentacles of the branches had already tied her hands and feet.

"Nie... Lord Nie Kong, then... what the hell is that. Oh, okay... it's disgusting!!" Leticia fought back in a panic, but found that the tentacles were very tight.

Wow, pulling the tentacles hard, actually pulling Leticia halfway in the air.The skirt curled up to cover her head, and all the fat times below were exposed!

"It's weird! Didn't it mean that it was the legendary black rabbit grass, why did you react to Leticia of Vampire?" Nie Kong touched his chin and said to himself.

"Master Nie Kong, don't watch, hurry up and save me!" Leticia twisted her body and tried to avoid the "attack" against the branch tentacles.However, those tentacles kept shaking at her, as if scratching her itchy place deliberately.Perhaps that magical plant, although it has no consciousness and soul, has the instinct to train a girl.

"No way, I can't stop it, it seems to like Leticia." Nie Kong smiled.

"Woo! I don't want it to like it.'s disgusting, I can't stand it!" Leticia released the power of the pure blood vampire, Long Ying Enhui appeared and cut the plant under her feet to pieces!

"Is it ruined? It's a pity."

"Master Nie Kong... Master Nie Kong, then... That is the black rabbit grass that Master Bai Yasha ordered from the black rabbit!!" Freed from the restraint of the shot, Leticia trot behind Nie Kong blushing. .

"Yes, she specially asked me to take out the black rabbit to see if it is effective." It is said to be used to train black rabbits, it is the nemesis plant of black rabbits, and can use tentacles to turn black rabbits into YD...

"Woo, then... that person was caught by it, will I have any bad reactions now?" Leticia said stupidly.

Nie Kong couldn't figure out its specific effect, and asked, "What do you think of it physically."

Leticia lowered her head twistedly and said, ", it's just that the body is a little hot and the body is soft. But Sarah said a few days ago that eating black rabbit grass has the function of giving birth to many children?

"It should be." Nie Kong didn't know how to answer Leticia for a moment.

"I regret it! Leticia could have used it to help, and then with Master Nie Kong, we will breed the pure blood offspring of our vampire family." A picture emerged in Leticia's mind, Master Nie Kong + herself = several Vampire kid!

Then his children and those in the box garden multiplied, and dozens of impure blood vampires were drawn.I believe that within a few hundred years, there will be a dynasty of knights in the garden.

"Lettisia, how do you say, eating black rabbit grass is just an auxiliary effect!!"

"Really." Leticia became cheerful again, tilted her head cutely, and made a happy voice.


But why now, Nie Kong stared at Leticia's actions in surprise.Undress?One, two...Huh, why are the skirts and underwear all gone?

Although she has watched it many times, her current mentality is completely different from before. Leticia, who has let go of all her burdens, is just the girl's princess.Because after Leticia finished taking off her clothes, she rushed towards Nie Kong.That's right, like a cute little blond lion pounced!?

What responded to Leticia was the overwhelming voice of Nie Kong when she took off her dress. Nie Kong touched her head a little: "What is Leticia doing?"

"I... I really feel some effect, with body heat."

Looking flusteredly at Nie Kong's eyes, Leticia lowered her head and said something.

"Letica, you are too anxious to have a baby in this place."

"It doesn't matter, who made me ruin the black rabbit grass, if the black rabbit's last support opportunity is wasted, then Leticia will...will be condemned!!" Leticia said reluctantly.

"Okay, okay, let's make an exception for Leticia's maid wait in bed today."

Nie Kong put his arm around Leticia's small waist and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, thank you Lord Nie Kong."

"Go back to the dormitory." With her arms around her soft as jade body, Nie Kong moved back to their assigned dormitory.

As for what happened, no one had seen it anymore, and no one could see what was inside, only a shy voice of Leticia came out.No one will pay attention to them, because all the surrounding partners have gone to help the dragon horned eagle.

If this is not the case, maybe Xueji and Aixia will bark their teeth to pull away Leticia's YD blond vampire, and scold her severely.

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