The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body 02076,

"Jingle Bell!"

The long silver hair released warm sunlight, and there was a pleasant ringing as it swayed.The big golden eyes are fascinating, the beautiful face seems to transcend the world, and the gorgeous and noble kimono shows the status of women.The beauty that can make the sun bleak.The Demon King of White Night, the oldest star spirit, and the strongest class dominator, came out with Nie Kong!Although Sara, who was standing next to Nie Kong, received the gift of a purebred dragon, the contrast with the previous one immediately became apparent.

Shirayasha waved the sleeves of the kimono elegantly, and she opened the white fan with the black goddesses, speaking with a solemn and disgusting voice that was very different from the previous behavior.

"Partners of Underwood! You can be revived in a short period of ten years, you are indeed very good! And the partners of the Dragon Horned Eagle Lion League who have supported Underwood to fight side by side to this day will also praise their honor and achievements tonight. ! The most important point is that Underwood will be given the reward for defeating the devil, and the blessing of the ruler of the southern district will be granted to you!"

The thunderous cheers shook the underground city. It should be known that the horn of the eagle dragon is the blessing of Draco Greif directly donating the lingu awarded to future generations.For the members of the Dragon Horned Eagle Alliance, it is a treasure.

"In addition, the award ceremony is scheduled to be held on the last day of the harvest festival. Before the end, everyone can enjoy the festival to the full. This is the end of what I have to say. Now I have Nie Kong to speak." Bai Yacha stepped back and motioned to Nie Kong. before.

Nie Kong looked at every corner below and said, "I have nothing to say. Although we did help a lot, we can defeat the enemy and overcome the difficulties. You Dragon Horned Eagles are working hard. Especially Your leader Sarah, the spirit of sacrificing herself for the alliance is commendable."

"Sarah, Sarah." With Nie Kong's voice rendered, the crowd around the square called Sarah's name to their heart's content.However, in the corner, only one man with wings behind his back looked very gloomy.

After the opening of the harvest festival, Nie Kong originally planned to accompany Leticia and Aixia to the festival, but the black rabbit suddenly grabbed Nie Kong and said that NoName and the leader of Liushang had something to discuss with him.

When he came to the conference room, he found Ren Duan sitting there. After seeing Nie Kong, he called Master Nie Kong respectfully.In front was the former leader Catwoman Jialuolo in formal clothes, and then she stepped back and gave way to the center.From the other end appeared a cat orc who looked the same age as Ren.

"I'm Polo Luo, the new leader of the Sixth Injury. When we meet for the first time, please advise me." Polo Luo greeted him and pushed his glasses.

"It's really two young leaders, who came here to call our leader Nie Kong specially for what on earth?" The snake god Bai Xueji said bluntly.

"I'm currently looking for an alliance partner to make the alliance flag." Ren hesitated for a while and told the truth.After all, Baiyasha’s reward is to help them upgrade to six figures. The banner is indispensable, and NoName hopes to borrow the names of other organizations to form a large alliance.

"Then what benefits will you bring us as the price of lending the name?" Polo said.

"No, I didn't plan to use the banner of Six Injuries. I...I hope to use the MIC community name of Master Nie Kong." Ren turned to Nie Kong. Although he was young, he was courageous.

"The price, our banner is very valuable." Aixia pouted.

Then Ren took out a piece of parchment from his arms. Those ancient parchments recorded the structure map of the mine and the estimated mining volume.

And minerals are not stale things like copper, iron or gold and silver.Whether in the world or any place, the minerals mentioned on the parchment should have proud value.

Aixia took the parchment into her hands and read it back and forth three times.Even if compared with her knowledge, it says that the total mining volume of precious ores is still on an extraordinary scale.

Aixia took a breath. She understood how valuable the minerals were to MIC.As long as they get the mine, their community will continue to create valuable gifts.

Polo Luo was also surprised, but he didn't expect Ren to have such a bargaining chip.It's a pity that I was too anxious. If you wait for the negotiation to come out later, you may get a different result than it is now.

"Sorry, the value of our flag is not comparable to that of mine production capacity." Especially as the number of demon kings continues to increase, Nie Kong and the others are expanding very strongly, and Ren estimates that he is also interested in Nie Kong's potential.

"Master Nie Kong, don't you really think about it," Black Rabbit said pitifully.

"If you are willing to transfer the black rabbit, I can accept it." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"Wh...what, only a partner can't betrayed, Lord Nie Kong, say another condition." Ren said firmly.

"Well, another condition is that I want your NoName to become an affiliated community of MIC. Then the black rabbit is yours, and it will be mine."

Like Perseus, the situation is similar for ThousandEyes.

"Nor, then we might as well rely on ThousandEyes, after all, Lord Baiyasha also often takes care of us."

"Didn't Black Rabbit tell you, Bai Yacha is about to retire? If she knows, she will also hope that you will be attached to our community." Nie Kong said.

"Yes...Is it?" Ren asked in shock.

The black rabbit cried out and cried silently.

Ren smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, I... I promised NoName to be an affiliate of your community, but the deadline is the day when we regain our banner."


"The matter is settled. Black rabbit sauce, you will be our partner in the future." Leticia smiled softly, and put the black rabbit in her arms for comfort.

"Now it's our turn, Ren, how do you want us to work together?" Polo asked.

"Now the dragon horned eagle is about to be upgraded to six levels, but the six communities are too scattered and will definitely integrate into a large community. And your six injuries are different, you will not be integrated."

"So." Poloro said nonchalantly, perhaps acquiescing to everything he said.

Originally, because the dragon horned eagle was upgraded to a class dominator, the seven communities would integrate into one large community.However, as a business community, a change of name will bring an unprecedented blow to the brand.Only Nie Kong’s MIC is different, because after the name was changed, Nie Kong and the others borrowed the Fire Dragon Birth Ceremony to make the brand famous.

"It's just that the battle with the Demon King is extremely harsh. Although our comrades are all strong people who can resist a thousand, but I think it will cause serious consumption, so I hope that the six injuries can provide support in other aspects."

Six injuries paid for goods, money, and information.

NoName bleeds for life.

Then six injuries can send two hundred talents to support and help develop NoName.

The property and land on the sixth floor were reclaimed. It seems that Ren and the others urgently need labor to expand.

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