The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapsed two-dimensional body text 02084, battle the demon king

"Haha, if you want to win, let me see if you can keep up with me!" Seeing the two cumbersomes of Feis and Sixteen Nights held by Nie Kong in one hand, Jiao Liu understood that now is not the time to decide the outcome.

Jiao Liu stepped forcefully into the river with a loud bang, and the calm river surface was overwhelming.They only saw Jiao Liu riding a seahorse stepping on a wave of more than ten meters, like the wave-walking skill of the water system in Pokémon, galloping toward the end of the upper stream of the big river!!

As the home court of the Canghai Overlord, the Flood Demon King can best show the true strength of the sea-covering Great Sage in the big river and the sea.And with the maintenance of endless rivers and seas, his strength is much stronger!

"Quite fast, you really deserve to be the Great Sacred Demon King of the Sea Covering Sea. Master Nie Kong, we have to speed up, otherwise we will be thrown away by the Demon King!" Seeing the Demon Flooding with all his strength in order to win, instead Asuka was a little dumbfounded.After all, Jiao Liu's horsehead fish monster, with the help of the power of the river, ran too fast, and the one under them was as slow as a tortoise compared to others!!

"Haha. If you can use other powers to compete, even if it makes him more than ten minutes away, he won't be my opponent." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

"Really, then Master Nie Kong will take me too." Feiniaojiao said.

"Come on, put your little hand on my shoulder, and I will take you to the finish line." Nie Kong nodded and said.

Flying Bird drove his horsehead fish monster and stood in a row with Nie Kong happily.When he touched the skin of Nie Kong's shoulder, Fei Bird trembled and his cheeks became warm.

Nie Kong saw that the bird was ready, so he used an instant movement, using the power of space to appear at the end along the river!!

And the end of the "Hippocamp's Jockey" game.It is located at the top of a large waterfall on the river, and is also the starting point surrounding the river. There is a vast blue ocean on the top of the mountain.The sea breeze blowing from the top of the mountain scratched his nasal cavity, and fluttered away after turning his skin.It was like water overflowing from the cauldron of life, floating with the breath of life.There is a nostalgic atmosphere.

The Asuka who appeared on the top of the mountain in an instant was shocked, but the vast and huge sea that unfolded before her shook her.

"It really is the world of Hakata. Although the hypothesis that there is a sea in the Hakata world, I didn't expect the sea to grow on the top of the mountain!"

The marine fish that inhabits the Dolidonis Falls are somewhat strange in shape.She checked that most of the samples were mixed with sea water.Asuka has always thought that the upstream river is mixed with sea water, but it never imagined that the sea on the top of the mountain was flowing down!The beauty in front of me is as if it can only appear in a dream.

"Master Nie Kong! There are trees growing on the opposite sea. Are they the sea trees mentioned in the game introduction?"

Where she is pointing, there are large and small trees standing on the sea.The branches of the tree are hung with real red ripe fruits, which look very delicious under the sun.

"Oh, not bad, it's worth looking forward to there too!"

Nie Kong also showed a happy smile, and the two controlled the horse head monster towards the trees on the sea.Then the bird climbed up the tree and took a few fruits.The fruit of the sea tree exudes a strong sweet and greasy flavor that is not lost to the tide.Asuka stuffed them into the bag, and the two turned away from the horizon.

"It's a beautiful place. Actually, I really want to play with Asuka for a while."

"Okay, let's come again next time. Let's take priority in the competition now." Although Flying Bird bluffs Nie Kong infrequently, it can be seen that her cheeks are obviously full of regret and annoyance.

Recalling the risks experienced along the way, Asuka felt that it was finally able to bring the fruit back to Underwood smoothly and won the game.

Griffith, the leader of the "Two Wings", died somewhere, and the only powerful enemy left was one Demon King.Worried about encountering him, Feike refused to accompany Master Nie Kong's wonderful opportunity to play!

However, Asuka's worries finally became a reality. The Demon King who climbed up from other paths suddenly saw a wave of water more than ten meters high behind him.

"Not good. Master Nie Kong, Demon King... Demon King... he is here!" After tightening the mood just now, Fei Niao put on a battle posture.

The Demon King, who came up from the mountain river, had a surprised smile on his cheeks after visually confirming the two Asuka.

The Demon King lightly picked the sea tree fruit and put it in his bag, then turned his head to look at Nie Kong: "Nie Kong, what shortcut did you use to get to the top of the mountain? It's really hard to believe. It was five times faster than me. minute?!"

"Similar to the space jump of Vera, the strongest demon on the sixth floor in the North District."

"I mean, using that ability in a race is like cheating."

"Isn't your power to control the river too?" Asuka grunted dissatisfiedly, and asked Jiao Liu back.

"Oh, well, I admit that I also used the power of fouling. It seems that to win the game, only to knock down Nie Kong." Besides, the space jump is much faster than his method of manipulating water flow. hundred times.

Jiao Liu uses that suspicious Guanxi accent, but his aura is completely different from the intimacy he had a few days ago.

The Demon King who was smiling in front of him, the smile that made people feel his absolute confidence seemed to be full of danger like a poisonous snake, and the attitude of pretending to be harmless to humans and animals has completely disappeared.

"Really surprised, is that the real form of being the Seven Great Demon Kings!" Asuka was full of surprise, because the contrast Jiao Liu gave her was too great.It seems that he has become a domineering demon from an old man in his twilight years.

"The seven demon kings with the strength of the fourth-tier demon king are indeed a good opponent. I actually wanted to try how strong the fourth-tier demon king is. Asuka sauce, first help take care of Feis and Sixteen Nights! !" Nie Kong turned his head and said to Flying Bird.

"Yeah. Master Nie Kong, be careful. The Flood Demon King is the Seven Demon Kings who became famous thousands of years ago." Asuka said worriedly.

Nie Kong nodded, flicking his hands and hung them on the sea beast under his seat, keeping the birds away.

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