The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 02093. Criminal investigation

"The big thing is not good, the god is hidden!"

"Li... immediately contact the gendarmerie inside and outside, as soon as possible!"

"The outer wall and the city wall of the Ninomiya are sealed off. That guy is simply provoking the majesty of Salamandra, the ruler of our northern district, so we can never let the prisoners escape!"

After hearing the black rabbit's explanation, Nie Kong heard the noise coming from around.Nie Kong stopped, and the black rabbit women who followed closely took a beat and stopped.

"Shen Yin appeared?"

"Yes, Lord Nie Kong don't have to worry about it either. Because the North District has set up a special organization for Shenyin. It is a prank from evil spirits or wind-type gods, to ghost abduction and human trafficking. A broadly corresponding expert group. As long as they deal with it, most of the hidden phenomena can be grasped within two or three days..." Suddenly, the black rabbit hesitated and stopped.

Nie Kong, who thought carefully about the black rabbit's speech, understood, and said in surprise: "In other words, is the current riot a Shenyin incident that experts cannot deal with?"

The black rabbit sighed and said with a pouting mouth: "Yes, there seems to be a troublesome guy."

"Let's go and take a look at the scene." Looking at the expressions of Master Nie Kong and Sixteen Nights, the black rabbit seemed to have expected the result, and followed behind with drooping long rabbit ears.

A large number of people have appeared on the scene of "Shen Yin".The location was a room in an accommodation facility on Gongfang Street, and the building itself was built to stay in a borrowed studio.

The brick streets have been blocked by the gendarmerie, and Mandela, the staff officer of "Salamandra", is in charge of the gendarmerie to block the site.

As soon as he confirmed Nie Kong's figure, he immediately frowned and sighed. He didn't expect that other community leaders would see Salamandra losing his prestige.

Nie Kong kicked off the isolation fence. Although the members of the military police showed some dissatisfaction, Mandela didn't say anything, and naturally no one would stop it.

"Mandela, is there any clue to the prisoner?"

"No. Although it is supposed to use the same technique, but it is completely unclear who it is. The children are inexplicably hidden."

"The same kind? Does it mean that there have been many divine hidden incidents?" Nie Kong asked Mandela in surprise.

"Well, it happened three times in three days, and all the children who were missing were more than ten years old. If you want to see the scene, I can let you see it, but you are definitely not allowed to destroy it." Mandela blushed, a little unnaturally. Replied.

Then, Mandela opened the door of the accommodation facility to let Nie Kong and the others in.It's just that some kind of incident has clearly happened at the scene, but there is no disturbance inside, but it is in a state as if the usual stability has been directly preserved.

Although Jack remained silent, Flame's eyes showed anger and hatred.For Jack, who loves children, kidnapping is inexcusable.

Mandela stopped on the third floor of the facility, "This room is the scene of Shenyin."

Opened the door and saw that there was still a sense of life in the room, and it didn't show any appearance of destruction at all.The scene was shrouded in a calm atmosphere, and it was even hard to believe that kidnapping had happened.The only exception is the word "mixed" and the mysterious arrow book written directly opposite the door.Nie Kong recognized that their fonts should be Chinese.

"I don't know if it was a trace of the spell, or a message left by the prisoner. No matter what it is, the other two scenes also have similar words. So I will wait for the judgment to be the same caster." Mandela said While Nie Kong was analyzing the case, Pest and Jack listened carefully, for fear of missing a word.

"Oh? Can I ask, what else was written?" Shizuye, who obviously doesn't understand Chinese, asked curiously.

According to Mandela, three paragraphs of Chinese characters were left in the arrow book of the Shenyin Incident, but Shiliuye only understood one mixed character.

"Next, I was idle, wasting my time, and accomplishing nothing. They all left letters with the above three sentences."

Nie Kong carefully considered those words and looked at the surrounding environment, Nie Kong frowned and thought.According to the font, it can only be judged that the perpetrator of the crime is the monster of the East.

"Do you have any other clues?"

"Nothing special. No, except for the disappeared victims, everyone is a child under ten."

"Damn bastard." Jack's tone also contained obvious anger, and he said coldly: "Why do you want to target children!!"

Behind him, Ikuya nodded and replied: "Yes. I always thought that powerful power can only be used against powerful guys, and this is still true today." His eyes exude a sharp light, and he set his own unwritten rules. Tell Mandela.No matter whether children are physically or mentally, they are undoubtedly weak in society.Because of this, Ikuyao couldn't tolerate those who possessed power to poison the children.His eyes were burning with anger, telling that no one can break his own law in front of his own eyes.

"Well, it seems that we have nothing to do in the next time. By the way, we will help you catch each other, so you can continue to be responsible for the security work of the assembly." Nie Kong nodded and nodded to Mandela. .

As a "graduated" from the famous detective Conan World, Nie Kong shouldn't take much time to detect the criminal.It happens that Jialing and Jiao Liu arrive tomorrow, and it will take some time before the forum for those who dominates.

"Then I will thank you for "Salamandra"!!" Originally, Mandela would not readily agree to Izayoi, but instead of letting the three problem children of Izayoe go to trouble, it is better to give them something to do, by the way. To dismiss Nie Kong's face.

Even if they were upgraded to become the dominators of the North District, they did not dare to neglect Niekong Mandela.Nie Kong's prestige and influence are no different from those who dominate.

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