The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 02105, Nie Kong vs the three-headed dragon! !

The three-headed dragon stayed above and looked down with six eyes.Each head is facing in a different direction, and after repeating the movement of tilting its head several times-the three-headed dragon expands its wings several times and starts to wave.

It seems to be an understatement, but the three-headed dragon's flapping action caused the sea of ​​clouds to be divided into left and right halves and then disappear.Then the wave formed two huge tornadoes that swept across the metropolitan area below, causing all the currents created by Jiao Liu to be destroyed in an instant.

" could it happen!"

The tornado first swallowed the violent ocean phenomenon that Jiao Liu had summoned, and then swallowed all forces and caused destruction regardless of the enemy and our side.Whether it is a corridor covered with glass, the scales and wings of a giant or a fire dragon, the tornado blows everything into the sky without distinction.In this way, it's no longer a matter of caring about the game. After all, the urban areas and palaces collapsed and collapsed because of a wing wave.Yao and the black rabbit disintegrated the palace they were blown into the sky by a whirlwind.In the town, all the fighting ceased, including His Royal Highness and Sixteen Nights.

"The three-headed dragon has released the seal. It is the strongest demon king! It is the responsibility of the heavenly army to defeat him. Everyone...everyone quickly leave the town." Jiao Liu reminded out loudly nervously.

Just the coercion from the opponent has already made Jiao Liu unable to mention the resistance.Jiao Liu's palm was sweating, and the strength of the fourth-tier demon was not on par with that of the third-tier.

However, Black Rabbit didn't notice Jiao Liu and others, she just looked up at the three-headed dragon in the sky blankly.The memories of her childhood revived strongly in her brain.The fierce burning hometown and the miserable wailing sound are even enough to fill the beast group of the forest.It only used one night's event to destroy the monsters of the "Moon Rabbit" family.

"How is it possible, that Demon King... was not defeated by Lord Canary?"

She didn't know the black rabbit. At that time, the canary only sealed the three-headed dragon, so the original NoName banner would be used to unlock its seal.

In one step or two steps, the black rabbit staggered forward in the direction of the three-headed dragon like a lost soul.

As soon as the eyes of the three-headed dragon noticed the black rabbit standing on the rubble, it immediately made a terrifying cry that was not like a world object, and then rushed towards it like a black rabbit.Its roar even forced the lava of the active volcano back, causing huge cracks in the earth.The chandelier shattered into pieces, and finally turned into glass flowers, scattered in the city and turned into dust.

The black rabbit, who was still in a daze, stared blankly at the three-headed dragon assaulting her, and at the same time noticed something with a mindset that it didn't matter to him.Ah, am I going to die, like my parents.

"Damn it, Black Rabbit, what are you doing there, hurry up and leave with me." A soft drink in his ears made the Black Rabbit wake up from the sluggishness.Only saw a dark blade storm appeared in the sky, rolling towards the three dragons and stopping it.Asuka wearing a gorgeous dress fell from the sky and appeared in front of the black rabbit.

"Crack roar!" Before the flying bird pulled the black body away, the black blade and the center of the storm erupted with its roar, and it even shattered the blade storm with a wave of its wings.

"You two, be careful!" Seeing the violent wind formed by the wings of the three-headed magic dragon flapping its fans against the black rabbit and the bird, Jiao Liu hurriedly threw himself in front of them.


Jiao Liu had gone through thousands of mountains and rivers, and he was blown out by the wind without being able to block it for two seconds.Not only that, it was razed to the ground within a kilometer of its center.The other party simply waved his wings, and the fierce wind generated by all the members of the town was overwhelmed.

Seeing that the three-headed dragon was about to land and hit the moon rabbit on the ground, in the next instant, Nie Kong, the only one in the town that could stand against the wind, stopped in front of the three-headed dragon.

He patted the wind with one hand, and the majestic and majestic protected the black rabbit from the hand of the dragon.

"Get out of the way, Black Rabbit!"

The black rabbit widened his red eyes to the limit, as if he had seen something unbelievable, Nan Nan said with tears: "It's... it's Nie Kong... Master Nie Kong?"

Nie Kong didn't expect the sudden change of the battle. They had killed Maxwell and were ready to help deal with other demon kings. They didn't expect the three-headed demon dragon that Bai Yasha once said would appear, and the opponent's strength is indeed amazing!!

"Vera, Black Rabbit, please, let me deal with that dragon temporarily!"

", Lord Nie Kong, we...we are not its opponents." Black Rabbit said in a panic.

Nie Kong's words, Nie Kong's heroic figure overlapped with the black rabbit's parents at the other end of the memory.The Black Rabbit knows very well, the determination that the back tells, and also knows the result.She held Nie Kong's clothes corner in fear, and refused to leave.Asuka and Vera stopped her actions.The tears of the black rabbit stretched out her arms, but her hands could not touch anything.

The three-headed dragon did not stop the three women from leaving, but quietly looked at Nie Kong who appeared with six eyeballs in three pairs of eyes, and smiled and said, "Hehe, are you planning to bet your life for your companion? No matter how many years have passed, the divergence points in hell can make my blood boil."

"No, I'm just worried that they will hinder our fight. I haven't met a decent opponent for a long time. Maybe you can bring me a lot of fun."

"Oh?" The three-headed dragon made a surprised voice.I probably didn't expect that the other party would say those words when he was in desperation.However, it is no wonder that he was like this. After all, two hundred years before he was sealed, all the residents of Hakata were afraid of his name and fear of his existence.

On the back of the three-headed dragon, a banner with the original text of "Aksara" and "evil" is displayed and boasted.That is when the true face of the world is not yet clear.Distinguish heaven and earth, give birth to yin and yang, and formulate good and evil. They are the oldest cosmology formed by the smallest unit of the world.

The three-headed dragon shouldered his half of his body and reported his name, "It's really a good spirit, you are qualified to know my name. I am the three-digit Hakata, the demon king Aji Da, one of the gods of the fire worship group. Kaha. The supreme master takes over the banner and three digits, and is destined to spend this life as a demon king!"

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