The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0213, the first arrival of the holy stone arrow

Early on Monday morning, several beautiful girls in white pleated skirts walked towards the apartment where Qian Qiu was staying.Standing in the middle of the crowd were Banchangbang Zhikui from Liewu Diru, and Ningning and the others stood on both sides.

Today, Xiaokui didn't put on a white cloak, instead she wore a sailor suit exclusively for college girls.Less cold, more tender.Even so, the passers-by stayed away as usual.

"Sister Kwai, let's go the wrong way, the direction of Sacred Stone Arrow High School should be on the right." Ningning's dynamic and mature face on the right was full of confusion.

"Of course I know, I just want to take Qianqiu by the way. In the past, Qianqiu had an older brother who sent her to school, but now Ishiya Mako High School has been destroyed, and the teacher should not be able to send Qianqiu now. As the Banchan of Rage Emperor Ruo, I I have an obligation to take care of you." Xiao Kui said plausibly.

"Is that so?" Although Ningning was a little skeptical, Xiao Kui had too good reasons, so she didn't think much.Sister Kwai is so responsible, it is a great thing for the development of Lieang Diru.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up. On the first day of the transfer, if you are late, the impact will be too bad." Xiao Kui lowered her face and accelerated her pace. No one noticed her strange expression at this time.

Not long after, several girls came to the door of the apartment.

"Qianqiujiang, let's go to school together." Although there was no order from Xiaokui, Hanazawa Yuka consciously shouted out.The door clicked open, and Xiao Qianqiu poked out a cute little head.

Seeing sister Kwai and others outside the door, Xiao Qianqiu's face flashed three points of surprise and seven points of disappointment!I still want to go to school with my brother alone. Have you planned to go to school?

Sister Rufan Changkui personally greeted him, Qianqiu was flattered, how dare to speak out against it.

"Oh, Xiao Qianqiu has developed very well during this period." Ning Ningte boldly stretched out his hand to measure.

Qianqiujiang has grown from 78 to more than 80 in two weeks, which is already a growth against the sky.

"Ahhh...Sister Ningning, stop making trouble, it's so itchy. I... no matter how I develop, I won't be able to become as old as you." Qian Qiu is still willing to give up, and while envious, Qian Qiu Still a little lost.

The two women chased and slapped the room, and the door of the apartment creaked open again.Nie Kong, with Xiao Lias sitting on her shoulders, appeared in front of the women.

"Ouch!" Backing Ning Ning staggered into Nie Kong's arms. Nie Kong stretched out his right hand to support Ning Ning to prevent the girl from falling and being injured.

"Ah... old... teacher, when did you come out?" Ning Ning pushed Nie Kong away in surprise, her beautiful face full of shy flushes.It's miserable, so boldly discussing those things with Qianqiu, won't all be heard by the teacher.

"Please, it's half past seven now. It's not a big deal, I'll be late anytime soon." Nie Kong's mood became very good when he saw so many beautiful girls at the door.

Has the teacher heard it all? It's too shameful.Ning Ning and Qianqiu's two daughters made a fiery sunset with a brush of their pretty faces.

"Old...Good morning, teacher, are you just going to work too!" Seeing Nie Kong's appearance, Xiao Kui's face showed a happy smile.

"Qianqiujiang hasn't told you yet, I'm already a teacher at the Sacred Stone Arrow High School, I would like to ask you to take care of me in the future!" Nie Kong said.

"Ahhh...Is my brother teacher still our teacher? I'm so happy." Yujia cheered happily.

"Since it's on the way, then...the teacher, let's go to school together." I am so happy that I can use the excuse of Qianqiu to accompany the teacher to school every day.

It was just the beautiful woman who appeared at the door that made Xiaokui's joyful smile stiff on her face.Not only Xiaokui, except for the faces of the girls around Qianqiu, there was something unnatural.

"Master, you are too bad, how can you drop Xiao Liyasi's bottle." It turned out that it was the maid Greifia who appeared, so Xiao Kui misunderstood her as Nie Kong's wife.

"There shouldn't be anything forgotten this time, let's go to school quickly, otherwise we will be late." Picking up the bottle that Griffia handed over, Nie Kong led the beautiful girl legion on a pilgrimage to the Saint Ishiya Magic High School.

On the way, Xiao Kui couldn't help asking: "Qianqiu, is the beautiful woman who lives in the teacher's house the mother of Xiao Lias?"

Hearing Xiaokui's question, the girls around all pricked their ears.

"It's the maid, it's the maid serving Xiao Lias, don't make a fuss." Qianqiu said calmly.

"So that's it, then I still have a chance?" Xiao Kui's deep mood became cheerful again.

There was a little green in the thousands of flowers, and Nie Kong led Xiaokui and the others to the front of the Holy Stone Arrow High School in the envy and jealous eyes of countless men.

"This is the Saint Stone Arrow High School!" There is no shabby and no graffiti, this is a normal college in the second dimension.When the surrounding students saw Xiaokui and their school skirts, they avoided from a distance.

In order to distinguish between the students of the two schools for the students of the Holy Ishiya Demon, Xiaokui, who was wearing Ishiya's white pleated skirt, recognized the students of the Holy Ishiya Devil as soon as they entered the school.

Although they are all beautiful girls, they are marked by Ishiya Demon's bad behavior.So even though the male classmates of Shengshi Yamo said that they had seen so many cute girls, they didn't dare to come forward to strike up a conversation.

"Just leave here, the teacher will be angry if you are late." As a teacher, Nie Kong naturally wants to go to his office.

"Yes, teacher!" the girls answered neatly, there is no such thing as a bad breath in their obedient appearance.The students of the Holy Stone Demon were shocked again. It is said that it is true that there is a very powerful teacher who can stand in the High School of the Stone Demon.

The students of Sacred Rock Arrow College were not afraid of Nie Kong, but were full of curiosity.The teacher is not bad, so even though it is from the same school, no one will be afraid of Nie Kong.

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