The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0215, war

The declaration that was close to a declaration of war spread throughout Kido to the Sacred Stone Arrow High School.The consequence was that the director of the academy united with the top 6 members of the holy stone arrow demon and declared that the six horsemen had been dispatched.

Although it caused a huge turmoil, the principal did not care at all, but found it very interesting.Because the Saint Stone Arrow High School, which was almost stagnant, was completely activated after joining the students of the Stone Arrow.

The contradiction between the two schools completely detonated Nie Kong.

At noon the next day, rapid footsteps came from the wooden corridor.A panting girl appeared at the door of the special Ishigami class. It was Ryoko Asuka wearing a mask.

"It's not good, Shiroyama-san killed the three students of the Holy Stone Arrow..."

Kanzaki, who had stayed in the classroom leisurely drinking yogurt, heard the news, and the yogurt bottle in his right hand was crushed to pieces.Kanzaki has listed Shiroyama as his confidant after experiencing the incident.

"You can tell me clearly, what happened?" Kanzaki's tone was very flat, but from his hideous face, he could see how angry he was inside!

"It's a good thing done by the three guys in Class Three of the Sage Stone Arrow. I heard that they wanted to drive us out of school..." As Ryoko Asuka said, the classmates in the classroom learned what happened.

After all, although many of the students of the Holy Stone Arrow Demon are afraid and disgusted, there are still a few angry youths who hate those bad things.The teacher who was able to hear it let them fight, so they impulsively attacked Chengshan first.He smashed several dozen kilograms of dumbbells on him from the height of the second floor, and Chengshan fell in a pool of blood.

"I have called an ambulance, and Shiroyama has now been sent to the hospital..." Asuka said cautiously looking at Kanzaki's already dark face like the bottom of a pot.

His confidant, his beloved general, lost consciousness with such a despicable means...

"Hehe..." After hearing Asuka's narration, Kanzaki actually laughed.It's just a distorted face, his eyes are orange and red!

"Class three of the first grade!" Kanzaki stood up and walked away slowly outside the classroom.

"It's so funny, I hope Kanzaki won't kill him." Ji Chuan, who played with his mobile phone, had a playful smile on his face.What are you doing? We, Shishi Demon, will accompany you at any time.

Is this going to war?!The girls in the classroom with the enraged Diru were a little at a loss.

"Oops, I told the teacher the first thing. By the way, sisters, have you seen the teacher and Sister Kui?" Asuka patted his head in annoyance and asked hurriedly.

"If you are looking for a teacher, he may be on the roof of the teaching building now!" Abe, the killing machine, replied in a low voice.

"Thanks!" Asuka left this sentence and hurried to the top of the building.

"Class 3 of the first grade, is that the classroom?" Kanzaki had found the classroom of the third group of the first grade, but he was full of revenge. He was no longer in the mood to walk through the door and broke into the window.

With a click, the sound of broken glass rang.Kanzaki held a baseball bat and squatted abruptly in front of the broken window.

The classmates sitting leisurely in the classroom screamed at Kanzaki who broke through the window and appeared.The panic sound caught the attention of other classmates, and many people crowded in the door to watch the excitement.

And all this hustle and bustle can't affect Kanzaki who has pinned his attention to the three people who have hurt Chengshan!There is no other reason, because the dumbbells under their feet still have blood.

"It was the three of you who killed Chengshan." Their expressions were too horrible, and the three culprits were all panicked.They can't imagine that revenge will come so fast, so crazy!

"Don't... don't mess around, this is the holy stone arrow demon!"

"Yes, you will be dropped out of school!!" The trio yelled fiercely, only that they had lost their determination to do something against the crazy Kanzaki.Under Kanzaki's pressure, their legs were shaking.

"Drop out of school? Who cares about it!" At this point, it seems that nothing can stop Kanzaki who wants revenge!

"Stop it." Only at this moment, there was a calm stop.It's just that Kanzaki didn't stop, the baseball bat in his hand picked up speed instead.

"I told you to stop, didn't you hear it?" An angry voice came out, and suddenly a young man with a scar on his face appeared in front of Kanzaki.The powerful baseball bat gently fell into his hand.

"Don't try to stop me!" Kanzaki dropped the baseball bat, and the sign of cheating appeared again.Only at the moment he jumped up, the young man in front suddenly pushed in front of him, and the concentrated power of his right fist blasted Kanzaki's stomach.

"Boom!" There was no knock-up scene, but Kanzaki hugged his stomach and lay on the ground.Bajiquan directly acts on the body, and there is no buffer for the strength, so the lethality is amazing.

"It's just a waste of Shi Shi Demon, you help me throw him out!" The boy had no interest in Kanzaki with his eyes full of disdain.I thought Toho Shinki would be so powerful, but it was so vulnerable.

At the same time, most of the students of Ishiya Demon College were ambushed by the students of the Holy Ishiya Demon.MK5, Brother Sanada...Almost all the weak students were killed.The classmates of Ishiyamo High School were caught in the crisis of group destruction.

On the balcony of the teaching building, Nie Kong leisurely ate a bento made for him by Xiaokui MM.The core girls of Lie Rage Emperor Ru all surrounded Nie Kong.From a distance, it looks like an emperor over the world.

Qianqiu was a little upset, why didn't he think of making a lunch for his brother.At this time, seeing sister Kwai's shy cheeks with joy, Qian Qiu's heart was slightly sour.

"Sister Kwai is too bad, how can I snatch my brother from Qianqiu."

It was strange to see Sister Kwai in the past two days, but now I don't know that Sister Kwai is in love with her brother.It's just that she can't stop it, and she can't stop it.

"But even if the opponent is Sister Kwai, I will never give up! With the time alone with my brother at night, Qian Qiu will definitely win his brother's body and mind!" Qian Qiu made up his mind, his brows stretched open.

The women around Ningning were a little bit distressed. The rules of Emperor Lieru were not allowed to fall in love, and the rules that Sister Kwai, who was a fan, blatantly offended, made them very embarrassed.

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