The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element body 02164Take Takatsuki Spring as food

"Hey, why should she stay in our house." When she woke up the next day, he looked at the lovely girl Takatsuki Izumi sitting in the living room, and Heina yelled dissatisfiedly. She didn't want her father to divide her pet and love. Give one more to others.

Heina always felt that Takatsuki Izumi's existence was a threat to them.Especially Xiao Hina Shi, looking at Takatsuki Quan's eyes full of timidity and...awe.

On the one hand, the hierarchical gap between ghouls was suppressing, Hina knew very well how powerful Takatsuki Spring was. On the other hand, she was humbled by nature, she was afraid of living.If it hadn't been for Nie Kong's careful and gentle care for many days, she might not agree with Nie Kong psychologically now.

"Hehe, I may be your sister in the future." Gao Tsukiizumi said with a smile.

", Heina shouldn't add another sister without authorization, dad, you can say something too." Heina shook Nie Kong's big hand and said pitifully.

Nie Kong had a headache, so he could only comfort him and said, "Heine, it's nothing like that, she just stayed in our house temporarily."

"Really...really?" Dong Xiang surrounded Nie Kong from behind and asked in a low voice, tilting his head back.

"Yes. Besides, I have left Gaoziquan, which is actually useful." Nie Kong nodded and said.

"Nie Kong, what you said is really sad." Gao Takiquan pouted.

"Dad, besides being a little better, what can she do? We already have a good life." Naibai also felt that there was enough employment in the family, and Takatsuki seemed a little redundant.

"No, in fact, the role of Takatsuki Spring is an irreplaceable place for others." Nie Kong glanced at Takatsuki Spring and said.

"Finally, are you willing to face up to my importance?" Takatsuki said with a smile.

"Yes, that's your body."

Nie Kong stared at Gao Tsukiquan’s small and exquisite body. When Gao Tsukiquan didn’t care at all, he puffed up her cute little breasts and said, “Oh, when Nie Kong’s wife, I have to think about it first. There are a few more daughters inexplicably, so I'm not used to it."

"Dad, what are you talking about?"

Dong Xiang and Heina fired in their eyes, how could they tolerate something like her mother.Obviously... Obviously a few days ago, I had already given birth with my father.

Nie Kong suddenly grabbed Gao Tsuquan who was sitting in front of him with one hand, and pulled her into his arms.

Gao Tsuquan, who was originally a joking type, was held in his arms by Nie Kong, and was shocked instantly, with a pink on his cheeks.

"Nie...Nie Kong, it's too fast." Gao Luquan said, struggling slightly.

Nie Kong ignored her resistance, bent over and lowered his head to press against Gao Luquan.

The women of Dong Xiang stared at everything that happened, almost full of jealousy in their hearts.Dad, actually took the initiative to kiss someone else!!

Gao Tsukiquan was also affected by the atmosphere, and hurriedly closed his pale green eyes.But there was no unusual touch from the lips and teeth, but a pain in the neck.

"Woo." Opened his eyes and saw that Nie Kong opened his mouth and bit her neck.The feeling of suffocation, as if the joy of electricity swept through the body, and the whole body was weak.

That's right, Nie Kong's vampire fangs pierced her tender neck, sucking the other's blood.

"Hey, I...I'm going to be eaten?" Gao Tsukiquan never thought, as a ghoul, was he... eaten by others?

"Dad...Dad, how does it taste." Dong Xiang looked at Nie Kong and asked stupidly.

"Huh, the blood is very mellow and delicious." Nie Kong wiped the blood stains from his mouth, feeling that Gao Luquan had a sweeter taste than the blood of many young girls.

" want to treat me as food?" Gao Muquan regained his senses, staring at Nie Kong with those big eyes.

"What does it matter? Your blood can continue to regenerate, and you can provide a source of food for Dong Xiang and the ghouls, as rent." Nie Kong said with a light smile.

" won't work, even if we ghouls eat ghouls, we won't feel full except for Hebao." Kamdai Rishike hurriedly shook his head and said.

Gao Takiquan is also the writer she admired, the one-eyed dove she admired.In the face of strength, Goddaily did not dare to commit a crime.

"No, Gao Tsukiquan is not a pure ghoul, but a one-eyed dove born from the combination of humans and ghouls. She has the special training of half human and half ghoul." Nie Kong said the truth.

"Yes...Is it? No wonder I smelled a... very fragrant and unusual smell from Gao Tsuzumi's body." Dong Xiang's expression was full of surprise, and then gradually turned into a surprise.

Since humans and ghouls can combine pregnancy to give birth to children, instead of father transplanting organs, then the combination of himself and Master Nie Kong will definitely be successful.

"Anyway, you have the powerful healing power of a ghoul, and it is not difficult to provide us with food every week." Nie Kong said lazily.

Nie Kong intends to feed Dong Xiang, Xiao Shi, and then Gao Luquan to eat the blood from the hospital to repair his vitality.

The taste contained in the blood of Takatsuki Spring was ten times better than that of ordinary humans, and Nie Kong felt that it was comparable to his own cooking.

Shendai Lishi naturally couldn't, her appetite for a meal was too big.

"Wha...what, what do you take me to be?" Gao Tsukiizumi retorted dissatisfiedly.

If... it would be acceptable for Nie Kong to suck his own blood alone.That feeling, as if her soul floated out, made her want to feel it again.

But to provide Dong Xiang with a few little ghouls, Gao Tsukiquan, who prides himself on his noble status, is naturally unhappy.

"Now we are the relationship between rent and tenants. When you get our recognition in the future, we will naturally treat you as a family." Nie Kong said.

"Yes, yes." Heina finally smiled, not happily.No matter what, Takatsuki Quan can't shake his position in his father's heart now.

"Okay, but I only provide it once a week." Gao Tsukiizumi reluctantly agreed.She didn't believe that she would not be able to melt into Nie Kong's life.She wants to live with Nie Kong, perhaps just to experience the lost love of the father!!

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