The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 02175, the Gala crocodile that shocked Nie Kong

"Toru, the main course is here! The gala crocodile barbecue I specially grilled is officially finished!!!" The little man with a long white chef hat came slowly, pushing a dining car.

"After waiting for a long time, is the main dish finally here?" Smelling the intoxicating smell of meat in the air, Lu and Wukong's eyes lit up, and they kept drooling.

"Main dish?" Even Nie Kong just smelled the slight fragrance, which made him feel appetite for a while.

"That's right, because the group of fools at the IGO restaurant commissioned us food hunters to catch the Gara crocodile with level 5 capture. Goku and I caught it back this morning and agreed to be prepared for a meal." Said with saliva.

The chef named Komatsu couldn't help but smiled shyly, and explained: "That gala crocodile is no longer a simple capture level of 5, because it has lived for one hundred and fifty years, so the danger level is raised to 7. The meat is not only tender, but also has a lot of fat. The meat simply roasted with seasoning is ready to eat!"

"That's it! If I can eat it, I can't wait!!" Wukong drooled and tore off a whole piece of crystal clear meat, with a lot of gravy left on it.

It couldn't resist the delicacy of Galla crocodile at all, because of the delicious taste, Alu's saliva also overflowed his mouth.

Although he has become greedy like this, he did not eat it in a hurry, but stared at the Gala Crocodile barbecue in front of him: "The grease on it is shining, like a gem!"

"I can't stand it!!" Wukong put the barbecue directly into his mouth and tasted it with his eyes closed.When his teeth chewed to the gala crocodile barbecue, his taste buds erupted like a volcano, and two words continued to appear in his mind!


Wukong opened his eyes suddenly, and jumped up happily, "What a delicious meat! It's really delicious in the world! The crystal-like gem-like meat is so smooth to eat, although the meat is so juicy that it makes the mouth I can't pack it anymore, it's super delicious!!!"

"It's too exaggerated." Seeing Wukong's appearance, Nie Kong didn't believe him and picked up a piece of barbecue. He couldn't help but pick up a piece of barbecue: "I'll have one too!!"

"It's really delicious meat. It's really a lot higher than the ones I ate before!" Nie Kong suddenly realized that the level of meat raised in his ring was compared with the gala crocodile in front of him. Nothing anymore.

The meat quality of the food of the level 7 is so eager to catch it, what about the meat of the level 100.Nie Kong suddenly looked forward to the world in front of him.

"Hahaha! Advanced cuisine!" Nie Kong and Wukong all let go of their belly and had a big meal.In a few seconds, the one ton of barbecue in the dining car has been eaten clean.

"Hey, Chef Komatsu, hurry up and prepare more. We will have a full meal tonight!" Toriko couldn't wait to cry.

"Yes, yes." Komatsu didn't expect the appetites of Torii and the others to be so terrifying, and hurriedly pushed the dining car to the kitchen, dozens of chefs were busy at the same time.The constant dining car was pushed out of the kitchen.

After solving nearly 8 tons of Galla crocodile barbecue, they stopped, and they enjoyed the food bestowed by God!

"Huh..." I saw Nie Kong lying there holding a big belly. He hadn't eaten so full for a long time!

"It's really comfortable, I haven't eaten so full for a long time! And so delicious, the hard work this morning was not in vain!" Wukong also smiled.

"Goku, what are you working so hard for? It doesn't take much effort to catch that gala crocodile, right?" Aru also admired Wukong's strength very much, and simply caught the gala crocodile back alive.

"Haha, in terms of strength, Nie Kong is much better than me." Wukong said, pointing at Nie Kong.

"Really, Nie Kong, then you don't know if you are interested in becoming a food hunter. The world is huge, with more than 300,000 kinds of ingredients, and now more than half have not been discovered." Asked with interest.

"Of course, I am also looking forward to how many kinds of delicious food there are in the world of food." While talking, Nie Kong's appetite was stimulated.

"Haha, Nie Kong, let's compare our life menu in the end." Wukong also said excitedly.

Nie Kong nodded and said, "I want to taste all the food in the world."

"It's a great dream. In that case, maybe you can consider becoming a food hunter directly under the jurisdiction of an international food institution." Alu suggested.

"International food institution, Nie Kong, there are so many ingredients in it. Every time I go there, I can't eat enough." Wukong became a member of it because he ate Bawang's meal back then.

However, international food organizations do not restrict Wukong's freedom, and occasionally send some commissions to ask Wukong to help capture the high-level food ingredients.

"Yes, but I ask IGO ​​to provide me with gourmet cells unconditionally. I need it in some places," Nie Kong said.

Nie Kong asked for food cells in order to complete the agreement with Dong Xiang, so that their ghouls would also taste human food.

Nie Kong felt that it was great to be able to come to the world of gourmet food.The potential of gourmet cells is not comparable to other ghouls, nor will it lose to vampires.At the same time, Nie Kong felt that if he used gourmet cells to strengthen the blood whip for gluttony, he would definitely increase its level.

"No problem. Gourmet cells are not rare things. The idiot of the president will definitely agree." Toriko agreed without hesitation.

"It just so happens that IGO idiots have a job and want to ask us."

"Ah, there are so many gourmets in IGO, don't you need to come to you specifically?" Wukong looked at Aru in surprise. As a free food hunter, he rarely helps IGO organizations.

"It seems that the fruits of the rainbow are about to bear fruit." Wukong said the task.

"What?" Sure enough, Alu was surprised. The ingredients that surprised the Four Heavenly Kings were not ordinary top-notch ingredients.

"Mr. Wukong, you mean the fruit of the rainbow!! Is it the kind of dreamy fruit whose taste changes to seven colors with the temperature and temperature!?" Komatsu first shouted in surprise.


"Haha, if that's the case, then I must go back again."

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