The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0218Gambling

The corridor was very narrow, and the four people rushing in angrily already took up two-thirds of the space.With a pull with his right hand, Xiang Hongdao, who was struggling in front of him, threw Nie Kong towards the four rushing people.

"What!" The four charged at seeing Xiang Hongdao as a comet straddling the corridor, how could they hesitate to reach out and block in front.

"Boom!" The huge force slammed into it and directly pushed the five runners back more than ten meters.Under the impact of power, the five of them felt that their bones were falling apart.As a descendant of the demon exiled to the world, it was even more shocking.I thought Tojo was already a pervert in the world, but the teacher who appeared was even more terrifying.

"It seems that for now can only use the demon power in the body to defeat him!" The horse stood up again, and the demon power lurking in the body hovered.Focusing on him, a cold snow breeze was blowing in all directions!

"Is this the power of the devil, things are a bit bad now!" Zenjuro Saotome, who was watching the play on the top of the teaching building in the distance, changed his face when he noticed the power exuded by student Chuma.

"It's really messy, are you going to demolish the school." Saotome Zenjuro rushed over the corridor, wishing to stop the battle from breaking out!

Not only Zenjuro Saotome was surprised, but the three of Shiludi in the dark were surprised.

"Yes, that is the power that belongs to the devil. From the perspective of his appearance, he should not be an orthodox demon, it is probably the descendant of a demon exiled in the human world!" said Demon Pharmacist Lulukas.

Because Angelica had some accidents, even Arlandron didn't have time to take them back to the Demon World.The two had no choice but to hide in the human world first.

"Too underestimate that teacher will suffer. He is a strong man who signed a contract with the royal demon. The fit should have reached 100%." ​​The demon sister of the other world can find such a powerful human, Xiludi Some worry about the young master.In the game a year later, judging from the growth of the male deer, the chances of the young master winning are too slim.

"You are very strong. It has been a long time since no one can force me to fight with all my strength. Teacher, you should be thankful!" The horse raised his head, his eyes were already full of cold.Although the power of the demon on his body is very weak, his ability to help out has been increased by about twice.

"If you want to tell a big story, I'll talk until you win." Nie Kong raised the index finger of his right hand, and a slight fluctuation spread.Wherever he could see, the blood around him gathered towards his fingertips.

A blood ball the size of a glass ball floated strangely on Nie Kong's fingertips, following the slight flick of Nie Kong's index finger.The bright red blood drops radiating a coquettish brilliance in the sun, and they crossed a distance of more than ten meters with a sound!

"What is that?" As soon as he released his body's magic power, he saw a coquettish blood ball before he could attack.Intuition tells him that this blood cell is dangerous.But after countless battles, he will not sit still.With his right hand clenched into a fist, he used his full strength to face the blood cell.


"Blast me!" When the blood ball appeared in front of the horse, Nie Kong's voice suddenly resounded like thunder in the sky!

"Boom!!" The bright red blood cell burst out with a bright red light, which was enough to make people's eardrums crack.The terrifying explosion of energy instantly presses the radius of 10 pervasively.Most of the dilapidated old school buildings were blown up directly.

Although the power is more than ten times less powerful than the vampire blood in his body, it should be more than enough for these students.

"Too...too strong, is this the strength of the teacher." Xiao Kui rubbed his eyes, as if he was dazzled.The teacher I like is too strong.

"The ability to manipulate blood is terrible!" The three of Xiludi looked at each other in astonishment and were directly startled.

"The strength of the teacher is indeed the object of my life." Tojo clenched his fists, his eyes igniting fighting spirit.Although it was the second time to see the horror of Nie Kong, Ji Chuan still felt a chill in his back.

"Ahem..." After the smoke passed, Saotome Zenjuro teacher appeared in front of Nie Kong.Behind him, only five people were slightly injured.As for Qi Haijing, because she didn't participate in the battle, she escaped.

At this time, Zenjuro Saotome had bright red tattoos all over his body, and he tried his best to stop Nie Kong's blood burst.Originally, he thought it would be Nie Kong who would come to help, but he didn't expect the opposite.

Thinking of the power that just exploded, Saotome Zenjuro felt lingering fear.If he uses Jomon's power later, he might be blown into ashes with the five students.

"Saootome Zenjuro-sensei, thank you for saving us!" Going out and clutching his injured arm, he said gratefully.I thought that if you use the power of the devil in your body, you can defeat Nie Kong, but he knows that his power is a joke in his eyes.

"Too...too amazing." The four people behind them all had fear in their eyes.Feeling dying, they never want to try again.

"Ahem... Teacher Nie Kong, please give me a face. Let's forget it today. If you have to do it, then I can't just sit on the sidelines." Saotome Zenjuro converged on the Joowang pattern and said helplessly. .

"It's not that simple. If you let you go back like this, the classmates in the school thought that our stone arrow demon would lose to your holy stone arrow demon." Nie Kong shook his head and refused decisively.

"As a teacher, even if you force the holy stone arrow demon to defeat, your student union will not be reconciled. How about this, one month later is the holy stone arrow demon's academy festival. At that time, in front of all the students in the school, the two college students again Let's try a game, in the way of sports competition..." Zenjuro is very good at communication, so he proposed this condition.

"Teacher, you have done enough for us, we have to beat them upright!" The male deer said aloud.

"Teacher, please trust us!" Tojo saw Zenjuro, his eyes regained his fighting spirit.Tojo didn't expect to be here, and he was very excited to meet Zenjuro who had been missing for a long time.

"Since my students agree, then I have nothing to say! But it's just that the game is too monotonous. Let's add some color." Nie Kong chuckled.

"What color?" Zen Shiro and Liuqisheng said at the same time.

"If we lose the game, we just leave the school. But if you lose, I want them to be my subordinates, no... it's a student." Nie Kong hurriedly changed his words.

"I... do I want it too?" Qi Haijing pointed to herself and asked.

"Well, you can be a maid."

"Ah..." Qi Hai was silent on the spot when he heard Nie Kong's words.

"Well, I promise you the lottery! Come to a volleyball match at the school festival in a month." Zen Jurou smiled heartily.

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