The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 2 015, adopt Nai

After successfully turning back to Yamamoto from Reborn, Nie Kong took Yamamoto directly back to his office, and gave Yamamoto the address where he lived, and invited Yamamoto to join the party.

Yamamoto Takeshi thought that the mafia game was really good, and he agreed casually.After getting Yamamoto Takeshi, the members of the Nie Kong family finally began to take shape, and Nie Kong deliberately went to the Prison Temple Hayato.

"Hayato, how about it, is it a habit to live in Japan?"

Because of the irritable temper of Prison Temple Falcon, many real bad boys on the street have been provoked. Although he can handle it himself, he is still relatively troublesome.

Nie Kong learned the news from nowhere, and then took the initiative to find the Falcon in the Prison Temple.But because Nie Kong helped the prison temple falcon to deal with a lot of trouble, the prison temple still admired Nie Kong very much.

"Thank you Ms. Nie Kong for helping me find the address. Those guys never came to me again."

The prison temple still looks like a self-respect, only the attitude towards Nie Kong's words is very correct.

"As for the conditions I have told you before, do you have an answer?"

Nie Kong took the usual smile and looked like a good teacher. There was absolutely no place to provoke him.

"Sorry, I haven't figured it out yet, please give me some more time to think about it!"

Although the Jail Temple Hayato came to Japan this time to test whether the disciples taught by Reborn are eligible to become the tenth generation of Pengley, the Jail Temple Hayato said that he was not moved by Nie Kong's invitation.

If you become a person on Nie Kong's side, Nie Kong will help investigate his mother's affairs. This is what the prison temple wants to know the most.

Moreover, even if the time to get along is short, from Nie Kong's calmly coping attitude, Prison Temple can also clearly see that Nie Kong is strong enough to help him grow!

However, the prison temple can be considered half a Pengley person after all. If you agree to be a person on Nie Kong's side at this time, it is equivalent to betraying the ninth generation of Pengley leader.

"It's okay, I'm not in a hurry, please feel free to contact me after you make a decision."

The Falcon from the Prison Temple nodded and left. Nie Kong was preparing to go to class at the school, but he received a call from Caobi.

"Teacher Nie Kong, the person you asked us to find has been found, but she had an accident and is now in the hospital."

After seeing the email message, Nie Kong was a little surprised.He originally wanted to prevent Nagi from being injured, but now it seems that he is still a step late.

Nie Kong returned to the Academic Affairs Office, adjusted his course, and rushed to the hospital where Nai was.

"Nai was born in October when you were pregnant. You should be responsible for her accident!"

"Although Nai is my daughter, but in any case, this is your kind, how can you have no relationship at all!"

As soon as Nie Kong arrived at the hospital, he saw the grass wall guarding a seat not far from the operating room. At the door of the operating room, a pair of men and women were standing in a quarrel.

"How is the situation now?"

Although Nie Kong knew the plot in advance and knew that Nai would not die, Nie Kong was unavoidably disgusted when he saw the so-called parents who were already arguing about who should be responsible when the daughter was still in the emergency.

"Teacher Nie Kong."

After seeing Nie Kong coming, Caobi stood up immediately, nodded to Nie Kong, and then reported to Nie Kong.

"When we found this little girl, she was hit to save the kitten. After she was sent to the hospital and notified her parents, it was unexpectedly the case when her parents came."

From the grass wall's far-away behavior, it is enough to tell that he also dislikes such parents very much, but after all, this is other people's housework, and he can't say much.

"If you don't want to be responsible to Nagi, please trouble me, and give me the custody of Nagi!"

The quarrel between the parents became louder and louder, and Nie Kong frowned slightly, and walked directly in front of them, asking for custody of Nai in a straightforward manner.

The two successfully stopped the quarrel, and at the same time looked at Nie Kong with suspicion and incomprehension.

"who are you?"

Among them, the mother spoke first.

"Hello, I am a teacher at Hingsheng Middle School. If you all dislike her, can you let her be adopted by me."

"Although Nai did save her life, she lost her right eye and part of her internal organs. Are you sure you want to adopt her?"

"Naturally, I will take good care of her life. You only need to agree to surrender your guardianship, and you will not be responsible for the rest."

Obviously my daughter has become like this. As a parent, the first reaction is not to protect, but to dislike. It is no wonder that Nai will form such an introverted character.

"No problem, we will sign the formalities immediately!"

Originally, even if no one adopted them, if Nagi could survive, they would be sent to an orphanage. Now that there are adopters, it saves them a lot of trouble!

Nie Kong remembered that according to the plot, Nai should have already met Liu Dao Mukuro in a dream at this time and got illusory internal organs.

However, this way of living by being attached to others is too dangerous. Once Liu Dao Mukuro is in danger, Nai's life will also be unprotected.

"If there is nothing else, then I will just take Nagi back."

Nie Kong didn't want to waste precious time in front of such parents. After getting the doctor's permission, he took Nai back to his residence.

"Although, in order to protect your life permanently, I can only use this trick."

After Nie Kong gently put Nai to the front, he gently put his hand on Nai's injured internal organs.First, the RC cells of the ghouls were used to strengthen the vitality of Nai, and the internal organs and eyes were regrown, and then the physique defects of the ghouls were eliminated with the gourmet cells.

In this way, it is equivalent to strengthening her physique twice.Although there is no food fortification, Nai's physical strength has become second to none in the homeschooling world.

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