The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 2 017, xanxus appears

I didn't know if he was saying this deliberately to annoy Squalo, or what he wanted to do, but Nie Kong's words successfully angered Squalo.

"Allah, even the rude Squaro is kind enough to let you go, why do you deliberately want to die?"

Nie Kong's appearance out of thin air not only attracted Squalo, but even Luslia, the demon who should have been busy.

Luslia had just finished speaking, and Squalo, who was already enraged, could not wait to attack Nie Kong directly.

Squalo's swordsmanship is known for being fast, accurate, and ruthless. Once the opportunity for quickness is lost, Squalo's swordsmanship is not worth mentioning.

At this time, Nie Kong was in this state.

"You want to attack me with your swordsmanship, wait for a hundred years of practice. Your speed, in my eyes, is like a kid who has just learned to walk, and it is not to be feared at all."

Nie Kong didn't respond empty-handed either. He took out the blood whip of sin, and the blood whip immediately ignited a blood-red flame, like the fire of hell, making people feel creepy when looking at it.

Luslia watched the game leisurely beside him, as if he was very happy to see what happened to Squaro. However, after Nie Kong took out the blood whip of sin, his face immediately changed.

"Flame! There is even a flame on his whip!"

"Who are you!"

Squaro clearly felt that his power was being absorbed, looked at Nie Kong angrily, and asked sternly.

The reason why their assassination troops rarely failed, in addition to their strong strength, detailed information is also essential.

No matter how popular Squaro is, he can't move Nie Kong a bit. He has never seen anyone with such strength in historical data!

Even if the other party's confidentiality is good, this kind of strength is impossible to achieve the point where a little information is not leaked.

"Now, can you help me introduce the nine generations? Or, your boss can also."

Nie Kong frowned slightly, feeling that the protective shield he set on Jingzi had changed a little, and was worried about what danger they would encounter, so there was no extra time to continue wasting with these two people.

"If you want to see, unless you step over my corpse!"

Always proud, how can Squaruo, who has been victorious in all battles, accept Nie Kong's contempt, coupled with the influence of the anger of the blood whip of sin, he furiously wants to fight Nie Kong to the death and the life.

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive."

Although Luslia didn't want to insert Squalo's fight, after Nie Kong took out the whip, Squaro's state obviously began to be wrong, and now the ability to deal with it was unfathomable, he couldn't just watch Squalo. Quarro went to die for nothing.

"That's it for this time, presumably, we will meet soon!"

Nie Kong's spiritual sense felt that something bad had happened at home, and as a last resort, Nie Kong had to go back to Japan first.

"Don't run, fight to the death with me!"

Squalo yelled at Nie Kong with a loud voice, and Luslia used all his strength to stop Squalo from moving.

Except for Squaro, who was replaced by anger, all the people present watched Nie Kong vigilantly, paying attention to his every move.

After all, this Penglai headquarters, even if it comes in, is not so easy to get out!

Afterwards, under everyone’s gaze, Nie Kong smiled slightly, took off his hat, and after giving a gentleman’s gift to Luslia, suddenly a strong wind whirled around, making everyone unable to open their eyes, let alone Said he continued to stare at Nie Kong.

"Allah, the way to leave is really cool!"

The strong wind has not disappeared, and Luslia, who has keenly sensed that Nie Kong’s breath is gone on the scene, adores with a smile, although she has a cynical smile on her face, but she has been thinking about it. What can be done to destroy the existence of this person.

Although everyone in Balian's assassination troop has different personalities, there has never been a soft-hearted person!

Also, for Squaro's anomaly, we have to do a good job of investigating it, otherwise, if he is defeated by the same moves next time, Balian's face will be lost!

"Go back, according to this person's appearance, give you one day to dig out everything about this guy!"

After the strong wind slowly disappeared, the others had not yet reacted to the shock that the other party had disappeared. Luslia, who had already cleaned up his own image, leisurely took a punch to stun Squaro. After the instructions were completed, he went directly to Xanxus, ready to report the situation.

There is surveillance, so I don’t worry about the portrait. The problem is how much information about this person can be found!

They followed in the footsteps of Xanxus. They had just solved the Ninth Daime just one second before, and arranged for someone to imitate instead. They received a warning call, and then another person who broke in out of thin air asked to see the Nine Daime.

Whether there is a connection between the two people is still unknown, but the only certainty is that this time Xanxus wants to quickly become the tenth generation, I am afraid it will not be so smooth.

What Luslia didn't know was that the person who called and the person who broke in were actually the same person!

However, the technician checked the IP of the other party and showed that it was in Japan, and it was impossible to appear in Italy in a short time. Therefore, from the very beginning, Lucilia directly denied the possibility of being the same person!

"That's how it is, boss, it seems that we have to check the Japanese side."

After reporting the ins and outs, Luslia suggested to Xanxus.


Xanxus glanced with disdain and still didn't wake up in a dazed condition. Squalo, who was in a slightly wrong state, moved the corners of his mouth, but what he said did not really dislike Squalo.

"Boss, do you want me to punish Squaro?"

As the first admirer of the boss, the tall Levi immediately asked to help Xanxus clean up the garbage.

"Allah, the boss can't say that either, Squaro worked very hard to fight each other!"

The shemale Luslia wiggled his butt like a treasure. Although he knew that Levi couldn't do anything to Squalo, he still helped plead.

"So, now, the other party said that they will see you again soon, boss, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

"Proceed as planned."

Xanxus didn't disrupt the plan at all because of this incident. For him, even if the man Luslia spoke of was more powerful, he would definitely be defeated by him.

In addition to Xanxus's very irritable temper and very bad temper, everyone agrees with him, his pride is also well known!

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