The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 2 029, the bazooka ten years later

After returning home, Nie Kong went to see the situation on Yamamoto's side. His cultivation was going well.

"I won't be behind that baseball fool!"

Hearing that the progress of others is faster than his own, the Prison Temple Hayato was very upset, and made up his mind to increase his strength desperately.

"I will not lag behind by the limit!"

Sasakawa eagerly expressed his attitude.

"I'm very happy that you can break through the level I set so quickly today, but this is only an entry level. Don't be happy too early, it will be difficult for you to suffer."

Nie Kong wasn't an alarmist, but gave a reminder very seriously.

"The growth of strength lies not only in force, but also in the strength of your heart. As long as you find your direction, breaking through your limits is not a problem."

Nie Kong believes that these children are not the kind of people who are born in the black zone, and that their strength is only for protection.

However, once the power of guarding is awakened, it will burst out with power that is completely unimaginable.

However, there are exceptions among these few people.Hibari Kyoumi is a type who gets more and more courageous. Even if Nie Kong abuses him no matter how much he does, he will not give up trying to defeat Nie Kong.

Lan Bo greeted Yiping with tears in his eyes. After all, he was a rare friend of the same age. Although Lan Bo usually made troubles, he actually took it very seriously in his heart.

"Big Brother Candy, why is Yiping still not awake!"

Lan Bo carefully looked at Ipping, who fell asleep in Feng Tai's arms, very worried.

"There is nothing wrong with Yiping, it's just that after the battle was exhausted, so I fell asleep, Lan Bo doesn't have to worry."

Nie Kong likes Lan Bo. Although he has been unscrupulously making troubles, he is actually a good boy.

"As a man, Lan Bo must protect Yiping as a girl next time!"

Nie Kong encouraged him in a low voice, and then watched Lan Bo's somewhat confused eyes become firm. At a young age, he nodded solemnly, with a very firm appearance.

"Yeah! Master Lan Bo will definitely protect Yiping!"


Yiping woke up leisurely and heard what Lan Bo said. He was a little confused, but he didn't think too much. He habitually replied, "Yiping will also work hard to protect Lan Bo!"

Nie Kong watched the young two swear to each other. If they were ordinary people, they might be regarded as childlike words. However, as a member of the Italian mafia, Lan Bo, and a member of the Chinese underworld, Yiping, Some words will be kept in mind even if they don't need to be explained.

"Sorry, you are still young, you shouldn't have been involved in this kind of thing."

Letting such a small child take responsibility, although Nie Kong's heart is very happy that these two are good children, he still feels a little unbearable.

"Master said that before doing something, if you don't realize it, you can't do it well!"

The voice of Yiping who just woke up was glutinous, and it was inexplicably reassuring.

"In the future, we will encounter all kinds of dangers. We can't rely on Brother Kong's protection alone. We need to be strong ourselves."

What Yiping said is not like what a five-year-old child should say. Compared to the innocence of the doted Lanbo, it is obvious that Yiping is the kind of child who has been led and experienced a lot. Everything has its own opinions, which is very commendable.

"Yiping, you are a very good child, Lan Bo, leave it to you."

Nie Kong didn't know why. He felt that Yiping, who was only five years old, was extremely reliable.

"Master Lan Bo is also a man and will protect him!"

Seeing that Nie Kong seemed to trust Yiping more, Lan Bo's little man's self-esteem was hurt a bit, and he hurriedly wanted to prove his reliability. However, the only way he could think of was to become a success after ten years. The person’s self, to prove himself.

With the sound of "Peng——", after taking out the rocket launcher for ten years and Lan Bo got in, a cloud of white smoke suddenly erupted, and then a slender figure appeared in the sight of several people.

"Bazooka in ten years?"

Although Nie Kong had known that Lan Bo had this thing for a long time, it was the first time he really saw it, and he couldn't help being very interested in such things.

"Alara, it looks like I was naughty again ten years ago!"

After the white smoke dissipated, with one eye closed, the adult Lan Bo, who was standing lazily, glanced around indifferently, but when he saw Nie Kong, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Brother Kong, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Adult Lan Bo's expression seemed to be nostalgic, and Nie Kong couldn't help wondering if he had changed in ten years.

"I didn't expect it. I thought that even if Lan Bo became an adult, he would still call me Big Brother Candy."

Nie Kong just said this casually, wanting to tease Lan Bo, but he didn't expect it, but it made the nostalgic eyes on the adult Lan Bo's face thicker.

"Brother Candy...It's been a long time since I heard this name..."

Looking at the look in the adult Lan Bo's eyes, Nie Kong keenly sensed what would happen to him in the future, otherwise there is no need for such a situation!

However, Nie Kong did not consult. He was very confident of his own strength. If Lan Bo missed his existence, he probably should have left on his own initiative.

"Are you...Lambo?"

Yiping looked at the person in front of him suspiciously and looked at the obvious characteristics of him. Yiping was sure he should be Lan Bo, but it is impossible for a normal person to grow up so many inexplicably!

"One level, one level, let me tell you!"

Lan Bo hadn't noticed Xiao Yiping, but it wasn't until Yiping made a sound that he suddenly reacted, and he hugged Yiping up, his expression of excitement was completely different from his reaction to Nie Kongshi.

"What I said and everything I did was right. The reason why I would apologize to you is not because I did something wrong. It's just that you are a girl and compromised!"

"Eh? What are you talking about Lan Bo?"

The somewhat exhausted Yiping made Lan Bo's inexplicable behavior inexplicable. Before she could ask anything, the ten-year rocket launch had reached the five-minute time limit. After a thick white smoke, the five-year-old The boy Lan Bo appeared in front of several people again.

"Lambo, what did you mean to me just now?"

Yiping didn't understand the reason why Lan Porter intended to say those words to him, so he wanted to find out.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Lan Bo tilted his head and became even more confused. The attitude of asking three questions directly showed that he didn't know anything about the matter just now.

"Um... well, since you don't know, then it's okay..."

Yiping is totally unclear about what the adult Lan Bo said, but the child Lan Bo doesn't know what happened between them, so this incident is nothing more than that.

Fengtai is not too old, and he doesn't understand very well, basically the same feeling as Yiping.

However, as an adult, Nie Kong smiled connotatively.

What the adult Lan Bo said, I'm afraid that the child just made Yiping angry at that time, and wanted to apologize but couldn't hold back his face, so he vented at Yiping who was still a child.

Come to think of it, a lot of things have happened between these two children!

"I am back!"

When Nie Kong was about to study Lan Bo's Ten Years Rocket Launcher when he was free, Jingzi's silver bell-like voice came from the door.

"I...I'm back..."

At Kyoko's strong request, Kulom also plucked up his courage, and after speaking loudly, he blushed, lowered his head, and raised his head completely embarrassed.

"Welcome back!"

Beyoncé suddenly appeared at the door, like the mistress of the house, gently fiddled with Kyoko and Kulom with their shoes, and then prepared to close the door fiercely.

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