The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 2 031 The reason for becoming stronger

"Leaping, come here for a moment, I will show you something."

Seeing Sasakawa's uncomprehending and distressed look, Nie Kong sighed helplessly, and brought Sasakawa to Kyoko.

"Cultivation is really a very hard work, and I don't know how my elder brothers are now, but anyway, they should be much better than me!"

In the past, Kyoko was always very worried when she saw her brother's hard work, but when she started to this point, she could truly understand their feelings.


Outside the door, Sasakawa Rakuhei looked at her sister's desperate effort, and she was shocked.

He had always treated Kyoko like a little princess, and he was totally unwilling to suffer the least bit of her suffering. While thinking about her, he often ignored her own feelings.

"Xiao Jing is much stronger than you think!"

"It deserves to be a leader who can recognize me, and I must not let her down!"

The Prison Temple Falcon, who unexpectedly saw Nie Kong out for a drink and wanted to come over to say hello, naturally saw the situation in the room. He had a rather decadent face for unknown reasons, and immediately became energetic again.

Following the departure of the Hayato from the Prison Temple, Sasakawa Lehei followed Nie Kong back to his practice room, looking down and thinking, not knowing what he was thinking.

"I still have the same problem, Ping. Why are you trying to become stronger?"

Nie Kong looked sideways and looked at Sasakawa calmly, but his eyes were full of seriousness.

"After seeing Kyoko's efforts, has your answer changed?"

"My purpose..."

Sasakawa's eyes became clear because of the answers that emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"My purpose is to protect the people I want to protect!"

Sasakawa Rakuhei finally knew the reason why he had not made any progress.

He has always been very guilty because of his incompetence and needs Kyoko's protection, and he has become particularly vent to practice, attacking in order to attack, and as a result, the power of his fist is directly reduced because of his confusion. However, if he attacks for protection , Then his heart will become extremely powerful and fearless.

"Come on, I have nothing to be confused about!"

Sasakawa Rakuhei strengthened his conviction, and then looked at the other self who had turned out in front of him with a torch, and immediately set his posture.

"I'm sorry, the other me, but in order to be able to protect Kyoko, I must defeat you to the limit!"

With the thoughts in his heart, this time Sasakawa Rakuhei was not prepared to attack as before, but concentrated all his strength on the fist that was about to strike, and one hit would kill.

Nie Kong was on the side, watching with satisfaction that Sasakawa, who was already enlightened, began to make new progress. He unexpectedly discovered that his fist was about to attack, and a light yellow light began to gather gradually. Slowly became dazzling.

"Unexpectedly, I just wanted to help him break through the bottleneck, but accidentally stimulated his potential!"

The development of potential is just a matter of time!


Sasakawa hadn't noticed the changes that had occurred in him, but looked at the powerful impact of his blow in amazement, feeling excited from the bottom of his heart.

"I succeeded! I finally succeeded!"

"Heping, remember how you felt when you made the move just now!"

Nie Kong looked at the excited Sasakawa, and couldn't help asking loudly.

"The limit is in my bones!"

Sasakawa yelled excitedly. Although he unconsciously followed his inner feelings, he remembered how to use that trick.

"Very good, it seems that you unconsciously developed a very powerful lore!"

Nie Kong pointed to the wall that had been bombed by Sasakawa to make a big hole, and said.

"If it wasn't because I had an enchantment to protect it, I'm afraid this place will be destroyed by you!"

"Huh? Is it really that powerful?"

Sasakawa, who was completely unconscious of his tricks, couldn't believe it and looked at Nie Kong dumbfounded.

"What happened!"

"what's the situation!"

Before Nie Kong had time to say something, because the movement was too loud, the others felt that something was wrong, and because they were uneasy, they rushed over to see the situation, and then they saw the big hole on the wall.

"Okay, awesome!"

Kyoko was a little surprised. After all, Kulom had accidentally attacked a wall once because of too much power, but the wall was not damaged at all. It can be seen that if a big hole can be punched, how powerful is it!

"Cut, I... I can do that too!"

Although the prison temple Hayato is the kind of practice bomb, because the room is very sturdy, it is particularly unscrupulous, but he has not been able to move the wall a bit, so he is also very surprised at how much Sasakawa Rapei has improved.

"Leping is indeed very powerful. The blow just now was as dazzling as the sun. Even I had to sigh! It's just that, as punishment for breaking the wall, this week's housework is left to you. Oh!"

If you should boast, you should punish, Nie Kong thinks he is more fair!

"I have decided, this trick is called Extreme Sun!"

Hearing Nie Kong's praise, Ping was also very happy, and decided the name of his trick in an instant.

"No problem, I will do the housework well!"

"Then hard work, brother!"

After seeing Ping's progress, Kyoko was happy from the heart, but she couldn't help but feel more confident in herself.

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