The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 2 034, the confusion of the prison temple

As if nothing had happened, Kyoko nodded to the ninth generation leader as a farewell, and then left Nie Kong's room.

After really meeting the leader of the Mafia this time, Kyoko, who had been a little uneasy, finally felt relieved, and felt full of confidence inexplicably.

"My brother seems to have developed a very powerful trick. It seems that there is no problem. I don't know how the situation is going on at the prison temple..."

As Kyoko muttered to herself, she came to the room where the prison temple was, and approached the door, wanting to see what's inside.

"Huh? Why can't I see everything clearly..."

Jingzi looked inside with a probe, but it was smoky inside. Only a vague figure could be seen, which was not real at all.

"Come in and take a look, don't worry, Hayato is already immersed in his own world and will not be disturbed by the outside world."

An uncle who suddenly appeared opened the door and spoke to Kyoko with a blank face.Kyoko was surprised, isn't the uncle in front of him Sharma, the school's teacher.

"Ah, good."

Jing Zi froze for a moment, and entered the room lightly without refusing.

"Prince of Prison Temple seems to be in a very bad situation. If this continues, the body will not be able to bear it!"

After entering the room, she could see clearly more decisively than from outside, but Kyoko couldn't help feeling anxious when she saw the bomb-induced wounds on his body in the prison temple.

"Why didn't you stop Prison Temple-kun? His injury was not healed. If he continues to work hard like this, his body will definitely not be able to stand it!"

Kyoko didn't understand. Nie Kong said that Shamar was the enlightenment teacher of the prison temple, so Kyoko was very relieved, but he did not expect that Shamar would have no reaction to the self-mutilation behavior of the prison temple at all.

"If he can't deeply understand his mistakes, he might as well practice here to die, so as not to embarrass me after being on the battlefield!"

Shamar's rare seriousness, even the temperament that likes to take advantage of girls has curtailed. Although he said cold and unrelenting words, Kyoko saw the worry in his eyes really.

"I remember there is a saying in the book that no one is perfect. Everyone can be blinded by things in front of them, or when their hearts are deceived. At this time, shouldn't those of us who are friends go out for our own sake? Companions solve problems!"

Kyoko was so angry that she couldn't help but watch the prison temple go on like this.

"No, I must stop this kind of behavior of Prison Temple Lord!"

"Although you are right, I can't refute it, but Hayato has been a stubborn person since he was a child. He will fight his life if he recognizes one thing, I am afraid it is not so persuasive!"

Shamar looked at the little girl in front of him with complicated eyes, and thoughts in his heart.

"If I haven't tried it, how can I know if it succeeded or not!"

Kyoko didn’t have time to pay attention to Shamar’s thoughts, her eyes were staring nervously at the figure of Hayato in Prison Temple. When he saw that he had made a mistake without success, there was no countermeasure in her heart, but her body had already rushed up and was quickly in her hands. Create an enchantment and protect the Falcon of Prison Temple.


With this ups and downs of explosions sounding, Shamar wanted to stop the treatment that was too late and could only be prepared to take action at any time.

"Cough cough cough-you deserve to be the Prison Temple Lord, so powerful..." After the smoke dissipated, Kyoko coughed a few times because of the smoke, and then quickly checked the situation of the Prison Temple Hayato.

"Prison Temple, are you okay!"

"Stupid woman, why are you rushing out! Do you know what happened just now, it is very likely that you will lose your life directly!"

The prison temple falcon was so desperate to teach Kyoko, not only because of his worries about Kyoko, but also because of his incompetence.

"Ah, seeing that Lord Prison Temple still has the strength to accuse me, it seems that there should be no major problem, then I am relieved!"

Kyoko breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the Hayato at Prison Temple was okay.

"Hayato, Little Beauty Kyoko saved your life. Not only did you not thank you but also yelled, are you worthy of her!"

Seeing this look of the Falcon in the Prison Temple, Shamar couldn't help frowning and murmured.

"It doesn't matter, protect the family members, this is what we as the leader should do!"

Kyoko didn't care much, anyway, now that she and Prison Temple are fine, and everyone is happy about it.

"Idiot, protecting the leader is what our guardians should do. If the leader is to protect, then why do we need to work hard to strengthen our strength!"

Heiji Hayato felt irritated because of his failure to do anything in his cultivation. After seeing the breakthroughs made by Takeshi Yamamoto and Rakuhei Sasakawa, the feeling of backwardness became more obvious. He couldn't help but start desperately, but he didn't expect the reason for his surprise. Kyoko almost got hurt.

"If your way to strengthen your strength is to fight for your own life, then I can only order you as a leader and stop immediately!"

Kyoko became rare and serious, with a sullen face, and a look of disapproval, and severely asked the prison temple Hayato to stop the self-harm-like practice mode.

"The reason why we plan to attack those people this time is because we want to protect Fengtai and them, but if you use this method to improve your strength, you will have fallen before we can fight back. Now, this is not the result I want!"

Kyoko squeezed her hands, looking at the jail temple Hayato who was shocked by her own words, her emotions became more and more excited.

"I always thought that Dr. Shamar was a foolish uncle, but from his attitude towards you, although he was very rude, he was really worried about you. You can't feel it!"

Although Kyoko worked very hard, she had always protected her body well. She just didn't want others to worry about it, so she was very angry when she saw the behavior of Hayato in Prison Temple who did not care about her own life.

"Uh... Well, it's not okay to say that I am a foolish man, I was still young..."

Shamar intervened untimely, trying to explain a few words for himself, but Kyoko didn't have the time to pay more attention.

"Since you don't even think about your own life, I will protect your life!"

After a period of contact, Kyoko learned that Yukuji Hayato is actually a disgusting and good-looking person. Although he has a violent temper, he is a gentle and kind-hearted person. That's why Kyoko is willing to treat him as his companion, but he did not expect , He would be such a person who cares so much about his life!

"If the life of the guardian of the family is to be protected by the leader, then this will put the cart before the horse."

Nie Kong suddenly appeared at the door, staring blankly at the few people present, and then slowly walked to the side of the Falcon in the prison temple, patted his shoulder gently, and squatted down, looking at the prison temple. Qi Ping asked calmly.

"Hayato, now you understand, is the real reason for the difficulty I set for you!"

Prison Temple Hayato is the most immature of a few people. It may also be caused by family reasons when he was a child, so no matter what, he must be made aware of his own importance.

"It's not just Shamar, me, Kyoko, and your sister Bianchi, are also very worried about you!"


The prison temple Hayato lowered his head, his body trembling slightly, not knowing what to say.

"Am I wrong to rush forward desperately?"

The Hayato at Prison Temple was a little confused, and doubted the direction he had been heading.

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