The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 0222, new capabilities

Nie Kong has a new ability with the breakthrough of the Queen's Cultivation Technique.It's not a skill, at most it is the initial use of soul power.The information that Human Emperor Xuanyuan gave back then was too weak for his soul to tolerate so much information.So in addition to the orthodox practice formulas, a lot of information about control is missing.

Nie Kong is like a man who has countless ammunition but no guns, not to mention being depressed.He now counts the strength of his soul, which has surpassed the strength of his body.The strengthening of the vampire's real body is difficult to keep up with the condensing of the soul in double cultivation.Although the true ancestor of the vampire is very strong in many anime worlds, if he goes to the world of Dragon Ball, he is simply a scum, and he can easily be wiped out with a combat power of two W.

But if the maiden cultivator technique is promoted to the second level, then even if the super game can't help him.The solid soul derives the primordial spirit and has become a fairy level.If it is promoted to the third level, the soul will form an indestructible golden body, and the cultivation base has reached the level of quasi-sage.Breaking through the saints, it is impossible without great opportunity!

Spiritual Consciousness: The ability to release the power of the soul and the ability to detect the surrounding environment.Under the cover of spiritual consciousness, everyone has nowhere to hide!!The stronger the soul power, the greater the range.

Teleportation: Where the spiritual sense is covered, it can use a powerful soul to break through the space for teleportation.When the soul level reaches the level of faith power, it can even break the shuttle space of the dimension!!

Soul Fire: The void flame formed by the burning of the power of the soul can refine the alien souls that invade the space of their consciousness, and can also be used to smelt tools.

Transfer: You can change the trajectory of the enemy and the trick together, and you can also transfer yourself out.

Trick resolution: able to use spiritual power to turn all elemental attacks into powder.

Soul Blade: Can use soul imitations to carry out soul attacks, it is impossible to prevent!No matter how powerful it is, as long as the soul's origin is lower than Nie Kong's, there is a danger of annihilation.

Drive objects: Use the powerful soul power to control the movement of objects. The bigger the object, the more soul power it consumes!!

Hypnosis: Use the power of the soul to hypnotize the enemy.The weaker the enemy's soul power, the easier it is to succeed.It is characterized by the hypnotized person's autonomous judgment, weakened or lost voluntary willingness to act, and distortion or loss of sensation and perception.In the process of hypnosis, the hypnotized person follows Nie Kong's hints or instructions, and reacts with belief.

The Dingtian Ring has been able to completely cover the space, and the space inside is very large, but Nie Kong regretted that he could not enter the ring space.It seems that I can only talk about it later, there is no way with his current cultivation base.

Knowing his strength, Nie Kong went to sleep soundly with a satisfied smile.Of course, the two women in his arms are already lying in his arms.The two opposite girls, one big and one small, one royal sister and one loli, brought him completely different enjoyment.

The next morning, when Qian Qiu woke up, it was already six in the morning.Recalling what happened last night, a happy smile appeared on Qianqiu's face.Without dreaming, my brother already belongs to Qianqiu.

"Wow!" Griffia yawned from the side at this time, Qianqiu, who was lying in Nie Kong's arms at ease, cried out.After I wanted to push my brother down last night, I secretly returned to my bed, but I didn't know I would lose consciousness.

I blame my brother, how can I make my sister so excited.Thinking of the H feeling deep in the soul last night, Qianqiu's bones softened a bit.

"Sister Qianqiu, are you awake." Greifiya asked helplessly, seeing Qianqiu's eyelashes inciting, pushing her delicate body.

The master is too horrible, forcibly pushing down his maid and sister, what is it like?But the happiness that the owner brings to himself is the happiness that I haven't enjoyed since I was born.The owner is a normal boy. It is unavoidable to live with our two beautiful girls, so please forgive him.

"Hey, why didn't Griffia sleep with her brother without clothes? And how did her brother's hair become silver?" Qianqiu opened his eyes and asked in a panic when he saw the scene in front of him.

Both of them have hair of the same color, and both are so handsome and beautiful, and they look harmoniously matched.

"It's all the master's fault. It's not enough to push his own sister down, and he...forcibly demanded me." Griffia's white face showed a shameful blush.

"Woo... Don't get me wrong, Griffia, I have no blood relationship with my brother." Qianqiu shook his head and said.

"That's the case, please take care of my sister Qianqiu from now on. From now on, I will live together!" Griffia's smile made Qianqiu unable to refuse.

"With such a beautiful beauty as Greifiya, I just hope that my brother will not leave Qianqiu." Qianqiu said sadly.

"Don't worry, you know that this won't happen if the master hurts so much before. Okay, let me prepare breakfast for you first." After Nie Kong's reclaiming last night, Griffia exuded amazing charm.That is the only charming and gentle wife, unique charm.

Although Qianqiu had some changes, it was not as obvious as hers.Maybe when Qianqiu is more than 20 years old, he will have that kind of charm.

"Hey, sir, how did your hair be dyed silver and your pupils turned red? It's strange." On the way to school, Xiaokui's daughters were surprised to see the change Nie Kong.

The silver hair and red pupils are very strange.The teacher I like no longer has the usual elegant temperament, but a bit more noble and evil, adding a bit of charm.

Too handsome, so handsome.

The eyes of the girls around Lieang Diru were peachy hearts.Nie Kong just smiled as usual, but the lethality caused Xiao Kui and the others to scream.Hanazawa Yuka even worsened, she had a nosebleed.

"The teacher is too much, how could he be like that." Thinking that other girls would be seduced by Nie Kong, Xiao Kui wanted to cry while obsessed.

Xiao Qianqiu has been smirking since the morning, looking very happy.As a result of what happened last night, Qianqiu felt that Nie Kong had a lot of affection for her.

"Don't worry, you should be able to recover after a while!" Your own soul power is stronger than a vampire body, just like a cup filled with water will overflow.The vampire body took the initiative to emerge, and Nie Kong had no way to stop it, only ways to increase his strength.

When Nie Kong stepped into the Sacred Stone Arrow High School, the girls in the school were like Xiaokui and the others, even directly surrounding them.Some female classmates even took out a pen and paper and wanted Nie Kong's signature.

The vampire's temperament and Nie Kong's handsome and extraordinary face are really lethal to the girls.If the previous is the connotation of Shen Yun, then the vampire's true body has triggered all its own charm.

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