The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 3 013, the whole city sensation

The guards of the four cities heard the news that the lord’s son was killed, and ran towards the city without even thinking about it, trying to arrest all the people who spread the rumors.

But when more and more people were yelling, the guards felt that something was wrong, and the closer they were to the city center, the more they could feel the soaring demonic air pervading the sky.

After the city lord Lei Tian sensed his eldest son’s cry for help, he sent all his own guards to seal the city of Sun Meteor almost instantly, but then he sensed the power of Lei Bao’s fairy spirit. disappear.

At this moment, the only middle-term cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian in Rimet City, Shushan's fourth-generation disciple, the Daoist Lei Tian, ​​suddenly felt a sting in his heart, and he sat down heavily on the chair.The next second, he stood up again with a frosty face.

He was angry.The anger that I have never had before, and even his eyes are bloodshot, murderous!!

"Langjun, what happened, why am I so upset?" A young woman in a jewel-colored dress hurriedly ran out from behind, full of dignity and virtuousness.She is the wife of the city lord Sheng Rou, the fourth-generation disciple of the Kunlun School.

"Leopard, Leopard, was killed." said the Taoist cracker in hatred.

"You...what did you say?" Madam Sheng Rou staggered, her face pale, and she almost fell to the ground.

"No...impossible, who would dare to kill Leopard in Rimet City?"

"Yeah, all blame me, let him go and test the two people from Tianyong City. Unexpectedly, the other party is really a demon cultivator, and there is a demon cultivator at the level of a demon saint." The Taoist cracker smiled bitterly, regretting it. And yes.

I had known this, it was better to go out on my own.It is not a simple matter to know that a fairy has a child. The conception rate is too low.

It can be said that Lei Leopard spent thousands of years of hard work.Now, he was killed by Nie Kong and Da Snake Ji.

"In the name of the city lord of my day meteorite city, I will tell the whole city of meteorite meteorite, as long as you see the murderer of my son, he will kill him. If you are weak, you can come to my house for help at any time."

The voice of Heaven Splitting Taoist reverberated throughout the city.The notice at the gate of the city has been posted. One characteristic of the notice is that the murderer's breath remains. No matter what the murderer turns into, his breath cannot be hidden.

Heaven Splitting Taoist did not appear, he was training himself and dispatching troops.Because he understood that both Nie Kong were masters at the level of Da Luo Jinxian.Against the two big Luo Jinxians, even if you have to go all out.

Today's opponents are different from the past, but the Heaven Splitting Taoist will not forgive Nie Kong and the others, not to mention that the Big Snake Ji is a demon cultivator that everyone in Shushan calls for.

"Two seniors, hurry up and hide with me." A thunder-attributed lion demon ran out of the universe bag. It was originally a profound immortal level demon repair, but the inner alchemy base was seized by Lei Bao. The monster that came.

Nie Kong and Da Snake Ji didn't seem to hear them, and they moved forward in a daze.It was too late, Nie Kong realized that his breath had been locked.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the East City Gate, the guards there had become dozens of guards at some point, with all kinds of weapons in their hands.

"Two seniors, Sun Meteor City can't leave." The lion demon's tone became more and more anxious. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the gate of the city, his heart thumped.

The demon clan has always had a deep-rooted thought in his heart, that he must never fight against the immortals, and even portray them as a kind of innocent cultivator, because for tens of thousands of years, no demon king has given his way to them.

Now when I saw the domineering of Orochiji, the blood of the lion demon was surging.That's right, the sword immortals who killed Shushan really gave a sigh of malice for the Yaozu.

Nie Kong stopped and turned to the lion demon behind him and said, "Thank you for your reminder. If you are afraid, you can hide."

The lion demon chuckled and looked up at the sky.Since it was abolished the cultivation base of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Peak, and the day it served as the Thunder Leopard's mount, it has not feared death.

"Go back? I have no way out, so I want to follow you. Although I...I can't help you, but I understand the situation in Sun Meteor City." The lion demon said with his head drooping.

He almost broke through Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base monster.Who knows that when the current breakthrough, the Heaven Splitting Taoist of the Shushan Sect was killed.Not only used its inner alchemy sacrifice to make the Leibao's fairy sword, but also enslaved it for thousands of years.

Now the lion demon understood that with its celestial body cultivation base, it couldn't help Nie Kong and the others much, and it couldn't even transform into form now.The only thing to be happy about is that Nie Kong helped kill Lei Bao, so I hope to follow Nie Kong and take him out of the city of the cultivator.

"If you are not afraid of death, do whatever you want." Nie Kong felt a little heavy, and he didn't want to cause such a big trouble.He originally just came to Sun Meteor City, and then found the Sky Demon Tomb.

Now Nie Kong could perceive the looming resonance that was constantly coming.It can't be wrong, the Sky Demon Tomb must be in Riyi City.

Nie Kong was full of excitement, even ignoring the immediate danger.As long as he finds the Eastern Emperor Bell inside as soon as possible, he can return to the earth world and pick up his sister and mother.

Donghuang Bell, but innate treasure.Even if a quasi-sage who beheaded the three corpses came on the opposite side, there would be nothing to do with Nie Kong who owns the Eastern Emperor Bell.Of course, the premise is that Nie Kong can find the Eastern Emperor Bell.

After all, in the fairy world, the monsters and immortal cultivators who were looking for it never stopped.Innate treasures have always been obtained by those who are predestined.

"By the way, Little Lion Demon, do you know where the Sky Demon Tomb is buried?" Osha Ji asked casually.

"Little demon...I don't know. I have been in Rimet City for thousands of years and I have never heard anyone say that place." The lion demon said with a bewildered face, shaking his head.

"Nie Lang, what should I do now, the city lord of Rimet City will also be killed soon, or should we withdraw first and plan to come to Ri Meteor City in the future?" Osnake Ji asked softly.

Because of the battle with the bull demon king, Orochiji's mana was only restored to the middle stage of the Daluo Jinxian, so she felt that it was necessary to recover her injuries and come back to the battle.

"We can't waste time. Find out the location of the Sky Demon Tomb as soon as possible. I will kill anyone who dares to stop me." Nie Kong gritted his teeth.

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