The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 013. Training?

Since the last incident, Nainazi has often come to let Nie Kong go to the dessert shop to help, and she has been very active and enthusiastic.Because there is no work for the time being, Nie Kong did not refuse either.After coming and going, the relationship between Nie Kong and Xiaosaki has improved a lot, but only Xiaochun seems to remain inexplicably hostile.

Slowly, Rika and Yaxiang started to study in junior high school.The two women who were growing up looked in their eyes and worried in their hearts.

They had already regarded Nie Kong as a family. Uncle Nie Kong would have become their new father.Or when he grows up, Lixiang hopes to become Uncle Nie Kong's wife.But now they have been robbed abruptly, how can they bear it.Although the two daughters often urge their mothers to take the initiative, their mothers dare not take that step and vaguely say that the children don't care about adults.Facing the useless mother, Axiang and Rika felt that they had to do something.

"Lixiang, we can't sit down anymore. Otherwise, Uncle Nie Kong will definitely be snatched away by Aunt Nainazi and her family." As the older sister, Yaxiang pulled her sister to her room and said seriously.

"What should we do then, we two can't always prevent Uncle Nie Kong and Aunt Nina Zi from meeting." Lixiang asked distressedly.

"Hehe, so we need to train our mothers!! Since my mother didn't consider my aunt as a competitor, we can only get on. Aunt Nanako's current opponent is us." Yaxiang rolled her eyes and said her own day. Si Ye thinks about a good idea.

"Training?" Rika was puzzled.What kind of training can be done at their age?

"Hehe, fortunately I have prepared the teaching materials." As he said, Yaxiang mysteriously took out a book of red, green and green pictures from under his bed.

"Look at Rika, as long as you follow the training mentioned in the book, let your mother master the way to please men, and let Uncle Nie Kong be happy. As long as mother learns the above knowledge, Uncle Nie Kong will definitely like her and cannot do without her. It's gone." Yaxiang pointed to the pictures of affection between men and women in the book, and said.

"Eh eh. Yaxiang, good...good...great book." Lixiang blushed, the content inside is bold.

The content inside is clearly 18x, and the screen size is very large, it is incredible how a primary school student can get that kind of book.

"What do you think. If we teach mom, will we succeed?"

No wonder the two girls "learned" since they were young, so in the original book they often played tricks with their brother Sitai in high school!!For example, write English in your body, and then teach your younger brother to learn!For example, morning attack, constantly using different methods to seduce his brother.

Compared with Nanako, the thinking of the two loli can be described as bold and avant-garde.

The comparison between Xiaosaki and Yaxiang seemed to be a blank sheet of paper.

" should work, the book says...that boys will...will be very comfortable and comfortable." Rika stared at the book without blinking, and she was really eye-opening.

"By the way, where did Rika get it? I...I remember it was only available at the age of eighteen in the bookstore."

"Well, I picked it up from the street. At that time... I was curious at the time, so I took it back. I planned to hand it over to the police, but after reading the contents, I didn't have the guts." Ya Xiang red Said the face.

"Then shall we read it through first, and then use it to train mother?" Rika asked.

"Yes. But we...we have to hide under the covers, otherwise it would be bad if Uncle Nie Kong found out." Yaxiang whispered.

Two loli look at me, I look at you, and then they got into the bed together.From the bed, there seemed to be a rustling sound.

"Eh, Rika, you... why did you undress?" Yaxiang suddenly exclaimed in a low voice.

"Axiang, if we don't take off our clothes, how can we use it as a reference? You read the boys and girls in the book, they are not dressed. Later you will play the boy and I will play the girl. Let's practice again. "Rika said.

"Why I am a boy? You play a girl." Yaxiang expressed dissatisfaction.

"We'll take turns to change later." While they were talking, the two women started learning and training under the covers.

Huhhhh, it seems that after waiting for a while, the two women blushed and got their heads out of the bed.

The eyes of the two women were almost overflowing, and their cheeks were hot.

", do you feel comfortable with Yaxiang?" The book said that the boy was comfortable, so Rika asked.

"It do you feel, it's...very...subtle! Why don't we do it again?" Yaxiang stammered looking at Rika who was deeply pressing on him.

"No, it's my turn now. I...I didn't feel much after playing a girl. Is it comfortable to play a boy, but a girl doesn't feel it?" Rika said with a pouting mouth.

"It shouldn't be, anyway, I... I saw the boy's unclothed body in the book. The body... the body will also get hot, and the small heart will thump and jump." Rika said embarrassedly.

"I really want to try with Uncle Nie Kong in the future to see if it's very comfortable." Lixiang thought so, and then pulled her sister into the bed again.

As if discovering the New World, Rika finally tasted the subtlety that Yaxiang said.She stared wide and asked, "After my mother learns, will she do it with Uncle Nie Kong?"

"Of course, only if Uncle Nie Kong knows the benefits of his mother, Uncle Nie Kong will stay in our house." Yaxiang replied.

Rika's eyes sparkled and said, "At that time, we will be on the sidelines to instruct mom."

"Yeah, mom is really useless. Sure enough, it wouldn't work without us." Ya Xiang said with a little light on his head.

The two loli had been hiding under the covers for a whole afternoon discussing the plan, and finally came out of the room contentedly.

And Nanako didn't know that her two daughters were about to help her start training.

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