The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 4 021, a depressed

When Xiaochun came out of the room with her pretty face down, Nanako was stunned.Looking at Xiao Saki on the bed and then looking ahead, Nanako rubbed her eyes.She was surprised to find that there was no change.

"Nie Jun, your makeup is too good."

"How can it be, just changed her hairstyle slightly. Even without makeup, Xiaochun is as cute as Xiaosaki." Nie Kong smiled and shook his head.

"Huh, of course." Xiaochun was also a little happy in her heart, probably because she was able to become her lovely sister, she was very happy in her heart.

"Huh, it seems that it's okay to let Xiaochun go to take the test, and Xiao Saki will not be disappointed." Nanako breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that it was great that she could give birth to two daughters.Of course, her own Xiaochun is as reliable as ever, unlike her eldest daughter Xiaosaki.For example, in terms of cooking and learning, they are all talented.

"Mom. Don't worry, I will cheer even for my sister." Xiaochun said with a small fist.

"Xiaochun, I am still very relieved."

"Then we're going out, mom must take good care of my sister at home."

"I see, it's a good journey. Nie Jun, Xiaochun will ask you." Nanako looked at Nie Kong, as if she had become a wife watching her husband go out.

Nie Kong nodded, and Xiaochun waved his hand to his mother, then Xiaochun and Nie Kong left the house, and the two went to Fanshili College.

Strangely speaking, Nie Kong naturally recognized the direction of Fanshili College.But I found that Xiaochun was walking in the opposite direction.

Originally, Nie Kong thought that Xiaochun was planning to take another route, but what was speechless was that he was farther and farther away from Fanshiri College.

In the end, Nie Kong had to stop, because it was almost time for the exam, and he had to ask what happened to Xiaochun.

"Hey, I said Xiaochun, where are you going? The front is the opposite of Fanshiri High School." Nie Kong couldn't help but said.

Xiaochun in front of her stiffened. She turned around and glared at Nie Kong fiercely, her cheeks blushing, "You... why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Please, I didn't expect Xiaochun would not know the road. The small town is not too big, right?" Nie Kong showed a look that you are an idiot, making Xiaochun who has always been lively twisted.

"I...I can't tell the direction, is there anything wrong?" Xiaochun blushed and retorted loudly.

"No, I really didn't expect Xiaochun to have such a cute side." Nie Kong suddenly laughed. Xiaochun, who has always been lively and cute, would actually be a road idiot with no sense of direction.

No wonder, I will let myself go with her.If you don't know the direction, you can't find a Boshiri high school that you are not familiar with.

Both sisters will have a "strength" that makes people feel very speechless.My sister is very good at dark cooking, and my sister is Lu Chi.

"Hmph, I think you are making fun of me." Xiaochun was embarrassed to death.

"We don't have that time, we will be late for the exam if we don't hurry," Nie Kongwen said.

At that time, Nie Kong spent a lot of time putting on makeup for Xiaochun, and after traveling a few kilometers, it was only a dozen minutes before the test began.

"Oh... oh, then... don't you lead the way quickly." Xiaochun pushed Nie Kong in a hurry.

"Now that you know it's anxious?"

Nie Kong took her little hand, causing Xiaochun's cheeks to burn.When she was about to struggle, Nie Kong had already pulled her forward.

Nie Kong suddenly quickened his pace. If it hadn't been for Xiaochun, Xiaochun couldn't keep up with Nie Kong's footsteps.

"Good morning, Xiaoyeji classmate!" When he arrived at the school gate on time, a boy greeted him from behind Xiaochun.

"Hey, he... who is he?" Xiaochun, who couldn't recognize the other party, hurriedly pulled the corner of Nie Kong's clothes.

Nie Kong looked at each other. He was wearing a black school uniform and looked very energetic.He has short black hair and looks dodgy at Xiaochun, feeling like an innocent little boy.

"It should be your sister's classmate, or one of the admirers!" Seeing the other's expression, Nie Kong guessed his identity.

"My sister's admirer? So... what should I do." Xiaochun asked in a panic.Although knowing that his sister is very popular, Xiaochun has no experience in getting along with the opposite sex.

"As usual, respond indifferently. Your sister, it is not so easy to be attacked by others." Nie Kong encouraged.

Even after thinking about it, Xiaochun has not heard the news of her sister's relationship so far. She pretended to be indifferent and said to him with a soft "um".

"Xiaochun, go in, you know where your examination room is." Nie Kong asked.

"No... it's not very clear, you... won't you accompany me in." Xiaochun whispered.

"I'm a little bit inconvenient. If you don't know, then follow them. If it doesn't work, just ask the teacher." Nie Kong replied.

"Okay." Xiaochun encouraged herself, then bid farewell to Nie Kong, and disappeared after the crowd.


"Oh, one. Why did you look slouched today? I was delayed for the exam." Behind Nie Kong, a man wearing glasses and looking a little wretched patted the shoulder of the teenager who had just said hello to Xiaochun..

"Wuziji, I... I feel that Xiaoyeji classmate is a bit different today, suddenly became cold, did I do something wrong?" The boy named Yichi said with a wry smile.

"Hey, Onodera classmate is always easier to be shy." Wuziji said with a big smile.

"Actually, what I care most about is the man who came with Onoda classmate. He if he is very close to Onoda classmate. Is he the lover of Onoda classmate?" One looked at Nie Kong. They left a tall back.

"Lover? Probably not, I feel that his age is about a dozen years away from ours, and the age difference should not be threatening! Haha, it turns out that you like Onodera, but you haven’t asked her for three years. Confession, I don’t know what to say about you."

"Wh... nowhere."

As everyone knows, Wuziji's remarks, the pits I dug by myself, I couldn't fill them in when I was in high school.

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