The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 030, Kiryu and Kosaki's conversation

The next day, contrary to Nie Kong's expectation, Xiao Saki actually submitted an application to join the group.The reason is that the classmate Sata Kaori asked Xiao Saki to say that the theater company could not recruit standard members, and it was in danger of disbanding.Originally, Sata Kao is very good at craftsmanship, and a capable girl who exudes a big sister's temperament, is very good at making costumes!!Saki couldn't refuse others, and was very happy to be needed by others, and agreed without saying a word.

And one piece of music is the breeding group, and the club members did not participate in anything.It seems that he said he intends to concentrate on studying and enter the university to become a first-class social elite.

But once I learned that Xiao Saki had joined the craft club, Yi Le felt a little regretful.It's a pity that almost all the craft clubs are women, and boys joining the craft club will surely become a joke for the whole school. A crush on Xiaosaki's pleasure also gave up the plan to join the same club as Xiaosaki.Nie Kong ignored those rules and successfully became the instructor of the craft club.It was just Nie Kong's move that almost filled the number of applicants for the craft club!In the end, the head of the handicraft club had to screen strictly, and only hired more than a dozen skilled workers.And it took a few days to let things slowly fade.

As a result, Xiaosaki often ran in craft clubs and swimming clubs during school time.Craft clubs are normal club activities, while swimming clubs go to see Liuli's swimming competition.For example, today, there is a friendly match between Liuli and other universities.Apart from other things, Ruri is worthy of being called the mermaid of Boshiri High School, and he can easily win the match of his classmates.

After adding oil to the lily sauce, Xiaosaki also felt relieved, ready to return to the craft club to participate in activities.In the craft club, I often have to sew some costumes, and Xiao Saki feels that he has learned a lot.Although Xiaosaki has no talent for cooking and swimming is a land duck, but the unexpected sewing skills are not difficult for Xiaosaki, and he can easily learn it.

Naturally, Xiaosaki is also very pleased. If he wants to be a qualified wife in the future, sewing and manual housework and cooking, there are two things that he is good at.

"Student Onoji, Mr. Kiryu is looking for you for something." Just as Xiaosaki was about to leave the swimming club and return to the craft club, a member of the swimming club brought a girl in a beige uniform to Xiaosaki.

"Hey, Mr. Kiryu, what can you do with me." Seeing Kiryu Yuzuki, Xiaosaki felt very strange, after all, she and Kiryu have nothing to do with each other.

Kiryu Yuzuki looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so she whispered, "Onodera-san, do you have any difficulties, such as being threatened by someone."

"No... No, teacher, why do you ask that strange question."

"No, don't lie. In the classroom after school a few days ago, the teacher saw everything, you and Nie Jun..." Kiryu Yuzuki said what he had seen the other day.

"Old... teacher, did you see it?"

Xiao Saki looked at Kiryu in amazement, with a look of panic on his face.After all, she was only in the first year of high school, and it was the first time she encountered such a thing.

"Yes. Tell the teacher honestly, did Nie Jun forcefully threaten you? I will help you settle the account with him." Kiryu was filled with righteous indignation and said angrily.

", it's's all my fault, it has nothing to do with Teacher Nie Kong." Xiaosaki explained in a panic.

"What, you said you were voluntary?" Kiryu was surprised.

"Yes, I asked Teacher Nie Kong to do this!!" At the end of the crisis, Xiao Saki bravely assumed the responsibility and carried all his mistakes on his own.If you let Nie Kong know, you must be moved to death.

"How can it be, the relationship between teachers and students. Although...Although I know that Nie Jun is handsome,...but the students and teachers will not be accepted and blessed by others." Kiryu Yuzuki said silently.

Kiryu did not expect that, as he predicted, it would be Xiao Saki who took the initiative to lure Nie Jun.In that case, he must drive to Xiaosaki and then correct the relationship.

Kiryu, who had made up his mind, plucked up the courage to press on Xiao Saki’s shoulder, "Listen to me, Xiao Saki, in fact, I and Nie Jun are currently dating. So, so, Nie Jun likes me. A few days ago, Maybe Nie Jun happened impulsively. Xiao Saki, please give up that relationship."

"No way, teacher Kiryu and teacher Nie Kong are dating?!"

Yes, it is difficult for Xiaosaki to refuse some people's requests. She cares about others' opinions.Kiryu's words were full of lethality in Xiao Saki's heart.

"I...I know." Xiaosaki felt sad.She understood the difficulty and liked Uncle Nie Kong. Not only did she have the pressure at home, but also the school teachers excluded.

"Saki!!" I only heard a soft drink from behind, "How can you lose to such a shameless teacher Kiryu!!"

When she looked up, she saw Lori wearing a lovely dead reservoir water rushing in front of her.With a arrogant kick, Kiryu's ass was kicked from behind.

"Eh eh!!" Kiryu had no time to react, and his body had fallen into the swimming pool, thumping hard.

"Liu...Liu Li sauce?" Xiao Saki called out in surprise.

"It sounds like I'm so angry, she really doesn't deserve to be a teacher, Xiao Saki, don't be too patient, otherwise others will only bully you, like her." Liuli said angrily.

It is hard to believe that Liuli, who is usually quiet and elegant, will have such amazing power after getting angry.

"Liu Lijiang, Teacher Kiryu, should be right." Xiaosaki said with his head down.

"It's strange, I won't have any regrets in the end when I fight hard for what I like. Why would she shrink with a word. I can see that you like Teacher Nie Kong." Liuli said.

Kiryu Yuzuki, who climbed ashore from the swimming pool, was completely transformed into a chicken, his self-cultivation uniforms were all stuck to his skin, and his body shrank into a ball.

"Hug...I'm sorry, I...I just hope to reverse Xiao Saki's correct view of feelings. Actually... Actually... Actually, I... I have nothing to do with Teacher Nie Kong right now. It's nothing. I deceived classmate Onoji, I'm really... I'm really sorry. "Kiryu said apologetically.Halfway through, he immediately sneezed.

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