The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 4 051, the depressed Crowder

"Teacher Nie Kong, Teacher Nie Kong, come out."

Kyoko's urging voice came from outside the office. When he opened the door, Kyoko and Yuzuki came to the front with a man with glasses as if they were enemies.He was tied up by Wuhuada and looked a little embarrassed.Around his neck, there is a binoculars.Nie Kong could recognize at a glance that he was the man he met when he was dating Qian Ji the day before yesterday. It seemed that he was Claude, the housekeeper of Qian Ji's family.

"Kyouko, what happened?" Nie Kong said in surprise.

"Listen to me, Mr. Nie Kong, he is a pervert. When I was in class, I accidentally found him squatting on a tree outside the classroom window, watching the girls in our class with spectacles." Kyoko stared at Claude. Said.It turned out that Claude was spotted by Kyoko when he was monitoring Chitoki and Ichiko, and was accidentally caught alive by Kyoko.

"Kyoko is very powerful, and he was able to catch him." Nie Kong did not defend Claude, but praised Kyoko.

"That's because I just threw it out with the blackboard eraser and knocked him off the tree." Kyoko blushed and said in a low voice.

"But what should we do with him now." Nie Kong asked.

"I think you should call the police directly and ask the police to take it back to investigate." Kyoko responded after thinking about it.

"I think I will teach him some lessons first, and drag him around the school a few times to show the public, and see who will dare to come to our school in the future." Xiyue snorted.Nie Kong sweats on his forehead, and he is indeed a woman, the most poisonous woman's heart.

"No, I'm not a pervert. Please listen to my explanation." Claude shouted.

"Then why are you staring at the female classmates in our class with spectacles." Kyoko demanded.

"My name is Claude, an American. Actually...I am actually Qian Ji's guardian, because I am a little worried about her life in the new school, so I hide in the dark to look after him." Claude explained.

"Really, it seems that you have to ask Qianshou-classmate to confirm." Kyoko didn't immediately believe what he said, only to blame Claude for looking too bad.Because he came from the Mafia, Claude's temperament is a bit cold-hearted killer.Of course, he is much better than the average gangster boy, after all, he is a senior member of the Mafia.

Soon, Qianshou who was in class was called to the office by Yuzuki.

"Student Qianshou, this person says he is your guardian, do you know him?" Kyoko asked gently.

"Eh, yes... yes, he is Claude, my housekeeper." Originally it was a cadre, but Qian Ji was afraid that others would know their Mafia status, so he changed his mind quickly.

"You see, the eldest has already testified for me, now you should let me go." After seeing Thousand Spines, Claude couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.If he is really paraded, it is guaranteed that Claude will not be able to hang on in Japan.What is the prestige of the second-in-command of the mafia?

"So, I'm really sorry, Mr. Crowder, I mistakenly thought you were a pervert and caught you." Kyoko bowed apologetically, her tone full of embarrassment.

"It's okay." Claude shook his numb arm. He felt that it was good not to be pulled out. How could he dare to offend the woman who had directly captured him alive.

"But you are fine, but don't do that kind of misunderstanding in the future, okay, Mr. Claude, you will trouble other students in our school." Kyoko said.

"Claude, what are you going to do? I'm no longer a kid, and Claude doesn't have to stare at me every day." Even Qian Ji felt very dissatisfied.Letting him stare at school is a painful thing to be with a pretend couple.

"Okay, forgive me for offending." Claude pushed his glasses, nodded and agreed, and Kyoko and Chisaku both smiled.

Qianshou thinks he can be liberated, and Kyoko thinks it's great that Cloud can understand them.As everyone knows, Claude doesn't intend to obey at all.

"Huh, I was accidentally discovered by a woman. It seems that I must be a little more concealed next time." Claude was not thinking about giving up, but about changing his strategy.

Seeing Claude's unwilling eyes, Nie Kong showed a playful smile.

In the early morning of the next day, Claude, disguised as a concealer, appeared at the school again following Qianzha.But even so, hiding in the trash can in the corridor with pride, no one will find it.It didn't take long before the trash can was dumped out, and then a familiar man dragged him to the office.

Facing the familiar cheek, Claude was embarrassed.Just promised yesterday, he was arrested today, and he had no face to face Kyoko.

So on the third day, he was discovered by Nie Kong again.For the fourth time, I want to install cameras in every corner and monitor means to accomplish everything.

As soon as the cameras were installed, Claude found out frantically that the cameras had been removed one by one.From the darkening TV, Nie Kong, the tutor of Thousand Thorns, could easily find the location of each camera.

"Ah, what the hell is going on, is there really a hidden dragon and crouching tiger in the school, is there a powerful guy hidden? Unbelievable, every time I am found, what is going on." Claude did not expect that he moved again and again. , Was actually cracked perfectly by the other party.

There was a cold sweat on his forehead. Not only Kyoko, but also the teachers inside were very good.Fortunately, it was not a fight between gangs, otherwise he might have died dozens of times.

So far, Claude never had the idea of ​​going to school to monitor Qianji.If he is found again, he thinks he will probably have to go to the police station.

"But for the happiness of the eldest lady, I, Claude, can't give up like this." Claude doubted the relationship between Qiangui and Le, thinking Qiangui was used by a deception.

No, it should be the guys from Shueisha.Originally, the eldest lady grew up watching her since she was a child, how could she fall in love with that guy at first sight.

"Anyway, since I can't do it and I was blacklisted by the teacher inside, then send someone to sneak into the school."

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