The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 4 058, cute little Saki

"Qiangui, I have something to ask you, hope you can promise me." During the break, Liuli called Qiangui to her.

"Student Liuli, let me know if you can help me." It's rare to live like a normal student. Qian Ji is happy to get along with his classmates and lead a normal student life.

"Well, the swimming club of our school is quite weak. Tomorrow will be the school swimming practice competition, but the number of participants in the swimming club is not enough. Tongzaki's motor nerves are very good. If you don't dislike it, I would like to invite you after school. Come and help be a member of the swimming club preparing to participate." Liuli said.

"Okay, I also like swimming." Qian Ji happily agreed.

So after school, Qiangui and Liuli in swimsuits gathered in front of the swimming pool.Qianshou wore a beautiful bikini and beige swimsuit, showing off his slender figure and pure white skin.In particular, he inherited the genes of his white father, and his skin was whiter than snow, and his slender figure was even more impressive than they were, and it was so beautiful.

It’s just that Qian Ji’s shock is that Teacher Nie Kong and Ono Temple are there?

"Ruri, I...I remember this is a women's swimming club, why the teacher is there." Xiao Saki, wearing a cute blue swimsuit, pulled Liuli by the corner of his clothes and asked.

"Idiot, if the teacher is not coming, how can you have a chance to break through the relationship with the teacher, Xiaosaki, you have to come on." Liuli gave a shy Xiaosaki a white, not just wearing a swimsuit in front of him, as for.

"The key is that I can't swim, so I don't want to get embarrassed in front of the teacher." Xiaosaki whispered.

"I asked you not to let you swim, don't forget the business. Forget it, you don't have to do anything later, just wait for me to arrange for you." Liuli said.

Xiao Saki nodded obediently when she heard Ruri's words.Let Liuli pull herself in front of Nie Kong.

"Teacher, is it the first time you saw Xiaosaki in a swimsuit?" Liuli asked suddenly.

"Yeah, Xiao Saki is really cute." Nie Kong said lightly.I have to say that the loose school uniform completely concealed Xiao Saki's figure, even Nie Kong did not expect Xiao Saki under the school uniform to be so plump.

"Wh... no." Xiao Saki's face hung red, and he did not dare to look at Nie Kong's exposed upper body.

"It's good if the teacher likes it. Teacher, what I want to ask you is to teach Xiaosaki how to swim before tomorrow's practice game." Liuli nodded and said.

"Huh." Qian Ji and Ono Temple whispered at the same time.Xiao Saki didn't expect that Liuli's assist would be like this, but Qianshou felt that he should teach him to promote the relationship between classmates.

"My swimming is very good. If Onodera doesn't dislike it, I can teach Xiaosaki how to swim." Qian Jiu raised his hand enthusiastically.

"No, you have to practice with me." Liuli dragged Qian Ji away without saying a word..Before leaving, he gestured to Xiao Saki with his eyes, and then left a small space for Nie Kong and Ono Temple to live alone.

Qiangui had no choice but to mutter and follow Liuli to leave.Soon the son of Qianjinyixi flopped into the swimming pool and galloped in the freestyle, like a crazy girl.

Liuli was a little speechless and didn't even start the warm-up. What if she got cramps in the water.Just watching Qianji's performance, Liuli could only follow, and then explained to Qianji about tomorrow's schedule in the water.

Seeing their water like a little white dragon in the waves, Onoji breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Qian Ji did not dare to teach them.At the same time, she understood what the arrangement Liuli had just said was.Actually... Let yourself be alone with the teacher, let the teacher teach swimming.

"Saki, let's start too." Nie Kong said, touching Xiao Saki's head.

"Yeah." Xiao Saki obediently followed Nie Kong to the shallow water area, where the water depth only reached the position of the stomach, just suitable for beginners.Rao was so, Xiao Saki who was afraid of water hugged Nie Kong directly.

"It's the first time for Xiaosaki to swim, so let's start with the most basic drawing of water." Nie Kong said with a smile.

Fortunately, Nie Kong has many experiences teaching girls swimming, so he has a lot of experience.Teaching Xiao Saki how to swim is really simple for Nie Kong.

Nie Kong grabbed Xiao Saki's two small hands, and the soft touch made people's heart move.Xiao Saki's cheeks remained pink all the time. It was the first time she saw the boy's body, and it was Nie Kong who she liked, she was also very shy.

"But teacher, you have to hold my hand, please, don't let go." Xiao Saki grasped Nie Kong's big hand tightly, Shui Lingling looked at Nie Kong with big eyes.

Seeing Xiao Saki's cute side, even Nie Kong couldn't help but feel moved, almost out of control and wanted to hug Xiao Saki and give him a kiss.

"Yes, the teacher will protect Xiao Saki, so feel relieved."


Hearing Nie Kong's words, Xiao Saki felt no longer afraid.Anyway, as long as there is a teacher, she feels safe.

She blushed when she noticed the teacher who was close to her body.I want to let go, but I am afraid of water.

"It's going to start, Xiao Saki hurry up and get ready, I can't swim while holding me." Nie Air Conditioning laughed.

"Woo, the teacher made fun of me."

The shameless Xiao Saki slowly released Nie Kong and sank her plump body into the water. Then Nie Kong took her little hand while she started to kick her feet in the water.After getting acquainted, Nie Kong took Xiao Saki's little hand and slowly led her to the deep water area.

As long as he learned the basic kicking posture and practiced for a while, Nie Kong felt that he could let go.It is said that I was originally using a floating board to learn, but Xiao Saki is a beginner, and Nie Kong needs to teach Xiao Saki the same way as a child.

Of course, if Xiao Saki used the kickboard alone, he would definitely not dare to go to deep water. He would not feel safe by himself and would not learn to swim so quickly.

Everything went smoothly. During the time with Nie Kong, Xiao Saki felt as if he had forgotten the existence of time.

The Liuli on the opposite side looked at the harmonious scene and nodded in satisfaction.Without Grandpa Zeng's destruction, the plan seemed to go well.

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