The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional text 0235, the King of Yan found

When I had time to make an appointment with Misaki on the weekend, Nie Kong found that Misaki had become very well-behaved, obedient.I thought it was because the girls who were in love were all like this, so Nie Kong didn't care.

On the contrary, it was Xiaokui's abnormality that caused Nie Kong's attention.Originally, Xiaokui would happily accompany me when I was in and out of school.But these few days, Xiaokui did not appear strangely in front of him.Even in class, I always feel listless and very bad.

Ask Qianqiu what happened to Xiaokui, but Qianqiu will show a sad look, always shaking his head and smiling, instead he is full of self-pity.From this incident, Nie Kong can finally be sure that girls will always be abnormal for a few days.

After finishing the math class of the special class, Qi Haijing was instructed to move the students' homework to the faculty room dedicated to Nie Kong in the old school building.It was supposed to belong to the same office as Zen Juro, but Nie Kong directly applied for one in the old school building because he couldn't stand it.There were a lot of vacant classrooms in the old school building, so the principal accepted it without hesitation.There was originally the teaching building where Shi Shi Demon was placed, and the principal said it was all handled by Nie Kong.

"Huhu... I'm really tired to teach these stupid rascals." Back in the office, Nie Kong lay directly on the tatami.The office does not look like a faculty office, but rather like a club room.

The spacious room is covered with a layer of clean tatami. If you look closely, you can still vaguely tell that it is the material used to decorate the Friends Department.There was only a warm table in the middle of the room.

"It's all because the students are so stupid. The teacher has to explain for such a simple topic for so long." Putting the homework on the warm table, Qi Haijing sighed.I feel a little tired just by looking at it, let alone the teacher.

"Oh!" After Xiao Lias landed, she sometimes practiced standing on the tatami, and sometimes she crawled around very lively.From her look, she seems to like the decoration of the house.

"How about...Teacher, I will help you massage your muscles and bones?" Qi Haijing asked softly.

"Indeed, classmate Qi Haijing has promised to serve the teacher. It is natural to massage or something. But classmate Qi Haijing, do you know how?" Nie Kong teased.

"Huh...Teacher, don't underestimate others, just give you a taste of my craft." Seeing Qi Haijing insisting, Nie Kong did not object.Besides, gentle massage for girls is hard to enjoy.

Follow Qi Haijing's instructions and relax on the tatami.When Xixi Suosuo's voice sounded, Nie Kong thought Qi Haijing was undressing, and turned his head to see that he was taking off the black stockings around his slender legs.

The white jade-like legs and the charming black stockings reflect each other, making it even more charming!And because of her actions, the scenery inside the skirt is looming.

"Old...Teacher, don't take a peek, I...I'm taking off my socks now." Qi Haijing covered the bottom of her skirt and said with shame.

"Don't take it off, the teacher still thinks that classmate Qi Haijing looks very beautiful in stockings!" Nie Kong praised.

"Teacher is really abnormal, it's actually a stocking control!" Although Qi Haijing scolded again, but her face was especially flushed, she obediently agreed to Nie Kong's request.

"let's start."

Qi Hai quietly stepped on Nie Kong's back, and her fleshy little feet regularly stepped on Nie Kong's back.As the silky socks rubbed, Nie Kong clearly felt the sensuality of Qi Haijing's little feet.Is this the legendary stepping back? I didn't expect that I could actually enjoy this kind of service in the second dimension.

Seeing Nie Kong's squinting enjoyment expression, Qi Haijing's heart was filled with contented happiness.Perhaps learning to step on the back is for the purpose of this moment.

The harmonious atmosphere permeated, but the sound of pushing the door suddenly broke, awakening Nie Kong and Qi Haijing in the room.

The woman who waited outside the door took a few steps forward and walked inside the room. Qi Haijing looked at her in surprise and said, "Student Shiludi?" The woman in the gothic maid costume in front of her was almost the same as Shiludi. The same as carved out.The same emerald green pupils, the same stalwart chest, and the blond hair that shone in the sunset.

"No, you are not Xiludi." After distinguishing the difference between the two, Qi Haijing said in denial.The woman in front of her had different hair accessories from Shiludi.Shiludi’s golden hair was braided into a braid and wrapped around her head, while the girl in front of her let her long hair fall on her shoulders.

Even so, the two women are so beautiful.The twin sisters, the maid girl with the flower attributes, attracted Nie Kong.

Little Lias crawled to her feet, and she tenderly reached out and hugged Little Lias."Lias Gremory, the sister of Lucifer Magic in another world? The magic power is amazing."

"Don't act indiscriminately, You Ludi!" The two maids outside the house all walked into the house, and the appearance of the three women appeared in front of Nie Kong.The three girls standing together, each in a black gothic maid outfit, have the same style but different styles.

The leading maid has charming blue long hair and a plump body dressed in an elegant long skirt.The neat bangs floating on the forehead, coupled with a pair of black glasses perfectly highlight the maid's temperament.

Needless to say, Yuludi on the right, the plump body is exactly the same as Xiludi, very beautiful.The last one was a beautiful woman with fresh short red hair. Her upper body was just a little black cutie, covering her small breasts, revealing a large white belly.Her jade back has black wings about two slaps, which adds a bit of cuteness.

Seeing the maid army in front of him, Nie Kong knew that Xiao Beilu's brother Yan Wang had arrived in the world.Nie Kong likes the three maids very much.

The leading maid said lightly to Nie Kong: "Finally found it, Lias, the demon king's child from another world."

"Hehe... It seems that our sudden appearance disturbed the intimacy of the two of them." Little Lori, the cute devil maid, smiled charmingly.

Qi Haijing jumped down from behind Nie Kong in embarrassment, "Teacher, do you recognize them?" Since the three women wore standard maid outfits, Qi Haijing didn't have much resistance, and she still thought she was the maid in the teacher's house.

Nie Kong was very strange. It was supposed that the three girls were looking for Little Beilu, why did they find Little Lias.It should be less than a year.

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