The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 5 041, return to the fairy world

The black mountains stand tall, each one tens of thousands of meters high.The morning glow is radiant, and the morning dew shines brightly.The mountains and forests were hazy, and the fresh grass and woods pounced on their faces, making the awakening few people feel a little bit unreal.

The peculiar black mountain, the palpitating breath, and the unchanging silence make the earth fairy world seem so detached, as if standing outside the cycle of reincarnation.

Nie Kong was startled, he was sure that he was right.After breaking the void, he indeed returned to the fairy world!

They didn't fall into the black mountains, but just outside this big mountain, there were four wild trees and wolf forests, and ancient trees vying for the sky, which was a vast wilderness.

In their eyes, those branches and vines are the most beautiful spectacle.

"Master...we...were we to the immortal world?" Li Xiaolu asked nervously.


Nie Kong was emotionally fluctuating, clenched his fists hard, and looked towards the west.Hearing the news from his mother, Nie Kong wanted to rush to the west to rescue his sister.

Can't wait to break the void, Nie Kong and the others once again soared to the immortal realm and appeared right in front of them.

"Master...I miss my mother." At this moment, Xiao Lori couldn't help Xiao Lu crying, and the strange place still made her a little scared.

Nie Kong had a headache. Such a small child was taken to the fairy world. It was really difficult to arrange, how to take care of it?

"If you miss your mother, you can practice hard, and when you grow up, you will be able to cross the void and go back." Nie Kong could only say that.

"Go!" Nie Kong didn't know what had happened in the past ten days or what happened to the outside world. He needed to understand again.

Chang'an City has a long history and is located in Dongsheng.I don't know how many thousands of years it has survived in the world. It is the largest ancient city in the earth immortal world. The wall is majestic, built of bluestone, like a blue dragon lying on the back.

The Changtian Teahouse is the best place to get news.The building is five stories high and one hundred meters high. It has an antique style. Almost anyone who can drink tea in it has the strength above the Xuanxian. Without any commonplace, they are all strongmen in the cultivation world.

Nie Kong's main purpose was to come here to inquire about some news. After leaving the primitive old forest, they went straight to the ancient city of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

The fragrance of tea was pervasive and refreshing, Xiao Lu took a sip, marveling at the good tea.

The surrounding Xuanxians looked at the little mortals disdainfully, very dissatisfied that the boss put Nie Kong and the others up.

As everyone knows, the Xuanxian master who originally came to see the door refused to accept, but later let Oshaji give a severe lesson.The owner of the restaurant at the level of Da Luo Jinxian looked at Nie Kong and Da She Ji in shock, and hurriedly came out to apologize.

"Hey, has the disaster of our Human Race monks come? It is true that there are talents from generation to generation, and each has been held for hundreds of years. Now the Monster Race is really scary."

"Isn't it? Shushan can be said to be a great faction in the immortal realm, and it can be a mega-shock to the world. Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by the demon clan more than a year ago."

"Shushan has only cultivated five Daluojinxians for tens of thousands of years. Two of them have died, and they have all been killed. That Shushan, known as the portal of saints."

Nie Kong drank tea and listened quietly, stopping Orochiji's inquiry and let them listen quietly.

The business in the teahouse is very good. The monks who can come and drink tea are from north to south. People like to talk about various things in the spiritual world. It is a good place for gatherings.

"Now that the times have changed, the saints can no longer be sold. Although no one can predict how strong the Seven Ancient Demon Sages tens of thousands of years ago will be, who can deal with the situation where the Mighty can't come out?"

"Well, in the age when the saints did not come out, there were heaven guards on them, and the Yaozu has always been weak! The riots in the sky tens of thousands of years ago, and then the westward journey, the Yaozu almost forgot. Who knows, the battle a year ago, really It's shocking."

"It is said that an ancient demon emperor who was suppressed in Rimet City was born, able to control the real fire of the sun, and then the fire burned Shushan."

"Yes, but why did the Demon Emperor suddenly disappear? I really don't understand."

"I don't know, but now the Great Sacred Bull Demon King, he may be in some trouble in the future. At that time, he was also there, and he assumed the cause and effect of the demon race and human beings. Don't mess with the ancestors of Shushan. Yeah, what lies behind is Explain and teach the famous twelve golden fairy jade tripod real person."

From what they were talking about, Nie Kong understood what happened before leaving.It seems that Shushan did not target the Yaozu, and now the realm of immortality is still peaceful.

Da Snake Ji thought of something, and said to Nie Kong with a serious expression: "Nie Lang, are you really planning to go to Buddhism?"

"Nie Shuang is my sister, and Dijun's reincarnation is the supreme existence of the monster race. Buddhism's deception and her must be uneasy and kind, so I must bring Nie Shuang back from the Buddhism, otherwise I will feel uneasy. Nie Kong nodded and said in a deep voice.

Big Snake Ji could hear the firmness in Nie Kong's words, and sighed and said: "With the strength of the two of us, it is impossible to fight against Buddhism. I don't think we can call up the strong monsters, so I can be more sure."

Nie Kong nodded, "Naturally need the power of the strong monster of the monster race, but my realm is far below the point of commanding the big monster. Even if the six sages of the monster race, the strong big monster, are called, I am afraid it will be difficult to suppress them by then."

"But this is also the only way. Otherwise, let alone rescue Nie Shuang, both of us may be buried under Buddhism's ancient Buddha great master." Da Snake Ji obviously also thought of Nie Kong's concerns, and her tone was a little worried. Said.

Nie Kong said indifferently: "Strength cannot make them surrender, but there is one thing that can definitely be done."

"What is it?" Orochiji said curiously.

"Call the demon banner!" Nie Kong affirmed.

The demon banner is the most precious treasure of the demon race. It can command the group of monsters. Perhaps it does not possess the power of destroying the world like other magic weapons, but the function of commanding the group of monsters is enough to be called the heavenly treasure.

From ancient times to the present, there is only one owner of the demon banner, the saint Nuwa.

The head of Nuwa's demon body is not a demon race, and has a great compassionate heart, repairs the sky and saves the world, and is respected and worshipped by all creatures.

It was not until the birth of the Demon Emperor and the creation of the Heavenly Court that Nuwa gave the demon banners to Dijun and Tai Yi two brothers!!

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