The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 5 047, Buddhism extradition! !

After blasting away Taibai Jinxing, millions of monsters continued to practice, and Nie Kong stayed on the top of the mountain alone.

"Nie Lang, I heard the Bull Demon King said that you blasted away the people in the Heavenly Court?" Not long after, the voice of Orochiji rang behind Nie Kong.

Nie Kong turned around, nodded and said, "Don't bother with Heaven, our target is Foshan."

At this moment, there was a noise under the mountain.

Nie Kong Yuanshen moved slightly and immediately saw the scene below the mountain.

The Six Sages of the Demon Race and Kui Peng surrounded a handsome monk. Seeing the appearance of the Seven Demon as a great enemy, it seemed that this monk was very difficult.

It's him!

Nie Kong recognized that the monk was the monk who deceived Nie Shuang at a glance. He unexpectedly came from behind the heavenly court. It seemed that he was missed by the heavenly court and Buddhism.

"Follow me down, there is a bald donkey coming from Buddhism." Nie Kong yelled, and flew down the mountain with Orochiji.

Kunpeng ancient great demon, with a fierce name, six sages of the monster race, all of them are heaven-defying great demon, even in the face of the heavens, they never had the slightest fear, but now they are scared by a fine-skinned monk, to be honest. Nie Kong even felt like hell.

"It is rumored that the Eastern Emperor burned Shu Mountain and ordered the group of demons. It was extraordinary at first sight today." Before Nie Kong spoke, the young monk folded his hands together and smiled.

Nie Kong's eyes moved slightly, Buddhism pays attention to cause and effect, reincarnation, how can the young monk not only plant the cause on the earth, this monk's dare to appear is enough to prove that he is not simple, he must be possessed of great supernatural powers.

"The Eastern Emperor has trained millions of monsters and gathered Kunpeng and the Six Sages of the Monster Race for Emperor Jun, right?" The young monk went straight to the point, which really surprised Nie Kong.

"Buddha, Dongtiandi, participate in reincarnation, know cause and effect, now it seems that this is true, but unfortunately, I still haven't counted his causal life." Nie Kong said with a sneer.

The young monk shook his head and said with a big smile: "The little monk that the Demon Emperor said doesn't understand, is it possible that you have counted the cause and effect of my fate?"

"You will die miserably today." Nie Kong said with a sneer.

"No, you are wrong. Today I am here to help the Eastern Emperor's benefactor turn around and get out of the endless sea of ​​suffering, not to die." The young monk smiled.

Nie Kong sneered, then his arms raised.

The demon banner standing on the top of Shu Mountain seemed to have received a silent call, and it flew automatically and fell into Nie Kong's hands.

The demon-inviting banners fluttered in the wind, weird and gloomy, millions of demon tribes, together with the ancient big demon and the six demon tribes, all knelt to the ground.

Nie Kong exudes a billowing aura, even if he is only in the middle stage of the Great Luo Jinxian, he can suppress the ancient monsters around him out of breath.

"The Eastern Emperor is really extraordinary, but the cause and effect of the fate is illusory, no trace can be found. There are no shortage of great magical powers in ancient times. You can't grasp the fate and see through the cause and effect. You can't do it either." The young monk was indifferent under the pressure of Nie Qi. Stop water.

"Really, I'm going against the sky today, ending your life." Nie Kong waved his right hand and turned into golden wings and swept towards the young monk.


The young monk vomited the Buddha's name, his delicate and solemn face, his whole body exuded ten thousand golden rays, dazzling and dazzling, he even resisted Nie Kong's blow.

"Nie Lang, I will help you."

"The Dharma is boundless!" The young monk uttered the Buddha horn, and the golden light shrouded the Orochiji in it.Orochiji was actually trapped in it, no matter how she attacked, the golden light gathered but not scattered, and she held the Buddha country.

In the next moment, Orochiji turned into a prototype, only to break his suppression.

"Donor, turn your head back to the shore, go back to Buddhism with me, I will save you from the sea of ​​suffering." The young monk put his hands together and whispered with a smile.

The young monk is not angry at all, his smile never diminishes

Nie Kong's expression changed drastically. He gritted his teeth and picked up the Great Sun Divine Art. The real fire of the sun burst out from his body, sweeping toward the young monk like a storm.

The face of the young monk changed drastically, and he let go, and stepped back.His body was golden, but he still couldn't stop the erosion of the real fire of the sun.

From the appearance of the young monk to the present, the powerful methods have made all the monsters present desperate.But even a monk who is as strong as this is restrained by the true fire of the innate sun, and the great monsters still have a strange feeling of unreality as if they have seen an illusion.

"It deserves to be a new generation of Demon Emperor. As expected, the means can reach the sky, and it is not in vain to come this time. What a pity!" The young monk shook his head.

Killing the enemy, it is strange that Nie Kong can't see the slightest joy on his face, but heavier and heavier.

"Nie Lang, did you kill him?" Orochiji slowly let out a sigh, her being terrified by the strength of the opponent.

"You were wrong, it was just a clone of him." Nie Kong said in a deep voice.

At the same time, Nie Kong was thinking, because a name appeared in his memory, Tang Sanzang.

Buddhism saint son, Buddha Tathagata sits down as a big disciple.

It was the young monk who had just fought.

"Nie Lang, you don't need to think about it. Tang Sanzang is a big disciple under the seat of the Tathagata, with Buddha's power reaching the sky, but still only attaining the true fruit of Arhat." Oraji Ji snuggled in Nie Kong's arms and said softly.

No matter how strong Buddhism is, Nie Kong has no choice but to fight Buddhism, even if it ultimately fails.

After defeating Tang Sanzang, Nie Kong and Kun Peng practiced demon soldiers and demon generals, and practiced the Zhou Tianxing star battle array.

One of them is the head of Shushan Zhang Mei, and the other is the head of Kunlun Qingfeng Taoist.

The two walked into the Huasheng Temple in Chang'an City together and greeted them as an old monk. The three seemed to be old acquaintances, chatting and laughing, and there was no sense of strangeness between them.

This old monk is dressed in ordinary monk clothes, but his realm is not weak at all. He has entered the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and he is considered to be a powerful power at the same level as Long Eyebrow and Qingfeng Daoist.

"Master Qingfeng, Master Faming, you have also seen my encounter with Shushan. Nie Kong is the reincarnation of the demon emperor. He is extremely cruel. If he can't get rid of it as soon as possible, he will inevitably become a disaster to the immortal world." Once he took his seat, Long Eyebrows straight to the point. , Shen Sheng told Elder Faming and the head of Kunlun about the strong relationship.


Elder Faming folded his hands together, screamed the Buddha's horn, and whispered: "The long-brow benefactors are not unreasonable. The Buddha said, the reincarnation of karma, the fate of fate, Nie Kong is the fate of the immortal world, you and I are all pregnant. A person with supernatural powers, how can he just watch the demons and ghosts harm the immortal world and just ignore it."

"What to discuss, Nie Kong dare to kill my Shushan disciple, he will definitely die." Taoist Qingfeng's temper is very irritable, which is too far from his name.

Xianle stopped suddenly, and the three of them woke up like a dream, recovering from the state of intoxication.

Long eyebrows said bitterly: "It's a pity that Yu Ding, the ancestor of Shushan, is unwilling to make a move, otherwise it would be difficult to kill Nie Kong."

Speaking of the real person of Yuding, the elders of Faming and Qingfengdao all showed awe.

The real Jade Ding, the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun's seat, has supernatural powers, even the Buddhist monks dare not despise the Jade Ding.

Speaking of which, Yuanshi Tianzun is also considered to be a person in the Heavenly Court, except that he is different from the Immortal Xingjun, Yuanshi Tianzun and the other two Qings are both behind the heavenly court.

As for the Jade Emperor, it is a puppet that is ugly.

However, Sanqing never asked about Heavenly Court, otherwise, who would dare to despise Heavenly Court, even Lingshan could not.

In ancient times, Monkey Monkey made a big noise in the sky, and the heavenly gods died and wounded countless, no one could resist the ferocity of Monkey Monkey.

At the critical moment, Tai Shang Lao Jun made a move and easily stopped Monkey Sun.

The strange thing is that in the end, Laojun Taishang released Monkey King, letting the Buddha of Lingshan show the limelight and picked up a big deal.

The three talked about it at last, and then left each.

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