The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element text 4 036, meet Xiaochun by chance

I don't know if it was because of Nie Kong's influence or because Liu Dao Mukuro had other considerations. After that, there really were no other actions, which also made Kyoko and his team relieved.

"Tomorrow is the time to fight back. Today, everyone should rest early, recharge their energy, and strive for a safe and sound return tomorrow!" Kyoko said encouragingly.

Everyone is almost ready, and on the eve of the battle, everyone is more excited and excited.

"Xiao Jing is becoming more and more a leader, and so are you. The rapid progress is amazing!"

While smiling, Nie Kong sighed as if there was nothing. He saw the growth of several people in his eyes, and I have to say that he was quite satisfied.

Especially Kyoko, from the beginning of an ordinary female middle school student, she has grown up to orderly arrange plans and regulate family members. Although there is no way to achieve no omissions, Nie Kong’s guidance is still needed, but this is short. A huge growth in a short period of time is not something ordinary people can achieve.Now Kyoko is more of a leader than Tsuna.

Nie Kong personally taught that he would not lose to Rebau En in any case, and Kyoko would not lose to A Gang.

This time, the plan is for the Vanguard Captain’s Prison Temple Hayato to clear the way first, with Yamamoto Takeshi’s assistance to clean up the rest. Sasakawa Ryouhei will protect by Kyoko and Kulom, while Futa will stay at home, and Bi Ang Qi protects Yiping and Lan Bo together.

Because Nie Kong is a special adviser, he will have his own actions.

"Let those guys see how good we are!"

The Hayato in Prison Temple was particularly excited. After all, that fiasco made him very deep in memory, and he was always waiting for shame.

"Let's do it to the limit!"

Sasakawa had no feelings of hatred towards the other party. The reason for his blood was purely to see how much his strength had improved.

"Well, although youth is passionate, you still have to protect your body!"

Yamamoto Takeshi is more cheerful and calm. For him, although this battle is very important, the baseball game after this is also very important!

"Yamamoto is right, protecting yourself is the most important thing!"

Kyoko also emphasized it, and then, as if thinking of something happy, smiled sweetly, "After this matter is resolved, let's all go to the fireworks display together!"

It's rare for everyone to get together, but because of this matter, there is still no time to play together. Although Kyoko also knows the importance of improving strength, the combination of work and rest is even more important!

"Since Sister Kyoko said so, we must go to the fireworks show together!"

As an Italian, Heiji Hayato didn't feel much about the fireworks display, but since Kyoko has already said so, he naturally raised his hands in agreement as a loyal servant.

After the arrangement was in place, everyone went back to their room to rest, but Nie Kong saw that everyone had gone to rest, and then came to the place where Hibari Kyoumi was.

"Kyouya, tomorrow is the day to find Liu Dao Mukuro to fight back. These days, as the results of my training, you should show it to me tomorrow!"

Nie Kong looked at the skylark Kyouya, who was in the mode of preparing for battle immediately when he saw his arrival with a smile.

"Huh, that guy, I will clean it myself!"

Although the other party didn't have the slightest intention of wanting to do something, Hibari Kyouya's intention to fight did not diminish at all. He snorted at Nie Kong's words, and after faintly announced his initiative, he involuntarily attacked Nie Kong. Past.

"Such a good moonlight, but you can only do this kind of incomprehensible thing, which is really disappointing!"

Nie Kong is really helpless for the fighting frenzy in front of him. In the past few days, he has been abused by himself every night, but he is not discouraged. On the contrary, he is more and more courageous. He is really a young boy with no energy to use!

"It's so noisy!"

Hibari Kyoumi frowned in dissatisfaction, looking at Nie Kong who was completely different from before and had no thoughts to fight, he couldn't help but stopped the attack unhappy.

"Take a good rest tonight, Liu Dao Mukuro is not that easy to deal with!"

Nie Kong didn't know whether it was intentional or not. He specifically reminded Skylark of his previous defeat. When he saw Skylark glance at him with some discomfort, he suddenly laughed, waved his hand at Skylark, and disappeared on the spot.

"Liu Dao Mukuro! Liu Dao Mukuro!"

After seeing Nie Kong's departure, the little yellow bird Yundou flew to Skylark's side, and listened to his shoulder, and kept calling Liu Daosu's name.

"Hmph, tomorrow, defeat that guy!"

Skylark snorted coldly, glanced at Yun Dou, with a cold face and no expression, turned around and returned to his room, ready to rest.

Although Hibari has always refused to gather and join Kyoko's family, Nie Kong also believes that in tomorrow's decisive battle, Hibari will not only take part in it, but also take the lead and act alone to remove all obstacles that cannot be seen.

Even if you are not gregarious, this powerful combat power is also indispensable!

"Allah, Xiaochun, why are you here?"

On the way back, Nie Kong was very surprised when he met someone he hadn't seen for a long time on the way home.

"Ha Yi, Nie... Teacher Nie Kong?"

Originally, Miura Chun, who was still surreptitiously digging his head and wondering what he was doing, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the sound. He turned his head sharply and found that it was Nie Kong, and he was relieved.

"Teacher Nie Kong, you scared me to death!"

Miura Chun patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Although Nie Kong was a teacher, he didn't have much grudge, and he was naturally intimate.

"Just call me teacher, don't be so polite."

Miura Chun's hair is also very good, soft and comfortable to the touch. Nie Kong, who was used to touching his head, unconsciously reached out and touched Miura Chun's head, trying to calm his emotions.

"Ah, Teacher Nie Kong is older, then I'll call you Big Brother!"

Xiaochun is more lively and cheerful, and has a relatively strong accepting ability. He quickly agreed to Nie Kong's proposal, and was kindly captivating.

"By the way, Xiaochun, what are you doing here?"

Nie Kong smiled unclearly and looked in the direction Xiaochun had peeked before. Then he turned his head back and smiled at Xiaochun slightly, "Could it be possible that you are doing something bad?"

"Hayi! It's not a bad thing, Xiaochun didn't do anything bad!"

Miura Haru hurriedly waved his hand to indicate that he was not doing bad things, but then he lowered his head vainly, and both hands played with index fingers unconsciously, his eyes dodge, and he saw that there was something to hide.

"Then Xiaochun, what are you doing? So mysterious?"

Nie Kong knew that Miura Chun was a more lively and active girl, but there was nothing bad about it. He would do this, I'm afraid there is a special reason.

"When I was running just now, I saw a very cute and lovely child. By the way, Teacher Nie Kong, have you seen it!"

Nie Kong shook his head. This girl really likes children too much.

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