The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 051, Dino reappears

When Kyoko saw this, he instinctively called out anxiously, if it weren't for being stopped by Yamamoto, I'm afraid he would have already wanted to rush out.

"Kyoko, calm down, don't be impulsive, that's Teacher Nie Kong!"

Yamamoto stopped Kyoko while trying to persuade him.

Although Nie Kong did not move, he never disappeared from the beginning to the end. He was calm and boring, showing that he was absolutely at ease.

Although Jingzi also believed in Nie Kong, her worry was not something she could control.

"I'm really sorry, it seems I have to end this battle as soon as possible, otherwise Xiao Jing will worry about me."

Nie Kong gently raised his hand and looked at the phantom of thousands of long swords that were about to attack him.

When everyone did not react, they suddenly waved the blood whip of sin, just like a silver snake, directly smashing the opponent's tricks.

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Before everyone had time to see how Nie Kong made his move, they saw that he had beaten Squaro to the ground with a long whip.

Nie Kong stood expressionlessly in front of the fallen Squaro, looking condescendingly at the irritated Squaro, and suddenly said, "You still have a special move yet to come out!"

Taking this opportunity, Nie Kong prepared to show Takeshi Yamamoto, who was also learning Kendo, to supplement his study.

"Unexpectedly... to understand my details, which family are you from?"

Being insulted by Nie Kong in this way, Squaro wished to get up now to fight Nie Kong in a life-and-death duel, but his identity as a person of Balian had to force him to calm down and leave his mind.Not only is he the sword emperor Squaro, but he is also a Pengley person!

"Sorry, I haven't reported my name yet. Nie Kong, the special advisor to the Sasakawa family led by Kyoko."

Looking at Nie Kong's serious attitude, it didn't seem like making up a lie casually. Squairo also heard a lot of Sasakawa's movement, because the other party was a small family and didn't pay attention at all.

At this time, thinking about it, he felt a little annoyed. If he had known this, he should have wiped out the Sasakawa family first to eliminate the troubles!

"I don't think that at this time, your Pengley family still has the heart to deal with the already powerful Sasakawa family!"

Nie Kong seemed to have mind-reading skills. He saw Squaro's thoughts at a glance, and a mocking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Although he is mainly dedicated to developing the power of the main family members on Kyoko's side, he has not forgotten to hone his other subordinates at the headquarters of Bovino!

"If you underestimate us now, you will suffer!"

Nie Kong Ruoyuwu said, the corner of his eyes casually glanced at one side of the air, and he chuckled. The long whip in his hand waved seemingly not far away, but he saw the tall handsome man with blond hair suddenly Some panic appeared in front of everyone.

"Uh...well, hello everyone, I am the leader of the Gabrone family, dancing Madino..."

Dino, who had been observing the situation in the dark, did not expect that he would be forced out by Nie Kong. He introduced himself embarrassingly to the way he panicked, and watched that even though he had already introduced himself, he was still caught by Kyoko's group. Looking at "Who are you", I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"Ahem, it doesn't matter who I am now, the important thing is, Mr. Nie Kong, can you let Squaro go first?"

Originally he wanted to help Bagir, but he didn't expect Bagir to have been rescued, and his former classmate Squaro was defeated and his life was at stake, and he was also forced to show up from the dark.

Originally, Nie Kong was not prepared to kill Squaro. After all, he would still be useful in the future, so after Dino's request was made, he slowly withdrew his bloodwhip.


Dino had no idea that Nie Kong would obey his request so easily. He had already made plans to fight, and he was really at a loss.

"Mr. Nie Kong, haven't you discussed it."

Because Dino suffered a lot from Nie Kong from the beginning, he knew that the whip in his hand was not of the same level as his own, so he was very vigilant. If he could communicate peacefully all the time, this was what he hoped most. .

Originally thought that Nie Kong was a bad person, but from his protection of Bagir, he did not look like a bad person. This made Dino, who was very hostile to Nie Kong, completely confused.


Nie Kong's face was calm, neither happy nor angry. He naturally recognized Dino. The Pengley leader's ring that Kyoko had always carried was obtained from Dino's hands!

"Trash, next time, I will kill you!"

Without knowing it, Squaro had secretly left Nie Kong's side when Dino attracted everyone’s attention, and suddenly shot at Bagir, snatching a box he had been protecting. Before leaving, he uttered cruel words to Nie Kong, and then left the place.

"No, you can't get up, your injury is very serious!"

Looking at Bagir who was struggling to get up, Xiaochun immediately pressed his body carefully, not wanting him to mess around.

"No, I have to take things back next time!"

Bagir looked anxious, as he struggled so hard, the wounds on his body ooze more and more blood.

"You don't need to chase it, not to mention that you can't chase it anymore. Even if you catch it, the thing is fake and unnecessary."

Nie Kong glanced at the direction where Squaro was leaving. He was naturally watching his movements, but at this time he still needed him to inform the news, so he let him go.


Bagir froze for a moment, and was very surprised at what Nie Kong said. He couldn't believe it.

"It's ridiculous to let a kid like you be a bait."

A sarcasm smiled at the corner of Nie Kong's mouth. I don't know if it was about the fake or the bait, but Nie Kong didn't plan to say anything anymore. He tilted his head toward the blonde Dino, although his face was Smile, but there is no slight smile in his eyes.

"As a price for helping you solve a troublesome thing, I will accept the real ring you are wearing!"

As soon as the voice fell, Nie Kong raised his hand lightly. After hearing Nie Kong's words, Dino immediately raised his vigilance and was on guard at any time, but only saw a light dance of the long whip in Nie Kong's hand, and Dino did not react yet. , The thing hidden in his arms had already appeared in Nie Kong's hands.

"Give it back to me, it's not your thing!"

Dino murmured in a deep voice, and the faint anger in his voice leaked. It seemed that as long as Nie Kong shook his head, he would burst out at any time.

I know that the opponent’s ability is more than a little bit higher than his own. However, Dino also has his own responsibility. I am sorry for the ninth generation leader if he lost the leader ring. Now if he loses even the family ring, he has no face at all. To the leaders of the nine generations.

"Thank you very much for your assistance, but now there is no business for you, about the ring, I will personally communicate with the ninth generation leader."

Nie Kong waved his hand lightly, driving a gust of wind and blowing towards Dino.

Dino didn’t have time to think carefully about what Nie Kong said he personally communicated with the leaders of the ninth generation. When he saw that Nie Kong had already taken action, he instinctively grabbed the whip in his hand and prepared to fight. Suddenly began to change.

"Wait—" Dino just noticed something was wrong, and as soon as he exited, before he could resist, his body was teleported back to Italy.

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