The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 062, Bi Yangqi dating


Just as the people around the night were resting, there was a knock on the door of the night sky.

"come in."

Nie Kong, who had already noticed it, raised his eyes and looked at the girl coming in at the door.

"Miss Biyangqi, the night is already late, you should rest too."

"Just call me Bi Yangqi."

"I don't think you have anyone, so I got you something to eat by the way."

"Thank you, but I can't eat so much, Little Biyangqi-if you don't mind Biyangqi, let's eat together!"

Nie Kong took it casually, took a casual glance and then paused, then smiled and invited Bi Yangqi to eat with him.

"Although it is rude to say this, but for the sake of Bi Yangqi's body, I still have to ask—"

Nie Kong gently lifted the so-called supper that he had received to Bi Yangqi, "Bi Yangqi, have you tasted your own food?"

The reason for saying this is entirely because the supper that Bi Yangqi prepared for herself is completely a poisonous dish that exudes the breath of black death.

"This one--"

Bi Yangqi's breathing was stagnant, and she quickly snatched it from Nie Kong, hiding behind her, looking embarrassed, "Sorry, I didn't mean it."

"I appreciate your kindness."

Nie Kong saw Bi Yangqi's anxious expression and knew that she didn't mean to give this kind of thing to herself. Although he didn't care about this level, it was always bad to eat too much.

"It just so happened that I was also a little hungry. If you don't mind, Bi Yangqi, stay with me for a while!"

Nie Kong habitually prepared to cook some food for himself, and changed his mind after thinking that Bi Yangqi was there.

"If you don't mind Nie Kong some sake, I know a nice place!"

"Oh? Really? Then trouble you to lead the way!"

Nie Kong did not refuse, but when he saw Bi Yangqi's dress, he suddenly thought of something, "The night is always a little bit cold. As a girl, I should pay more attention not to catch a cold."

Nie Kong remembered, I don't know who said that girls' physique is a little weaker than boys, so this also makes Nie Kong more gentle towards girls.

Hearing this, Bi Yangqi stiffened all over, lowered her head slightly, and said nothing.

"what happened?"

Nie Kong frowned, a little puzzled.

He didn't think there was something wrong with his words, but Bi Yangqi's strangeness was obviously because of what he said.

Bi Yangqi lowered her head, her voice somewhat suppressed.

As the "poisonous scorpion" of the mafia world, to outsiders, he is very cold-blooded and ruthless, and he is used to being strong. He looks like a domineering sister to everyone. Only in front of his lover, will he show himself as a little woman. The side.

However, only Bi Yangqi knew that she was just an ordinary woman who would occasionally fail and was just used to being strong.

Only when you face an important partner, you are the real yourself.

It's just this, almost no one knows.

However, Nie Kong, a person who hadn't been with him for long, found that it was always so easy to break into his heart, using his gentleness that did not belong to him.

On the other hand, Ribaun hurt her again and again.After cooperating with Nie Kong time and time again to kill the ten-generation leader Stupid Gang, I found that there was a different feeling for Nie Kong.

Reborn slowly faded in her heart.

"Although I like strong girls, I am more inclined to be able to protect."

Nie Kong calmed Bi Yangqi's depressed mood.

When being touched by Nie Kong, Bi Yangqi's body stiffened for a moment, and then suddenly raised her head, looking at Nie Kong with some water vapor and hopeful eyes.

"Let's go, we won't be drunk or go home tonight!"

"it is good."

"If you can make Bi Yangqi happy, I will stay with you to the end."

Because of this, Bi Yangqi didn’t even take her coat in the end, so she brought Nie Kong aggressively to a small restaurant that was still open. It seemed to be the reason she came frequently. She was familiar with the boss, but she just saw people. Know what Bi Yangqi wants.

"Unexpectedly, Bi Yangqi, you would like this kind of place."

Bi Yangqi is an Italian, and she would like to come to this very Japanese-style pub, which somewhat surprised Nie Kong.

"Some cultures in Japan are good. Although this place is small, it has good things."

Bi Yangqi originally wanted to introduce the dim sum here, but suddenly thought that Nie Kong's own craftsmanship is very good, and she couldn't help but feel a little different, "Ah, although it's not as good as Nie Kong's craftsmanship, I think it's pretty good. I don't know. Can it suit your taste..."

"Since Bi Yangqi recommended it, I naturally want to try it!"

Because of the late night, there were basically no people in the casual restaurant except Nie Kong and Bi Yangqi, so the boss quickly prepared the food and brought it up.

"Miss Biyangqi, this is what you want, this time we have a new flavor, you two try it!"

While talking, the boss took out the sake, poured Nie Kong and Bi Yangqi, and put on a supper.

Looking at the dim sum which was obviously the same as a couple's set meal, Bi Yangqi was a little embarrassed. She raised her eyes and saw the deep smile and eyes of the owner of the restaurant, and she couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

Compared with embarrassment, it is more the feeling of rapid heartbeat.

Had it not been for the reminder from the owner of the restaurant, Bi Yangqi hadn't even realized that she and Nie Kong were like this, as if an ordinary young couple were dating.

I don’t know, why did Nie Kong realize this...

Bi Yangqi casually stroked her hair on the surface, but in fact she was already confused.

"Well, the appearance is not bad, and the taste is very innovative, which makes you have an appetite."

Nie Kong casually took a bite of the snack, then made a comment with a faint smile.

"The boss is very good at doing business, the snacks are also good, and the novelty tastes good."

"Hahaha, this gentleman is not only handsome but also very talkative, Miss Biyangqi, you have a good vision!"

Seeing that neither Nie Kong nor Bi Yangqi had given a rebuttal, the restaurant owner directly acquiesced in the relationship between them.

"Sir, you can give it a try. Take a bite of the snack and try our sake. There will be another taste!"

The owner of the bar enthusiastically recommended it, and Nie Kong responded naturally, and the atmosphere was harmonious, which made Bi Yangqi's heart calm.

"This method is novel. With the moisturizing of sake, the snacks melt in the mouth, making people feel unsatisfied, and it also dissolves the astringency of some sake. The combination of the two is very harmonious."

Nie Kong is very interested in dim sum cooking, and he is full of praise for the idea and craftsmanship of the restaurant owner.

"Haha, sir is a savvy man. Hearing your compliments makes me feel so late to meet each other!"

"Old man, you will be kicked by the donkey if you ruin the date of other young couples! What are you doing there? There are customers in the store, come and help!"

But the wife of the wine house owner couldn't stand it anymore, and rushed over angrily, and smiled apologetically at Bi Yangqi and Nie Kong and nodded, while hating the iron and steel, he dragged the owner away.

"Ha ha."

Nie Kong chuckled lightly, and after adding wine to Bi Yangqi, he poured wine for himself.

"The ingredients complement each other, while making up for the shortcomings, it can also have an effect of 1+1 greater than 2. This is a good method. You can try it when you go back."

"Nie Kong, your cooking is perfect and delicious. I don't think there are any shortcomings that need to be made up!"

Bi Yangqi wasn't deliberately to please her in order to close the relationship with Nie Kong, what she said was entirely her own true thoughts.

"It's flattering to hear Bi Yangqi's praise!"

After all, Bi Yangqi is the eldest lady of a not-so-small Mafia family. She has eaten a lot of delicious food since she was a child. Nie Kong is very happy to let her say that.

"Hehe, we seem to be very persistent in cooking..."

One is a toxic culinary master known as "poisonous scorpion", and the other is a culinary master who is very good at delicious cuisine.

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