The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 066, the harmonious Sasakawa family

"Friendly, the transfer student is a cute girl! But she is more introverted, don't frighten her!"

When they heard that it was a cute girl, a group of boys immediately cheered. Although the girl was a little disappointed, they inexplicably shifted the focus to Nie Kong's sentence.

"Ms. Nie Kong seems to be familiar with transfer students? Does it matter?"

Although the teacher-student relationship is still difficult for many people to accept, it is undeniable that there are still many female students who admire Nie Kong.

"Well, my sister, please take care of me!"

"You review your homework, the teacher has to do something first!"

Waved to his student, Nie Kong slowly left the classroom and walked towards the school gate.

Just when I walked to the school gate, I saw Kyoko and his party walking towards the school talking and laughing.

"Colom, you come with me to get the textbook."

Nie Kong beckoned to Kulom and motioned for her to follow him, then smiled and nodded at Jingzi and his group, and then left with Kulom.

Along the way, when walking in a strange school, Kulom would still be a little nervous. Nie Kong had to comfort her a few words before holding her hand and walking into his office together.

"Colom, this is my office. If you have any questions in the future, you can come here to find me!"

Normal teachers work together, but Nie Kong and the principal have reached an agreement, so they have their own single office.

"These are your textbooks. I will get them for you. There are pencils, erasers and other stationery for learning. I have also prepared them for you."

Nie Kong is a good brother with due diligence. Everything he can think of, Nie Kong has prepared for Kulom.

"Ah, yes, thank you brother."

Kulom was a little surprised to see that the stationery Nie Kong prepared for him were all in a matching series, but they were cute and in line with his hobbies. It could be seen that Nie Kong had obviously taken his thoughts.

"Try it. If it doesn't work well, I will take you to pick the one you like."

"No, I like it very much!"

Kulom shook his head quickly and put the stationery on his chest, as if he liked that no one could take it away.

"This is your uniform bag, take it, and I will help you with the books."

Nie Kong estimated the time, and it was almost time for class, so he took Kulom and walked towards her classroom.

As soon as the preparation bell rang, the students were basically seated in their seats, looking forward to the transfer students mentioned by Nie Kong.

When Nie Kong, who was holding books and teaching materials, and Kulom appeared in front of everyone, it still caused quite a stir.

"Well, classmates, be quiet, we would like to transfer students to introduce themselves!"

After Nie Kong arranged where Kulom should sit, he looked at Kulom and encouraged her to introduce herself.

"Um... my name is Kulom... very, very happy to study with you! I... my favorite person is brother, please take care of me."

Kulom was at a loss. After Nono said his name, he didn't know what to say, so he suddenly bowed vigorously, face down, to cover up his embarrassment and tension.

"Hey, I like Teacher Nie Kong too."

"Oh, Teacher Nie Kong is a big sister-in-law."

The students below kept making noise, staring at Kulom and Nie Kong with wide eyes.

"Okay, Kulom, you go back to your place first. If you have anything to do with her, students can ask after class. Now, we have to start class!"

Nie Kong patted the desk with his book, and the noisy classroom immediately became quiet. Although there were still a lot of questions about Kulom, he had to swallow his stomach silently and start the class seriously.

Nie Kong’s class today has only two classes, so after the second get out of class, he was already free, and he could just go home to prepare food during the lunch break.

Someone wanted to be together, and Nie Kong was in a good mood, so he prepared a lot, covered the food box, and returned to school, almost just before the lunch break.

"Xiao Jing, inform the Xia Prison Temple to flatten them, and I will wait for you on the rooftop."

It was not convenient for Nie Kong to let too many people know about his relationship with Jingzi and his party, so he avoided suspicion and didn't look for it directly, but sent a message to Jingzi.

After arriving on the rooftop, Hibari Kyouya was already sitting halfway by the railing of the high platform, and the jacket he was wearing was flying in the wind slightly, and the Fengji sleeves on the sleeves were particularly conspicuous.

After feeling that someone was coming, Skylark turned his head, glanced at Nie Kong sideways, looked at the food container in his hand, and raised his eyebrows.

This made Hibari's attitude towards Kyoko and his party improved.

"After a while Kyoko and the others will come up together, Kyoya, would you like to come down from there to eat with us?"

"No need."

The two words of coldness directly rejected Nie Kong's proposal.Nie Kong didn't force him to stay, saying that was just a kind word, how could he let Skylark disturb him and Kulom, Kyoko's lunch time.

"Teacher." At this time, Kyoko in uniform also appeared on the balcony, sitting in front of Nie Kong as usual.

"Ah, Hibari-senpai is still out of gregariousness!"

"It's okay, just treat him as air." Nie Kong said calmly.

Hearing Nie Kong's words, Skylark turned around, daring not to say anything about Nie Kong's occupation of his territory.

"Ah, I can smell the fragrance all the way, I can't help but want to have a big meal!"

Yamamoto Takeshi smiled cheerfully, and naturally sat around Nie Kong.

"Baseball idiot, get out of the way, this position is not for you!"

Because Kulom was already seated next to Nie Kong, the Falcon of the Prison Temple quickly squeezed Yamamoto who was sitting on the other side of Nie Kong away, and then graciously invited Kyoko.

"Sister Jingzi, come, sit here!"

"It's okay, I just sit here!"

Kyoko was naturally embarrassed to sit in the position where Yamamoto was squeezed away, so she waved her hand with a smile, and then sat down next to Kulom.

"Cut, baseball idiot, it's cheaper for you this time!"

Kyoko had already fallen, the prison temple had to withdraw the hand that was pushing Yamamoto Takeshi unwillingly, and then sat down by Kyoko.

The position next to the leader is naturally the person in charge sitting on him.

"Ah, there are so many bento dishes, they are all delicious, and they all look delicious. It's really hard to choose!"

The good old man Takeshi Yamamoto didn't care about the rudeness of Yukuji Hayato to him. Instead, he was very excited to choose the bento he wanted to eat.

"Hey! It's so rude, this kind of thing is naturally selected by Sister Kyoko first!"

Heiji Hayato stared indignantly at Takeshi Yamamoto and Rapira Sasakawa who had been selected by himself. Of course, Brother Rapira didn't have any opinion, but he had a big opinion of Takeshi Yamamoto!

"You guys, go to the other side, don't disturb us eating." Nie Kong impatiently gave them a little bit. Those guys' dog noses are so good that they know they are eating here.

"Hee hee, thank you Teacher Nie Kong." Takeshi Yamamoto grabbed the lunch box, but the Hayato at the Prison Temple was not to be outdone. The two were arguing and arguing, feeling happy.

Only Skylark, with tic-tac-toe on his cheeks.

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