The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the two-dimensional body 0242, all parties are moving

In the early morning of the next day, Nie Kong began to implement special training for the four women.First of all, Xiaokui taught the three daughters Xinyueliu's basic force technique Nadeshiko, who had little foundation, and then asked the three daughters to practice this trick first.

The three girls saw Xiaokui smoothly cut a one-meter-long marble with their bare hands, and they all began to practice with great interest.Xiao Kui was taught by Nie Kong himself. In addition to training actual combat skills, Nie Kong also taught Xiao Kui the dimension knife.

The former undefeated East relied on this move to stand proudly among the three great kings, showing the power of the Dimensional Sword.If you have reached the level of proficiency, your strength will be comparable to the Demon King level.After all, for Nie Kong, a dimensional knife with full swing can cut a hundred-meter mountain in half.

The five people practiced hard in the mountains of Moerjin, and Xiaojian sometimes comforted them with sweets and hot tea.Although several women are training desperately, the fastest improvement in strength is still Qianqiu.There was no actual combat experience in the past, so Sora had no strength to play. After two days of actual combat skills training, it didn't take long for his strength to surpass Xiaokui.

Xiao Kui was a little relieved and a little bit disappointed.Although the strength has improved significantly, the effect is still a bit too slow.The dimensional sword taught by the teacher still cannot be mastered in a short time.

While the four girls were training hard, the male deer was not idle.Since losing to Card Doss, Oka wants to be strong all the time.So seeing Zenjuro's Joo Wang Wen, Oka hit his mind.

Zen Jurou did not refuse Oga's request, and took him to the mountain for arduous training, teaching him how to correctly use the magic power in his body.

The male deer had never seen such a magical power use method. His previous use was simply to follow the excitement of the little Beiru, and bombard all the magic power passed from the little Beilu.

Although this trick used to be quite powerful, it didn't work at all when dealing with demons.The last time he fought Gados, he only broke a few teeth.

Therefore, seeing the coat of arms condensed in Zenjuro's palm, he can feel the stability and strength of the magic inside. This is also the reason why Oka has become a teacher.

This was already the second day of the special training, but under Zenjuro's teaching, Oka made rapid progress.The male deer now has been able to use the magic of Little Beru to create the King of Rope engraving.

With a "bang" blow, Zen Juro used the engraving to stop the male deer, and hit the male deer directly with his fist without spare power.The facial features were distorted again, and Oka-student hit Zenjuro a dozen meters away.

The male deer bared his teeth slowly, dealing with the wound that was beaten by Zen Juro, while little Beru played with butterflies in the grass on one side.

"Yes, progress is fast. You are already proficient in the rope king engraving. Let's start the next phase of training." Zen Shiro got into the tent, wondering what he was looking for.

"Pong Pong..." The inexplicable thing was thrown out, and finally Zenjuro came out carrying an old-fashioned radio.

"Next, it's real cultivation!"

On the other side, more than a dozen people from Kanzaki were desperately completing the homework released by Nie Kong.Although they feel that the homework for finding someone is weird, it is tens of thousands of times better than doing math problems with aching brains.

After the clue that King Yan liked the game, they began to find King Yan in the vast game world.Ji Chuan, who was having fun, brought his classmates to his home.

After playing more than a dozen games, they finally found the guy with the game ID called King Yan.After several conversations and challenges, King Yan finally agreed to play games with them.Ever since, they accompanied the tireless King Yan to play games for several days.

The prison of the devil is gloomy.

As the first wave of demons who entered the world, the soldiers happily found Master Beluze’s contractor. He thought it was a matter of his hand, but he did not expect that the world is like a head and a stick. Your excitement shattered.Without knowing it, Card Doss was killed directly.The strength shown by the opponent is so powerful.

"Gurafil, your disposition has come down." There was a dull footstep, and the one who came in to visit the prison was a beautiful mature woman.She looked a little bit like Lamia, but she was several times plump than Lamia.

"What... What to do?" Although Remia's words brought back his sanity, Gurafiel couldn't reflect it for a while, "Oh, what to do, it's down?"

"The commander expressed dissatisfaction with your rash actions! The other Zhujue are also very annoyed by your behavior similar to grabbing merit!" Remi, the deputy commander of the 34th Pillar Division of Behmott Ya said calmly.

"Reckless action? What we did was entirely for Young Master Flame King. As for grabbing credit, who would have such an idea of ​​vying for fame and fortune!" Gurafier said in a restless manner.

It's just that Remia's next words moved Gurafiel a little bit.

"I have no doubts about this! But your arbitrariness cannot be ignored! Anyway, the problem lies in your failure! This is the key."

"I don't know how Gordon Doss fought with them before. Gordon Doss was dead when we went, so there was no way to say anything." Gurafiel fell silent.

"So, the team leader has given you another chance." At this moment, a figure walked in from the door of the cell.Familiar face, not the boss, who is Naga?

"Naga?!" Gurafiel looked at the incoming figure in disbelief.After all, after the transmission came back, he was locked in a cell.And Naga, I heard that it was also directly confined...

"Let you wait a long time for Gurafiel!" Nagarou, holding the teleportation jade, walked in front of him.

"Send jade?" Gurafier was moved.

"Let me convey the original words of Captain Behmot. Don't lose and come back with a shy face. If you want to do it, just do it for me!" After Remiya relayed the Captain's order, she walked out of the cell.

Finally the demons of the 34 Pillars Division began to officially descend on the human world.This time, the head of the group was headed by the group leader, and several pillars followed to assist.The teleportation jade was limited, so it failed to teleport all the demons of the division to the human world.

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