The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 074, the news of Kawahira

"Lambo, Yiping, I have something to tell you."

"Brother Nie Kong, what's the matter." Because they usually make good food for them, both of them are very obedient.

Lan Bo and Yiping answered very loudly.

Even if Yiping is very sensible, she is still just a little girl under five years old.

"What a good boy! Lan Bo, Yiping, now Brother Nie Kong needs the two of you to help with a few things."

Nie Kong smiled and took out the candy and divided it among the two.

"Lan Bo, you take out the Ten Years Rocket Launcher, and after ten years of going with Yiping, help Brother Nie Kong inquire about a person named Chuanping. Anything is fine. You can tell me when you come back."

"Okay, Yiping got it."

Yiping was very happy holding the candy, but he also knew he had to help Nie Kong.

But after Lan Bo got the candy, he didn't care about anything, until Nie Kong added "the more news you get, the more candy you can get", Lan Bo didn't say anything, and took out the bazooka for ten years. He couldn't help but covered himself and Yiping.

As the pink smoke dissipated, Lan Bo and Yiping appeared in front of Nie Kong ten years later.

Ten years later, Lan Bo still looked lazy. After seeing the person in front of him clearly, it was too close to the time he experienced last time and too short time since he was beaten last time.So after seeing Nie Kong, Lan Bo hid behind Yiping.

"Huh? Where is this place?"

Ten years later, Yiping had grown into a slim little girl who was very cute and lovely. At this time, she looked at Lan Bo hiding behind her with a confused expression, and then looked around at her surroundings.

"Yiping, do you remember who I am?"

Nie Kong smiled gently, staring at the two people in front of him with piercing eyes.

"Lambo, don't hide. This time I want to ask you some questions. If you answer well, there will be a delicious snack reward!"

"Brother Nie Kong, why are you here?"

Yiping seemed to have only noticed the existence of Nie Kong now, and his face was full of surprise.

The effective time of the rocket launcher is relatively short in ten years, so Nie Kong didn't add any nonsense and went directly to the subject.

"Yiping, can you give me the address of Uncle Chuanping that you often deliver food to?"

"Huh? Uncle Chuanping?"

Yiping was slightly surprised at Nie Kong's question, and then frowned, very tangled, but judging from Nie Kong's serious attitude, he was finally ready to agree to Nie Kong's request.

"The boss said that he can't reveal the addresses of any guests, but since Brother Nie Kong's request, there is no way."

The girly version of Yiping searched his body for a while, frowning tightly because of the reason he couldn't find it. It was not until he took out a note that he smiled.

"Brother Nie Kong, here you are, this is Uncle Chuanping's address!"

"Ah, thank you, Yiping."

Nie Kong nodded, and at the same time took the note and glanced at it.

It does have a simple address written on it, Kawahira's name, and the type of ramen. I know Ippei put it on the body when delivering the food.

"Brother Nie Kong, don't tell anyone! The boss said that Uncle Chuanping's address must never be known to anyone!"

Although he gave the address to Nie Kong, Yiping was obviously still a little worried.

"Well, yes, I see."

Nie Kong nodded and put the note in his pocket.

"One more thing, do you know anything about Uncle Chuanping, Lan Bo Yiping?"

"That's a wretched uncle who always bullies Yiping!"

Lan Bo stretched out a head behind Yiping and yelled very uncomfortably.

"Lambo, Uncle Chuanping is not a wretched uncle! And he didn't bully me!"

Yiping corrected Lan Bo's remarks with some dissatisfaction, "Although Mr. Chuanping was angry because of the batter, he ate everything he didn't waste!"

"Well, what then?"

Nie Kong thought for a while and continued to ask.

", except for ramen, you won't see Uncle Chuanping at all!"

"Yes, that guy not only does not go out, but his house never allows people to enter!"

Lan Bo also nodded, added, and then muttered softly.

"I don't know what he does at home every day..."

As the voice just fell, a burst of pink smoke rose, and the child Lan Bo Yiping from ten years ago appeared in front of Nie Kong again.

"How about, Lan Bo, Yiping, have you inquired about Uncle Chuanping?"

"Uncle Chuanping? Who is that?"

After going to the future, Lan Bo had forgotten what was going on.

It was okay for Yiping, but he was also frowning, and shook his head at Nie Kong embarrassedly.

"Sorry, Yiping didn't inquire about the news."

"Um..." Nie Kong thought for a while, "You haven't inquired about the news, does it mean that the person who asked you didn't say it, or there is no such person?"

"Yiping tried to ask, but they all said they didn't know someone named Chuanping."

Yiping was a little sad. After all, Nie Kong was very good to her, but she didn't help.

"It doesn't matter, Yiping is already great!"

Nie Kong squinted at the heartless Lan Bo, smiled and took out all his candies, only to Yiping.

In fact, Nie Kong didn't expect them to get useful news back. Nie Kong's focus was originally on the future girl Yiping.

After getting the address of Chuanping, even though it was the address ten years later, Nie Kong was still going to find and try it.

Well, although Nie Kong's fixed heaven ring can open the channel of the dimension, the parallel world is different.Parallel world is a normal derived world. Belief is not high, and it is difficult to be discovered.

For example, the first Dragon Ball Nie Kong ever went to was a parallel world, and it would not affect this world if it was destroyed.

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