The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 083, remember to change your breath next time

It was late at night, and everyone else had already soaked in the hot springs.

Lan Bo, who sneaked out, originally wanted to take the hot spring pool as his own. However, when he saw that there were already people inside, his aura suddenly disappeared.

"Master Lan Bo! Master Lan Bo!"

"Lambo...At this time, I should be sleeping..."

Yiping rubbed his eyes and appeared at the door with sleepy eyes, trying to persuade Lan Bo to go back to sleep.

However, she saw Nie Kong with his upper body naked.His face flushed and turned red, and he quickly covered his eyes, turned around, turned his back to Nie Kong, and squatted down.

"Yiping? Why did you run out suddenly?"

Kyoko, who was uneasy to follow out because Ippei suddenly got up, followed to the men's bath with a look of confusion, thinking that no one was there at this time, so she walked in unsuspectingly.

As a result, Nie Kong just got out of the bath, ready to seal the noisy Lan Bo's mouth. As soon as he bent down and picked up Lan Bo, as soon as he looked up, he saw Kyoko Sasakawa who was standing at the door, staring at him dumbfounded.

"Ah, Xiao Jing."

Nie Kong's smile stiffened for a moment, and then returned to his usual appearance, "Xiao Jing is not ready to rest?"


Kyoko flushed with a look of bewilderment, desperately waving her hands, and then turned her back quickly as if she had suddenly realized something, "I didn't mean to peek!"

Although she said so, Kyoko still couldn't help thinking back in her mind. Her cheeks became hot and her blushing became more and more.

When Nie Kong approached, Nie Kong clearly felt that Jingzi's body was stiff for a moment, and he did not dare to move at all.

However, after what he said, Kyoko seemed to be irritated, turned around, backed up, bowed at ninety degrees and said, "I didn't mean to see it!" After that, he fled like a trot.

"Haha, that's true, that girl obviously dares to confess to herself."

Nie Kong couldn't help but chuckle, and then turned around leisurely, preparing to return to the hot spring pool to soak in the hot spring.

In fact, he has wrapped his lower body with a bath towel, but because of his soaking body, coupled with the hazy water vapor caused by the hot spring pool, the inexplicable work-mouth in this scene will make Kyoko feel ashamed and shy. , Is also excusable.

After reentering the hot spring pool, Yiping also ran with Kyoko, leaving only a blue wave with an inexplicable face, staring at Nie Kong in a daze without knowing what happened.

"Lambo, do you want to go back to sleep or take a bath?"

"Um... Master Lan Bo should go back to sleep."

Lan Bo originally wanted to take over by himself, so he made a surprise attack. Since Nie Kong was here, he also lost interest.

Watching Lan Bo leave, Nie Kong was soaking in the hot springs alone, and he was very happy.

Time flies quickly, and dawn will soon arrive, when it's time to return.

Because of what happened last night, Kyoko hadn't been embarrassed to look at each other with Nie Kong, and even looked at each other, and immediately blushed and turned away.

This apparently wrong situation did not improve until the day when I returned to school, when other people's inquiry was fruitless, the person concerned did not intend to say it, and the onlookers were not interested in explaining it.

"Don't forget to review the content of today's class after you get home!"

The school bell rang, and Nie Kong, who had finished the last class while packing up the lecture notes, beckoned to Kyoko, who was packing up his books and was going back.

"Xiao Jing, you stay here for a while and follow me to the office."

"Huh?" Jing Zi suddenly raised his head, but when he saw that Nie Kong didn't care at all, he felt relieved when he saw Nie Kong's usual manner of asking students to go to the office.


After bidding farewell to the Falcon and others at the prison temple, Kyoko walked towards Nie Kong's office alone.

"I'm here."

After knocking on the door, Kyoko answered casually, opened the door and walked into the office.

"Xiao Jing."

Nie Kong suddenly appeared behind the door and gently hugged Jingzi.

"Why have you been hiding from me lately?"

Holding Jingzi's waist from behind Jingzi, Nie Kong slightly bent his body and leaned his cheek on Jingzi's shoulder, "Does Xiao Jing dislike me?"

"No, it's not!"

When Nie Kong was in such close contact, Jingzi's back was tight. She was originally ashamed because of Nie Kong's approach. After hearing Nie Kong's whisper, she immediately became anxious and quickly expressed her feelings.

"I like you teacher the most!"

Nie Kong chuckled, "I like you Xiaojing too!"

"Xiao Jing, close your eyes."


Kyoko responded gently, closing her eyes a little uneasy, her cheeks slightly raised, expecting something faintly.

Slowly approaching Kyoko, Kyoko's body has a very good smell, which is different from the faint perfume smell on Bi Yangqi's body, but more similar to the smell of laundry detergent. It is very ordinary, but it is kind of people. I felt very peaceful in my heart, with a touch of stability.

Kyoko's lips were soft, like marshmallows, with a cake-like sweetness. Because of being too nervous, they were slightly touched, with a dreamlike hazy feeling.

Nie Kong slowly tightened the arm that was holding Jingzi's waist, causing Jingzi to lean forward, narrowing the distance, and becoming more compliant with his body.

I don't know if it was because of being too nervous or because it was the first time I kissed, Jingzi kept holding her breath and didn't dare to take a breath. After Nie Kong kissed for a while, he had to leave Jingzi's cherry lips reluctantly.

"Idiot, remember to change your breath when kissing!"

Seeing Kyoko's face flushed, I don't know whether it was because of being too shy or because he held his breath for too long. However, it is certain that Kyoko's obedient and clumsy response appeared to please Nie Kong.

"Next time...I'll know..."

Kyoko responded with a blushing face.

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