The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 101. Kyoko's surprise?

"Mr. Enzo, tomorrow is a holiday, everyone will be at home, in order to implement a plan, so you must go out with the teacher tomorrow, and before getting my permission, you must do everything possible to prevent him from going home..."

Going up the stairs, in a place where Nie Kong's eyes were invisible, Nie Kong's excellent ear power made him inadvertently hear Kyoko lowered his voice and confessed to Enzo.

"Uh... Miss... OK, I get it!"

Enzo's voice came intermittently. From the initial hesitation to the later affirmation, Nie Kong could probably guess Enzo's mood.

At such a close distance, even if Kyoko lowered her voice purposely, Enzo knew that Nie Kong saw and heard it.

Therefore, he hesitated, whether to remind Kyoko.

However, after another thought, Nie Kong, a powerful and delicate person, might have noticed this a long time ago. He just didn't want to disappoint the enthusiasm of Kyoko and others, so he always treated it as if he didn't know.

Therefore, after Enzo figured it out, he immediately pretended not to notice, and nodded to indicate that there was no problem.

On Nie Kong's side, although he knew what Jingzi and the others were planning in secret, he was not very clear about the content of the plan, nor did he intend to know what Jingzi and the others planned.

"Brother, Master Mukuro wants to see you."

Kulom walked to Nie Kong's face and said hesitantly.

To be honest, Liu Dao Mukuro is too far away like this.

Therefore, Kulom was a little worried that Nie Kong would be unhappy.

However, Nie Kong just happened to be in a good mood, so he didn't plan much, smiling and raising his head to respond to Kulom, saying that he knew.

Seeing that Nie Kong didn't mind, Kulom breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother, you seem to be very happy?"

Kulom tilted his head and opened his eyes wide, staring at Nie Kong's face curiously, watching his reaction.

"Colom, are you free tomorrow?"

Nie Kong did not answer, but after hearing Kulom's question, he asked thoughtfully.

"Um... After finishing my homework, if there is no accident at the headquarters, then I should be free."

Kulom thought for a while and replied in a safe way.

"what happened?"


Seeing this reaction of Kulom, Nie Kong also confirmed his own thoughts.

It seems that Kyoko and others' plan did not inform Kulom.

At least not yet.

"Then—" Nie Kong said leisurely, "Will you go out with me tomorrow?"


Although Kulom didn't understand why Nie Kong suddenly invited herself out to play, she never refused Nie Kong's request.

"Let's go!"

After seeing Kulom's consent, Nie Kong got up and said, "Go and see what Ms. Mukuro can do with me!"

Kulom was about to nod his head, but was snatched by Sasakawa who was approaching in advance.

"Teacher Nie Kong?"

Sasakawa looked very worried and hurried to Nie Kong's side.

"The kid brought back by Teacher Nie Kong seems to have something wrong!"

Before the meal, Kuriyanjin was resting, so she didn't bother. However, not long after Sasakawa finished eating and returned to the room to study, Kuriyanjin, who was supposed to be well, suddenly felt very uncomfortable and moaned in pain. Up.

This frightened Sasakawa Lehei.

He wasn't sure whether Gu Li Yanzhen's appearance was because of his own treatment or other reasons. He tried to calm Gu Li Yanzhen down, but was bounced back by the opponent's power.

Sasakawa stunned in shock, and then immediately ran out to find Nie Kong.

"Don't worry, tell me what's the situation!"

Nie Kong, who was about to find Liu Dao Mukuro, immediately turned cold, and walked towards Sasakawa's room, while trying his best to soothe Sasakawa's emotions.

"I don't know it very well either. Even when I was doing today's homework, I was fine, but suddenly I heard the sound from the bed, and then I saw that something was wrong with the child."

Sasakawa took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

"Don't panic, it's okay, I'm here!"

Nie Kong patted Sasakawa lightly on Ping's shoulder, indicating that everything is on his own, so don't panic.

Looking at Nie Kong who was calm and composed, Sasakawa Leping slowly calmed down.

While talking, Nie Kong and others had already arrived at Sasakawa's room and saw the real situation of Guriyan.

Gu Li Yanzhen seemed to be suffering from intense pain at this time. His veins exploded, cold sweat was flowing, and his expression was squalid. He closed his eyes tightly, and groaned unconsciously in his mouth.

However, the groan was very suppressed, and it could be seen that Guri Yanzhen was trying to restrain himself at this time.

Seeing the real situation of Kuriyan, he was able to understand why Sasakawa was so panicked.

"Guli Yanzhen."

Seeing Gu Liyan's real situation, Kulom frowned and began to worry about his situation, but Nie Kong's complexion remained unchanged. He walked to Gu Liyan's real situation, raised his hand, extended a finger, and clicked. At the center of Gu Li Yanzhen's eyebrows, he called Gu Li Yanzhen's name word by word.

Nie Kong's voice seemed to be hypnotic. The painful distortion of Gu Liyan gradually calmed down, and his breath also eased.

Sasakawa looked at the situation in amazement.

Although he knew that Nie Kong must have a solution, he could not help but exclaim when he saw the solution so quickly.

Kulom was very considerate and hurriedly poured a cup of tea, and then brought it to Gu Li Yanzhen, who woke up in a leisurely manner.


Gu Liyan really had a lot of cold sweat all over his body, and his lips were very dry. Kulom guessed that he would be very thirsty when he woke up.

"Thank you……"

Gu Li Yanzhen just woke up, his throat was so dry, he just saw a glass of water appearing in front of him, as if he saw an oasis in the desert, he quickly took the water, and after taking a big sip, he found out that he was handing it to him. It was Kulom who blushed involuntarily, lowered his head, and thanked him quietly.

"Or?" Kulom tilted his head, with no expression on his face, but his eyes faintly revealed that he was really worried about Gu Liyan.

"Enough is enough, no need, thank you."

Gu Liyan raised his head slightly embarrassed, looked at Kulom, waved his hand slightly, indicating that he was much better.

"Colom is such a gentle boy."

Nie Kong looked at Kulom approvingly, and slightly let go of his body.

"It just so happens that I am also a little thirsty..."

"Brother, do you want me to make a cup of tea for you?"

After hearing Nie Kong's words, Kulom was stunned for a moment, then looked at Nie Kong, and asked ignorantly.

Nie Kong nodded and did not refuse.

Kulom left the room, and Sasakawa approached Kuri Yanzhen in excitement and checked his situation.

"That... Excuse me—"

Gu Li Yanzhen, who was shrinking like a little rabbit, raised his hand carefully, and said softly as if to ask questions.

"What happened to me just now?"

"Don't you remember what happened before you woke up?"

Sasakawa was surprised.

After all, Gu Liyan really looked like, really scared, as if he was suffering from great pain, it shouldn't be possible to feel nothing at all.

But Gu Liyan's expression was really confused, innocent, and pitiful, it didn't seem to be lying at all.

"I only remember that I was a little sleepy, so I fell asleep unconsciously, and felt uncomfortable when I woke up..."

Although Gu Li Yanzhen was a bit of a waste, he was not stupid. He could detect the changes in his body.

"The specific situation needs to be understood before we can judge. I will not harm you, so I hope you can honestly cooperate with me."

Nie Kong said lightly, looking at Gu Li Yanzhen.

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