The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 0110, Alia visits

"I am very happy that you have realized this."

Listening to Skaru's words, Nie Kong sat up with interest and looked at Skaru for a while.

"If you are willing to join my family, I can help you get rid of the curse."

"Huh?" Sculpture raised his head fiercely. "Didn't you worry about my abilities from the beginning?"

"I am really interested in your ability to survive, but it doesn't have to be captured."

"Your ability is just tasteless to me."

As the originator of vampires, Nie Kong has an immortal body, so he doesn't need to care about the aging of his body.

Under such circumstances, Skaru's undead ability was precious to others, but to Nie Kong, it seemed tasteless.


Only then did he realize that he was completely smashed by Nie Kong's Sculptor's face, flushed, glared at Nie Kong in anger and opened his mouth, before he could say anything imposing, he touched Nie Kong in his sight. If Ruowu's icy time is cold, it suddenly resembles a deflated balloon, defeating the battle.

"I am willing to join!"

Skaru is a very optimistic person. Although he became angry at first because of being teased by Nie Kong, he quickly changed his mind.

He only needs to join Nie Kong's team. Not only can he regain his freedom and get rid of the curse, but he can also be protected by Nie Kong. Anyway, he has earned it!

Thinking about this, Skaru immediately became excited, approached Nie Kong excitedly, nodded constantly, staring directly at Nie Kong with gleaming eyes.

"If that's the case, then it's hard for me to use my own as the first experiment..."

Nie Kong muttered to himself thoughtfully, although his words were not loud, they made Skaru sweat continuously.

"When will Lieburn arrive?"

After thinking for a while, Nie Kong was still ready to take the strongest Lieborn.

Get the strongest hand training first, so that the next few people can control the strength.

Although the wind is pretty good, as Yiping's master, Nie Kong still has to take Yiping's feelings into consideration.

"I will inform you as soon as Lieburn arrives!"

Sculp wasn't sure, so he could only guarantee Nie Kong like this.

"That's right!" Nie Kong suddenly thought of something, "Is the son of Rainbow who represents Dakong this time, Luce or Arya?"

It was Arya who appeared in the trial chapter, but now the time is much earlier, so Nie Kong is not sure that Roche is still there.


Hearing the name Lucie, Scarru, who had been heartless, couldn't help but feel a little lowered, "Lucie is no longer..."

"That's it."

Nie Kong's eyes closed slightly, thoughtful.

Dakong, the children of the rainbow, is an exception to the children of the rainbow. The curse has not changed their appearance, but their lives are not long.

Among the cursed babies of Lieburn's generation, the original representative of Dakong was Lucie, the boss of the Kilionero family, but his life did not last long. After leaving the world, he inherited his power and family position to his daughter Arya. .

However, Arya's life is not long, like a curse. Just like Luce, Arya inherited everything from her to her daughter Uni.

Dakong, the child of the rainbow, has an orange pacifier, and is the cornerstone of the world like the Penglai ring.

With the pacifier of the son of Dakong Rainbow, it can travel through parallel space, time, space, all abilities are given by the mother, Luce, and passed on to the next generation.

"If I remember correctly, the ability of the son of the Rainbow Rainbow is to see through people's inner world, to feel the thoughts and feelings of others, and to inherit super-intuition from his mother to predict the future..."

Nie Kong stared into the distance, muttering to himself, with many thoughts.

Not to mention that you can see through people's inner world and feel others' thoughts and feelings. Nie Kong is very interested in the ability of the son of the rainbow to predict the future.

"If I can, I still want to have a good chat with Luce..."

Nie Kong sighed helplessly, regretting Luce's departure.


And Sculp didn't know Nie Kong's thoughts, his intentions, or how Nie Kong knew the information, so he was embarrassed and didn't know how to react.


When he noticed that someone was approaching, Nie Kong had calmly retracted all his emotions, raised a consistent smile, and looked at Sculloo, "Go back first."

There is no need to stay here.

After hearing that he could leave, Sculpture was amnesty, and he didn't even bother to say hello, and he had already left the place in a slip.

"This guy, escapes faster than anyone else!"

Nie Kong looked helplessly in the direction where Skaru left, and then moved his gaze to the entrance of the rooftop.

Really, Cao Cao is here!

"Miss Arya—" Nie Kong got up, tidyed up his dress, then smiled at the woman walking towards him, nodded slightly to show friendship.


"Hello, Mr. Nie Kong."

Arya had a trademark gentle smile on her face, but when she looked at Nie Kong, her eyes were full of defense.

"It seems that I don't need to introduce myself anymore!"

Arya also politely nodded to Nie Kong to show her friendliness. After all, she was from Italy, and she was quite good at etiquette.

"Miss Arya is much more beautiful than I thought!"

Nie Kong also gave full play to his gentlemanly demeanor. Although what he said seemed flattering at first, when he said it in Nie Kong's mouth, it was indeed very sincere and from the heart.

"Mr. Nie Kong really praised him."

Arya chuckled, "Mr. Nie Kong is much gentler than I thought!"

Arya, who has always been able to read other people's thoughts and perceptions, can't see Nie Kong's heart clearly, which made her feel a little interested.

Nie Kong in this way is no different from a wealthy son with a good tutor in Italy.

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