The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 4 0116, Kyoko ten years later

Rather than listening to Irie Masaichi's explanation, who is now confused, it is better to look at the trust and judgment situation for himself and it is more convenient and quick.

"Good, good."

As he received an amnesty, I ran to the bed with excitement, took out an iron box under the bed and handed it to Nie Kong.

"All the letters I have received now are here."

When Nie Kong took over the iron box, Rujiang Zhengyi suddenly thought that those letters still contained a lot of little secrets about his unknown future that he used to make him believe, he couldn't help but hesitate.

However, after Nie Kong glanced at himself faintly, Ru Jiang was so scared that he immediately let go and shrank to the side.

He can't be blamed for being too embarrassed, mainly because Teacher Nie Kong's aura is too strong!

Irrie was eager to cry without tears.

"Where is the Bazooka for Ten Years?"

After Nie Kong read the contents of all the letters with a glance and ten lines, he raised his eyes to Irue Masaichi.

"Yes, here..."

Iru Jiang tremblingly opened the closet door, took out a large box, placed it gently in front of Nie Kong, and quickly retracted.

"About the situation, I already know something."

Nie Kong took the letter, nodded at Ir Jiang, and then returned the iron box to the opponent.

"You help watch, I'll go to the future."

However, the only difference is that the time Nie Kong goes to the future is not the same as the current time, and the time difference between each time is not the same.


When he was about to use the rocket launcher for ten years, Nie Kong suddenly thought of a question, "Help me calculate the time, I want to test it."

The current Nie Kong didn't know why his future self didn't deal with this drawback, but he now didn't want to keep this hidden danger.

"Oh, I see." Irue nodded obediently, indicating that there is no problem.

This task is much simpler than other tasks, and Irie Masaichi is naturally more happy.

Because Nie Kong does not belong to this world, even if Nie Kong spends ten years with a rocket launcher to go to the future, the future Nie Kong will not appear in front of Yi Jiang.

At the same time as the smoke rose, Irujiang Zhengyi also started to confront the time, and then stared at the place where Nie Kong disappeared, waiting for Nie Kong's reappearance.

And Nie Kong calmly felt that the surrounding situation had changed, and before the smoke cleared, he was already alert to the surrounding situation.

In the world ten years from now, what will happen is not certain.

"Jun Nie?"

A sweet and suspicious voice came from right in front. Although his voice became mature, Nie Kong could hear it.

That was Kyoko's voice.


After seeing the true face, Jingzi looked at Nie Kong with a surprised expression, but soon calmed down, "Are you Nie Jun ten years ago?"

Although her complexion had calmed down, Kyoko's eyes still revealed a puzzled expression.

"Well, I am Nie Kong ten years ago."

Nie Kong looked at the mature version of Kyoko with long hair in front of him, wearing a suit, his eyes quickly returned to normal after he was surprised at first.

"Xiao Jing is really a beauty."

Although it was only a short meeting, Nie Kong could clearly see that Kyoko had become a lot more mature.

When things happen, he is calm and calm, and his body exudes a mature aura, but he has the courage of a leader.

"Well, now everyone is from Jun Nie, and you already understand Jun Nie's nature!"

The adult version of Kyoko was not the same as before. Facing Nie Kong's praise, she blushed at all times. Instead, she smiled and pursed her lips, and then looked straight at Nie Kong.

"After so many years, I am not the same me back then~"

Jingzi held a long tone, looked at Nie Kong with a smile, and then suddenly got close to Nie Kong, pushing Nie Kong towards the back wall, supporting the wall with one hand, and putting one hand on Nie Kong’s shoulder, and directly offered it. Fragrant kiss.

Nie Kong was stunned at first, and soon turned away from the guest, changed the passive to the initiative, turned over and changed positions with Jingzi, supporting the wall with one hand, and lifting the adult version of Jingzi's chin with the other hand, facing her fan -Tender fragrant lips, kissed hard.

Jingzi closed her eyes like enjoyment and let out a dazed "Uh", very actively responding to Nie Kong's kiss.

Although Nie Kong's kiss was heavy at first, he quickly began to lightly peck it, kissing Jingzi to his heart, and involuntarily tightening Nie Kong's waist.

But soon, because he realized that the person in front of him was Nie Kong ten years ago, Jingzi quickly pushed Nie Kong away gently.

"Nie Jun, you are here, should something happen, right?"

Ten years of rocket launchers were of no use to Nie Kong, but the current Nie Kong was from ten years ago, so Kyoko quickly sorted out the relationship.

Although she also wanted to stay together with Nie Kong, it still matters.

As for Nie Kong, although he wanted to deepen his kiss, because there was a reason for coming to the future this time, he had to let Kyoko reluctantly let go.

Nie Kong glanced around, and he unexpectedly discovered that there was no second Nie Kong in this world.

It's just like a bazooka for ten years, suddenly changing others into more than ten years later.In other words, Nie Kong is unique in all parallel worlds.The world ten years later may also be a parallel world.

Seeing Nie Kong's appearance, Jingzi laughed with a "pouch", and pushed Nie Kong's chest with a chuckle, "No hurry, we, the day will be long."

Outside, Kyoko is a leader.

However, in front of Nie Kong, Jingzi will always be just a shy little woman.

"Come, tell me what the situation is now."

From the two words of situation, Jingzi quickly understood that what Nie Kong wanted to know was the current situation between the Italian Mafia families, lowered his eyes and thought about it, organized the language, and then raised his eyes to Nie Kong.

"This is the family's headquarters in Italy. The headquarters in Japan is mainly managed by Skylark. This time we came here to investigate Bailan's origin."

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