The Collapse Of Second Element

The collapse of the second element Text 5 1-02184, set out to find puffer whales

After getting information about the new ingredients, Nie Kong and the others set out.Taking the special train, I saw a lot of delicious food along the way, which opened the eyes of several women.

After a day's journey, they finally arrived in front of a deep cave, and in front of the cave there were many wolves staring at them.After seeing Nie Kong and the others, he showed a mocking smile.They are food thieves and food killers, and they want to attack foodies when the food hunters who have caught the puffer whale come out.

Seeing Nie Kong taking a few girls in, they felt that Nie Kong was dead.

And inside the dark cave

After Nie Kong and his party sneaked into the cave, they found that the cave was different from what it looked outside. They saw that the inside was very spacious, and there was still an inexplicable voice.

This cave is a little weird!

Xiao Shi walked at the end as usual, looked around the cave, and said, "It's bigger than expected!"

"Hinshi, you have to keep the lights on. If it gets dark, you won't see anything! And, don't let Hinshi go away with us" Nie Kong reminded.

Darkness is not a good thing... Almost all human intelligence is obtained visually.

But when I just thought of this, Mengmeng over there suddenly rushed to the left and said loudly, "Ah! There is [Gabagaba Mushroom] here!!!".

"Ah! There is [Gabagaba Mushroom] here!!!" Mengmeng was like finding a baby.

Gaba Gaba Mushroom (Plant)

Hunting level: 1

Habitat: wet and dark place

Body length: 15cm20cm


Weight: 150g

Price: 350 yen per tree

Introduction: Mushrooms of the yellow-green Tricholomaceae which are the same basidiomycetes as Matsutake.Like its name, raw food will make a rattling sound, which is unusually stiff, but after water, the hardness will become soft.It's just that "the teeth can chew well" as an excuse. It is more popular to eat raw instead of boiled.The "Gaba Gaba Mushroom Stick" sprinkled with salt and pepper has become the most popular dish on the menu in izakayas.

Dong Xiang also ran directly towards [Gaba Gaba Mushroom] regardless of the three or seven or twenty!!

"What, really! I'm here too!"

"Wow! This [Gabagaba Mushroom] is really delicious! Bite it and it sounds in your mouth, it's really delicious!" Hina Shi cutely ate a [Gabagaba Mushroom] and exclaimed excitedly.

"Dad, dad! Look!" Chu Shi held more than a dozen [Gaba Gaba Mushrooms] and ran towards Nie Kong and handed it to him.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to find so many [Gabagaba Mushrooms] at once! Dad, can these [Gabagaba Mushrooms] be used in other dishes?!" Chu Shi said excitedly to Nie Kong.

Nie Kong hadn't eaten this stuff either. He couldn't help but picked up a [Gabagaba Mushroom] and put it in his mouth and tasted it carefully. There was a unique fragrance of straw mushrooms in the mouth, and it was very crisp when bitten!

"Well, this thing is okay for drinking! If it is used for soup, it will be almost useless. Eat it as a snack!" Nie Kong said.

Hina Shi was slightly disappointed after listening, "That's it!"

Then he turned his head and looked at Nie Kong with a smile: "Dad, I'll give you all this!"

When Nie Kong heard this, he immediately touched Chu Shi's head: "Chuan Shi is so good!"

Nie Kong took all of the [Gabagaba Mushrooms], and then began to share it with several women.The women began to stuff their mouths constantly, only to hear the sound of "gacky" from eating!

After a small episode passed, a few people continued to move forward, and after a while, a group of people came to a fork in the road.

The left and right openings are all black and can't be seen clearly.

"Ah! The road ahead is divided into two! Where shall we go?" Hina asked in surprise.

"How is it, Jun Nie, which way to go!" Mato Akatsuki asked.

While Nie Kong was eating [Gabagaba Mushrooms], he made a sound of gabagaba, and then stared at the cave in front of him and said: "And the hole on the left has a little salty taste."

When Nie Kong heard this, he said nothing: "Then it means the left side, right? Let's go!!"

Ever since, a few people chose the cave on the left and moved on!

After walking into the cave on the left, a few people discovered that the cave was actually a steep slope, and the road was very difficult and slippery!

"The road here is slippery, you should pay attention to it!"

Mahato Akatsuki walked in front, and then reminded Nie Kong and his party behind him.

As a big sister, I used to take good care of Dong Xiang and them.

Real household knows the way ahead, and Nie Kong and Niekong and the others followed, and the three of them continued to move forward.

After walking for a while, Nie Kong raised his hand and stopped a few people to signal not to go any further.

The women looked at Nie Kong bewilderedly, and immediately stopped and did not move forward!

"What's wrong!!" And Hina continued to walk forward.

Suddenly she just felt her whole body sink down, and the whole fell down!!

Fortunately, Nie Kong made a timely move and pulled her up!

Xiao Shi was so frightened that he hugged Nie Kong's thigh, only then realized that there was a small cliff ahead!

"Almost fell... Huh..."

Hinushi glanced at the bottom with a puzzled look, and found that this small cliff was not very high, only a few meters in height, even if it fell down, it would be fine.

But when Hina took a closer look, she almost didn't scare her into tears, because there were countless unidentified black creatures under the cliff!!

Even Nie Kong was surprised and speechless, what a big cockroach.

I saw a cockroach the size of a football crawling underneath.

Of course, the words of a cockroach are not enough to surprise Nie Kong. The problem is that the groups of big elders make goose bumps, let alone the girls who are afraid of cockroaches.

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